Identifying the Factors Affecting the Perceived Benefits of Social Commerce For Female Online Retail Customers
Subject Areas : ManagementMonire Ghahreman Shahraki 1 , Soheila Zarinjoi Alvar 2 , Narges Ebrahimi 3
1 - Islamic Azad University Abadan Branch, Department of Business Management, Abadan, Iran.
2 - Islamic Azad University Abadan Branch, Department of Business Management, Abadan, Iran.
3 - Islamic Azad University Abadan Branch, Department of Business Management, Abadan, Iran.
Keywords: social commerce, Female online retail customers, Perceived benefits,
Abstract :
The present study aimed to identify the factors affecting the perceived benefits of social commerce for female online retail customers. The study population was all scientific works related to the principles and dimensions of perceived benefits of social commerce of female online retail customers which included 50 retrieval domestic and foreign scientific articles from 2000 to 2021. 30 articles of the mentioned articles were selected as sample. The research was designed as descriptive analytic one. To collect data library method was utilized. By referring to the translated and authored books the necessary note taking on index cards was done and the articles which had the most content concordance and similarity; concerning the subject, key words and the model were reviewed. Finally, the findings showed that the most important factors affecting the perceived benefits were categorized in seven dimensions which included; motivation, willingness to contribute to social business information, social business participation behavior, dimensions of social business, variables and underlying factors of trust and sharing behavior, factors of social and individual interaction and finally gender.
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