Explaining the Model of Spiritual Leadership According to the Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and the Role of Emotional Intelligence Moderator (case study: Public libraries of Fars province, Kohgilouye and Boyer Ahmad)
Subject Areas : Operations Management
Abolhasan Hemateyan
Mohammad Jalal Kamali
Navid Fatehi Rad
Sanjar Salajeghe
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Keywords: spiritual leadership, emotional intelligence, organizational citizenship behavior, public libraries.,
Abstract :
Abstract In recent years, problems such as lack of spirituality, psychological problems, depression, loneliness, sense of emptiness and futility, selfishness and mistrust have increased among the employees, and to solve such problems, spiritual leadership can save this cultural institution. be The purpose of this research is to design a model of spiritual leadership (dependent variable) according to the impact of organizational citizenship behavior (independent variable), emotional intelligence (moderating variable). The research method is mixed and Delphi. A questionnaire was used to collect the required data. In this research, in the qualitative part, information was collected using a semi-structured interview and a questionnaire from a Delphi panel or experts, and the collected information was subjected to content analysis using the scientific method and through Maxqda software, and the components The results of that led to the production of a questionnaire in the quantitative section. This questionnaire includes 3 components of spiritual leadership, organizational citizenship behavior and emotional intelligence, 17 dimensions and 63 questions. The statistical population of the current research in the quantitative part is 240 employees of the public libraries of Fars, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmed provinces, who were selected by a one-stage cluster random method. It is necessary to explain that in order to collect the questionnaire information, two online and manual methods were used to collect the required information. Spss and Amos software were used in this section (quantitative) to analyze the data collected from the questionnaire. Results: Both research variables, organizational citizenship behavior (independent variable) and emotional intelligence (moderating variable) have a positive and significant effect on spiritual leadership.
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