The Role of Women in Developing the Economic Ramifications of Trunkload Merchandising from Qeshm
Subject Areas : Sociology
Esmat Hosseini
Sasan Vadie
Ehsan Rhmani Khalili
1 - Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Department of sociology, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Department of sociology, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Department of sociology, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: women’s role, economic ramifications, trunkload merchandising, Qeshm,
Abstract :
This study aimed to study the economic ramifications of women's trunkload merchandising from Qeshm to Tehran. The poulation of the research included all women who engaged in commercial trunkloa transportting of commidity from Qeshm to Tehran. Data gathered from the sample to achive theoretical data saturation via 50 half-structured interviews implemeted among 30 female transporter and 20 experts whom were assigned through targeted and snowball sampling. Research design was based on qualitative methodology and Strauss and Corbin’s Grounded Theory. The data were analyzed; in open coding, 143 concepts and 1162 conceptual implications, in axial coding, 31 categories, and in the selective coding, the core category of "prosperous / challenging" were determined. Respondents assessed baggage transport with two contradictory functions; positive and negative economic consequences for women and their families, residents and businesses of Qeshm, as well as for the community and government. In the grounded model, lack of job opportunities, lack of support for deprived people, financial need, obligation, causal conditions and cooperation with runners, customs and police’s violations, government corruption, inadequate business context, Tehran market barriers, Qeshm market, contextual conditions and knowledge of customs regulations, indirect control, shortcuts and favorable conditions, were considered as interfering conditions in the trunkload merchandising process.
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