Identifying and Prioritizing the Dimensions and Components of Academic Entrepreneurship Development in the Field of Humanities
Subject Areas : Entrepreneurship and InnovationReyhaneh Goudarzi 1 , rasoul Hosseini 2 , Seyyed Kamal Tabaian 3
1 -
2 - Department of Educational Management, Shahid Chamran Campus, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Technology Management, Malek Ashtar University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: DEMATEL, Humanities, development model, culture, Academic Entrepreneurship,
Abstract :
The field of humanities is different from other fields in many aspects, therefore, in order to develop academic entrepreneurship in this field, we need its special model. In this article, two goals are pursued, first, the key components of the development of academic entrepreneurship are identified, and then we discuss the prioritization and influence of the dimensions on each other. This article is practical in terms of its purpose. After carrying out library studies, using the fuzzy Delphi method, we have identified the dimensions, and in the second step, we have used the Dematel method and the ranking of the components using the analytical network process (ANP) to find cause and effect relationships. Therefore, the components of the government's role, entrepreneurial culture, the educational structure and financial infrastructure of the penetrating (cause) and the components of the university structure, research and commercialization and the communication links under the influence (effect) are introduced. The first priority of university entrepreneurship development was entrepreneurial culture and in order expanded developmental periphery including research and commercialization, communication links, strengthened steering core including university structure, stimulated academic heartland includes educational structure, financial resources including financial infrastructure and the least important is the government component.
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