The Effectiveness of Reality Therapy on Worry and Rumination in the Mothers of Children with Intellectual Disability
Subject Areas : Psychology
Behzad Taghipuor
Maryam Toosi
Fariba Abdi
1 - University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Department of Psychology, Ardabil, Iran.
2 - Islamic Azad University Buin zahra Branch, Department of General Psychology, Buin Zahra, Iran.
3 - Islamic Azad University Ardabil Branch, Department of Clinical Psychology, Ardabil, Iran.
Keywords: worry, reality therapy, rumination,
Abstract :
The present study was conducted with the aim of determining the effectiveness of reality therapy on worry and rumination in the mothers of children with intellectual disability. The statistical population was whole client mothers of the children with intellectual disability in Ardabil Seyed Hatami comprehensive health clinic in the year 2021. 30 mothers were selected through the purposive sampling method and randomly assigned into two equal experimental and control. Experimental group received 8 weeks of reality therapy 90 minutes each session, and two months later, the follow-up phase was done. During this period, the control group did not receive any intervention. Pennsylvania Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) of Meyer, Miller, Metzqer and Borkovec (1990) and Rumination Response Scale(RRS) of Nolen-Houseman and Moro (1991) were used in pre-test, post-test and follow up to assess the subjects. Data were analyzed by Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The result showed that reality therapy was effective on worry and rumination. Therefore, it could be said that the reality therapy reduced worry and rumination scores in mothers of children with intellectual disability and the result were consistent in follow-up.
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