Modelling Robust Optimization in DEA With Ratio Data: A Case Study of Commercial Banks
Subject Areas : Financial Mathematics
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Keywords: Data Envelopment Analysis, Ratio Analysis , Robust Optimization, Common Set of Weights Uncertainty , Banking, ,
Abstract :
In many practical problems, we face situations where the data ratio is important for the decision-maker (DM). Data envelopment analysis ratio-based (DEA-R) and ratio analysis models are presented to deal with the above issue in data envelopment analysis (DEA). If the data is uncertain, it is no longer possible to use the basic DEA-R and ratio analysis models to evaluate the efficiency of decision-making units (DMUs). In this paper, we will first discuss robust optimization modelling based on DEA-R models. In this regard, we consider a case where the inputs have an uncertain numerical value and the outputs have certain values. In the following, we present the ratio analysis model based on the set of common weights of all the ratios of input to output components and obtain this model for robust optimization. To show the validity of the proposed approach, we use it to evaluate the efficiency of 38 excellent banks that compete in the global market and compare the results of the proposed approach in this paper with the results of previous approaches.
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