Identifying a conceptual model for achieving urban sustainable regeneration from the perspective of a future studies
Subject Areas : Sustainable urban development
najmeh izadfar
Elham Izadfar
1 - Master of Geography and Urban Planning, Vazvan Payame Noor University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Urban planning, geography, Payame Noor Vazvan, Vazvan, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: conceptual model, sustainable urban regeneration, futures study, urban regeneration,
Abstract :
In recent decades, the rapid growth of urbanization has brought about problems and complexities that the consequences of this phenomenon are the intensification of the rate of spatial-physical changes in cities and the inefficiency of urban textures. This trend of population increase, decline of social status, disorder in spatial-physical, economic and functional organization in urban neighborhoods that play a key role in urban life and decline; resulted in. In addition, dysfunctional tissues, as the smallest cell and the most important factor in the sustainability of urban life, play a very important role in the future of the city. Therefore, the need to pay attention to the future perspective of these tissues causes the stability of neighborhoods and ultimately the stability of the whole city. In recent years, the approach of sustainable urban regeneration with integrated economic, social, cultural, physical and environmental goals in order to improve the quality of life in dysfunctional context in connection with the whole city has entered the field of restoration and protection. Therefore, this study with the aim of developing a conceptual framework and presenting the dimensions and criteria of sustainable reproduction using futurology method tries to use a descriptive method and content analysis as well as reviewing theories related to reproduction and research done with this approach, a comprehensive view. Of its dimensions and criteria. Findings show that many theories have done so far, each of which has proposed principles and criteria for achieving sustainable regeneration, among which Peter Roberts theory has selected because of its comprehensiveness and relevance to the research goal.Extended AbstractIntroduction:The city is like a living thing that has undergone numerous physical, social, economic, environmental, etc. changes in its life cycle over time (Stewart, 2004: 63). Urban development in the late twentieth century was accompanied by the growth of the urbanization process without planning; This has led to the inefficiency of the city over time and the subsequent process of destruction and erosion of old structures that can no longer meet the current needs of society (Poorahmad. 2010: 76-80). The urban regeneration approach with an integrated, comprehensive and operational policy is a set of measures that create positive, lasting changes, create, improve and improve the quality of dysfunctional urban structures, and ultimately lead to the final solution of urban problems and achieve progress. Becomes sustainable, economic, physical, social and environmental (Izadi. 2010: 17). Since dysfunctional tissues are part of the urban subsystem, instability in these neighborhoods leads to urban instability. On the other hand, these neighborhoods, which are among the vital nuclei of the urban future, cannot be eliminated, so by planning, these vital nuclei can be made sustainable. The futures studies approach, as a methodological method, can clarify the perspective of these neighborhoods by considering the past and present situation. In this approach, we prepare for the unpredictable by avoiding surprise in the face of the onslaught of future changes, and it is a tool that gives man the opportunity to look at the future as he pleases (Pedram and Azgoli). 2009: 5).Research MethodsThe present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and analytical in terms of method. In this study, by reviewing the theoretical foundations and views of thinkers and their experiences in relation to issues related to sustainable urban regeneration, tries to provide a conceptual model for achieving sustainable regeneration from a futuristic perspective in dysfunctional context. It is compiled on the method of futurology. Therefore, this research is in the field of qualitative-documentary research.FindingsSummary of regeneration theories; Represents the theoretical perspective of research and the link between concepts, theories and methods related to research and tries to use analytical approaches and methods. In the studies related to regeneration and its approaches (physical, social, economic, environmental) and the relationship with sustainability and its dimensions (social, economic, environmental), the key concepts of sustainable urban regeneration are: process and comprehensive approach with comprehensiveness. And integration, paying attention to the dimensions of sustainability (economic, social, environmental), paying attention to social and economic factors, paying attention to physical and environmental factors, increasing the role of public participation and stakeholders, improving the living standards of citizens and paying attention to urban spaces.According to the theory of Peter Roberts, Sustainable urban regeneration is inherently an interventionist activity. When traditional forms of intervention are applied, the acceptance of a new intervention to avoid past economic mistakes and failures becomes increasingly desirable for everyone. This theory is interested in organizational movement in the field of urban change management. From Roberts' point of view, regeneration can be viewed from the following angles:- as an interventionist activity;- As an activity that involves various sectors from government to private and public;- As an activity that has the ability to make fundamental changes in its organizational structure, to be able to react to economic, social, environmental and political changes;- As a way to mobilize collective efforts and pave the way for agreeing on appropriate solutions;- Defined as a way to determine policies and activities designed to improve the conditions of urban areas and develop the necessary organizational structures for support to achieve the goals.ConclusionIn the final summary of the theoretical foundations of the research, urban regeneration with different policies and approaches such as urban regeneration is body-based, culture-based, economics-based and conservation-based. Finally, with the introduction of the paradigm of sustainability and the concepts of sustainable development, the final approach called urban regeneration with a focus on sustainable development (sustainable urban regeneration) has entered the field of action. Inefficient tissues is involving by numerous problems over time, while numerous regeneration projects have been undertaken, but the number of dysfunctional zones has not only not decreased but also increased. Therefore, in this study, the selected approach is sustainable urban regeneration using Peter Roberts’s theory in four physical, social, economic and environmental dimensions. The reason for choosing this theory is due to the comprehensiveness of this theory compared to other theories. In fact, Peter Roberts' theory is a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to improving the quality of urban life with three main components of sustainability, namely the environment, society and the economy in order to improve the quality of life. This study with a new perspective using the approach of sustainable urban regeneration, which is the latest comprehensive and recent approach, seeks to identify the factors and processes affecting the future of sustainable regeneration of dysfunctional tissue. Achieve sustainable regeneration scenarios for that texture. Therefore, the findings of this study and what was obtained from the existing theories about sustainable urban regeneration is to pay attention to the dysfunctional urban context with a new approach to sustainable urban regeneration that can in addition to stabilizing and improving economic, social, physical and biological conditions. Inefficient tissue environment also increases the sustainability of metropolitan areas. In this research, the perspective of regeneration is stable. In other words, if in metropolitan areas, four dimensions of sustainable regeneration are considered together, they can actually lead the whole city towards sustainability. Otherwise, without considering these four dimensions together, we will see the continuation of the unstable state of the present time, which has a beautiful shape but is worn out and inefficient from within. In order to achieve a sustainable regeneration approach using Futures Studies method, a conceptual model of research has presented. In future researches, based on the presented conceptual model, the index and then the item can be defined and using the questionnaire technique, to evaluate and measure sustainable urban regeneration in the future horizon of the dysfunctional context of a specific study area.