Evaluation of cultural tourism indicators in tourism development (Case study; Isfahan)
Subject Areas : Urban planningموسوی musavi 1 , , hasan beykmohammadi 2 , hossein sarami 3
1 - PhD student in Geography, Isfahan (Khorasgan) branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: tourism development, T test, Cultural Tourism, Tourists, SFAHAN CITY,
Abstract :
The city of Isfahan due to its special geographical location and historical antiquity from the distant past has a variety of historical attractions; cultural; Is artistic and social; And continuously as one of the major tourism hubs of Iran; It has been a good host for domestic and foreign tourists; But due to poor management and planning; Unfortunately, he has not been able to do what he deserves so far; Be successful in terms of attracting tourists and earning foreign exchange. The purpose of this study is to analyze the capabilities of cultural tourism in Isfahan and the priority of planning on cultural indicators to attract tourists and cultural tourism; Earning foreign currency and developing the tourism industry. This type of research; It is of practical type but based on the nature of descriptive research; It is documentary and analytical. The statistical population consisted of two groups of experts and tourists; Experts are all counted because of the small number, but the number of sample tourists; 384 people have been determined by Cochran's formula; Who participated in completing the questionnaire. In order to analyze the data, SPSS and ArcGIS software as well as structural analysis have been used. The results of this study show that cultural indicators, respectively; Henry; Social and biological are more important in attracting cultural tourists and the priority of urban tourism development planning should be based on them.Extended AbstractIntroduction: The tourism industry is considered as the largest and most diverse industry in the world. Many countries consider this dynamic industry as the main source of income, job creation, private sector growth and infrastructure development. The world's largest service industry has a special place. The tourism industry in the world has developed a lot and many countries have been able to significantly improve their situation with this approach and cover many of their problems such as unemployment, low per capita income and lack of foreign exchange earnings due to the effects. Significantly, tourism activity in the economy of tourist-receiving areas, a lot of attention is paid to this field of activity. The complexity and density of urban life draws many people to nature, and in the meantime, areas with more valuable natural resources are gaining more attention. In this way, tourism flows are formed in order to take advantage of the tranquility and beauty of nature.Methodology: Type of research according to the purpose; Application-Development; In terms of nature and method, it is descriptive, analytical and survey. The statistical population includes foreign tourists in Isfahan, which according to the statistics of 1398, 360 thousand people; With the Cochran sample estimation formula (Hafeznia, 1381: 140), the number and volume of the sample has been determined equal to 384 people. Research information and data are collected using documentary and field methods (questionnaire) and sampling method from the statistical population is random. The research structures include the variables of the relationship between cultural tourism attractiveness in attracting tourists, the relationship between tourism repulsions in reducing tourists and the weakness of infrastructure and superstructure in the development of creative cultural tourism; Which have been measured using the Likert spectrum. Data analysis and hypothesis testing using Excel, SPSS software and Chi-square or Chi-square, univariate and Spearman tests were used. In measuring the validity of the measuring device, the preliminary questionnaire was first examined by a number of experts and finally the face validity of the questionnaire was obtained by deleting and modifying a number of items. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to measure the reliability of items related to each variable and all research items. The calculated alpha value for all items was 0.782, which indicates the validity of the description and the relationship between them scientifically. As Table (1) shows, the alpha value for all variables is higher than 0.7.Results and discussion: Finally, the research hypotheses were tested and the questions were answered; The results of this research show the factors and indicators of cultural attractions (art of architecture; photography; painting; visual arts; antiques; museums and customs) compared to artistic attractions (music; theater; cinema; film; television; Works of art; handicrafts) and social and biological attractions (city squares; markets; language and dialect; historical contexts; environment and neighborhoods; respect for people; security) are more desirable. In this chapter, the reasons for confirming and rejecting the hypotheses are as follows:In the first hypothesis; Considering the comparison of cultural indicators in Tables 4, it indicates that all variables are significant; The results of the table show that there is a significant relationship between the attractiveness of creative cultural tourism and tourist attraction with a 99% confidence level. The direction of the relationship also indicates that there is a direct relationship between the two variables. Therefore, the attractiveness of creative cultural tourism causes tourists to use the properties of these springs. Also, the correlation intensity of r = 0.65 indicates a positive and upward relationship between the two variables. Given the current situation; Our hypothesis is confirmed.In the second hypothesis; There is a significant relationship between the repulsions of creative cultural tourism and the decrease of tourists. In this regard, the independent variable is the repulsions of creative cultural tourism and the dependent variable is the decrease of tourists; Therefore, according to the average of the indicators, it can be concluded that the indicators of repulsion of creative cultural tourism and their significance were measured at another level. This means that the dimension of creative cultural tourism repulsions was created from the set of indicators and then a univariate test (x2) was used to confirm or reject the relationship, the results of which are listed in Table (6). According to Table 7, the value (x2) is equal to 1072-438, its degree of freedom is equal to 4.4 and its significance level is equal to 0.000. Therefore, according to the value (x2) and its significance level, it can be concluded that the following relationship "there is a significant relationship between the repulsions of creative cultural tourism and the reduction of tourists" is confirmed. The independent variable is the weakness of infrastructure facilities and the dependent variable is the underdevelopment of creative cultural tourism in Isfahan. Spearman correlation coefficient is used to measure the variables to determine the relationship between variables and the ranking scale. According to the summary of the results of Table No. (8) p - the value (P-Value) obtained for the contexts and components of the formation of the city of cultural tourism, except for the component of integrated management is more than α = 0.05. . Considering that the lower and upper limits of the confidence interval obtained in all components except the integrated management component are negative and positive, it is concluded that in 6 components, the average status of community opinions using the sample taken with the test value Equal to. In the integrated management component p - the value obtained is less than the desired level of error α = 0.05 and the lower and upper limit of the confidence interval is negative and the equality of the mean with the test value is not accepted but is less than the test value.Therefore, the status of the components, except for integrated management, which is below the average level, is to some extent provided for the formation of a cultural tourism city. Therefore, by influencing all the components and fields studied on the realization of the city of cultural tourism in Isfahan, the research hypothesis is confirmed. Statistical hypotheses are written in the following order:Conclusion: The world today is transitioning from the industrial age to the creative age. In addition to meeting basic needs, the creative age seeks to meet their creative needs such as the need for imagination, mastery, vitality, innovation and curiosity. In the industrial age, the emergence and pervasiveness of concepts such as globalization, the emergence of global metropolises, and the tendency to be under the banner of global brands, has minimized the diversity and variety of destinations that are considered the most important factors in attracting a destination. Today, the efforts of cities and tourist destinations to differentiate themselves from other destinations and to appear in the world tourism maps, has led to the emergence of a type of tourism that is based on cultural and ethnic diversity; Many development planners and policy makers mention tourism as a key pillar of sustainable development and try to gain a greater share of the sector's revenue by identifying the tourism development potential of the region and removing its barriers. According to theoretical foundations and studies.