A Qualitative Study Of The Phenomenon Of Women Addiction To Shopping
Subject Areas : Sociology
Akram Hobbi
Bahman Mohammadbakhsh
1 - Tabriz University, Department of Social Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - University Tehran, Department of Cultural Sociology, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Women, Qualitative study, shopping addiction,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to investigate the individual, psychological, economic, social, and cultural factors affecting the women to shopping addiction.The general approach of the research was a qualitative approach, based on the experimental phenomenology and implying the lived experience research tradition through the process of deep interview. In this regard, via using the purposive (judgmental) sampling method, the experiences of 15 women were collected and analyzed through the three-step; open, axial and selective coding process. The results were presented in causal, contextual, interventionist, and strategic conditions of classification and its consequences. The findings indicated that the present conditions such as anxiety and depression, emotion-seeking, negative emotions, failure in different parts of life, self-anger, tendency to prove superiority, overemphasis on others' views, hopelessness An unpleasant impression of appearance, thirst for shopping, and so on, if left unchecked, could lead to addiction to shopping and have consequences for the individual and those around him.
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