Evaluating the effects of participation and commitment of the local community and sustainable security on the realization of balanced and sustainable urban development (case study: Naqdeh city)
Subject Areas : Sustainable urban development
Zahra Mohammadi
Reza Valizadeh
Ali Panahi
1 - PhD Student in Geography and Urban Planning, Tabriz University, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor department of geography and urban planning, Tabriz Department, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor department of geography and urban planning, Tabriz Department, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: sustainable security, Local community, Sustainable Development, Balanced development, Participation,
Abstract :
One of the most important steps to achieve balanced and sustainable development is identifying and adapting the city's capacities with balanced and suitable development capacities to utilize maximum capacity service capacities. The unbalanced development of Naqadeh city is a dynamic and continuous process and today has become one of the problems of urban spaces during which urban areas and their physical spaces in vertical and horizontal directions have caused the city to expand outside the city limits. Therefore, determining the direction and manner of physical expansion of the city to meet the current needs and forecasting for future needs is essential for urban planners and managers. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of participation and commitment of local community and sustainable security on the research of balanced and sustainable development of Naqadeh in the form of a correlation survey research project. The statistical population of this study was about 127,671 male and female citizens of Naqadeh according to the statistics obtained from Naqadeh governorate. According to the statistical population, the sample was calculated by multi-stage cluster sampling using Cochrane formula with 95% confidence level. The number was 383 (253 males and 130 females). Balanced development, sustainable development, participation and commitment questionnaires of local community, sustainable security were used to collect data. To analyze the data, structural equations (SEM) method with the approach of partial least squares and smartpls3 software has been used. In line with the aim of the research, it was concluded that according to the path coefficient of 0.098 and also considering the amount of T for the first part of the hypothesis (participation and commitment of the local community to the research of balanced and sustainable development) which is equal to 2.523. Also, considering the path coefficient of 0.809 and also considering the amount of T for the second part of the hypothesis (sustainable security on the basis of balanced and sustainable development) which is equal to 25.881. Based on the findings of the research, it can be claimed that the participation and commitment of the local community and sustainable security play an essential role in the realization of balanced and sustainable development of Naqadeh.Extended AbstractIntroduction: due to the increasing urbanization and vulnerability of individuals to environmental-environmental conditions, it is more necessary to pay attention to the issues and principles that provide comfort, security and tranquility for the residents of the city so that planners at the macro level for years not too long ago plan in accordance with the population pyramid. In this regard, considering the demographic conditions and lack of sufficient studies to study the indicators of balanced and sustainable development in Naqadeh city, the present study aimed to evaluate the indicators of balanced and sustainable development in this city. Accordingly, in this research, indicators of participation, commitment of local community, sustainable security and balanced and stable development have been used and the main hypothesis of the research is that participation and commitment of local community and sustainable security have an impact on the realization of balanced and sustainable development of Naqadeh city. It has been studied, evaluated and evaluated.Methodology:This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical method. The population of male and female citizens of Naqadeh city, based on the data of the Statistical Center of Iran and the last general census of population and housing in 2016, is equal to 127,671 people, which is the statistical population of the study. Based on cochran formula calculation and with 5% error coefficient, 383 subjects (253 males and 130 females) were selected as the statistical sample. To analyze the data, structural equations (SEM) method with the approach of partial least squares and smartpls3 software has been used. The research tool in the survey section is a questionnaire. The first part includes demographic information and the second part is related to the variables and items of the research. The questionnaire includes 49 questions.Results and discussion:Based on the scores obtained from the sample and performing the T-test, a sample of the results of the analysis is mentioned in Table 3. As can be seen, the Sig value, which is equal to 0.000, is smaller than α=0.05, and the T statistic value is 21.248, which is greater than +1.96. The overall result will be explained in such a way that in terms of balanced and sustainable development according to the average of the society (4.611) is in the desired situation. Standardized factor loads and T-statistics between all items and hidden variables are more than 1.96 and the significance level is less than 0.05.The coefficient of determination shows that more than 75% of the changes are dependent on The variable of sustainable security and more than 90% of the changes depends on the balanced and sustainable development variable and explains it, and the rest of these changes are dependent on other factors and components that In the model and research is not considered according to table 9, it is concluded that since the calculated t statistics is 19.963 and more than 1.96, therefore, the participation and commitment of the local community and sustainable security are significant in the respect of balanced and sustainable development.Conclusion:The findings show that the research model was accepted considering the extracted mean variance indices, compound reliability, Cronbach's alpha. Also, considering the amount of T for the first part of the hypothesis (the participation and commitment of the local community to the endowment of balanced and sustainable development) which is equal to 2.523. Also, considering the path coefficient of 0.809 and also considering the amount of T for the second part of the hypothesis (sustainable security on the realization of balanced and sustainable development) which is equal to 25.881 and based on the research findings, it can be claimed that the participation and commitment of the local community and sustainable security have an essential role in the realization of balanced and sustainable development of Naqadeh city. This hypothesis is confirmed at 99% confidence level