The Conceptualization of Sincerity in the Description of Taa'rrof and Qoshareh Paper: From Sufism to Art
Subject Areas : Art
Samaneh Al-Sadat Aghadadi
Sayyedeh Maryam Rozatian
1 - Ph.D. in Persian Language and Literature - Mystical Literature of Isfahan University.
2 - student of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan.
Keywords: defined of Taa'rrof, Art, sincerity, Mystical ruling text, Qoshareh paper,
Abstract :
In the view of spiritual seekers, sincerity is the manifestation of divine interaction, signifying that no action should be undertaken except for the sake of God, and all deeds and words of the servant should be exclusively dedicated to God. Furthermore, sincerity bears the fundamental and foundational role in the individual and societal evolution of humanity, and the perfection, imperfection, health, and corruption of all stages and levels of this journey are influenced by this valuable virtue. This article seeks to address the question of the similarities and differences between two significant mystical texts, namely the elucidation of "Taa'rrof" and Qoshareh's treatise on the artistic function of the concept of sincerity, which is discussed in six sections: the analysis of definitions, the reflection of the Quran and Hadith on the subject of sincerity, the study of the meanings of sincere and sincerity, the levels of sincerity, the disadvantages and results of sincerity, and the relationship of sincerity with other mystical authorities. What is the nature of this relationship? Furthermore, the achievements of this research are to elucidate the extent of the artistic impact and convergence of Qoshareh's treatise with the elucidation of "Taa'rrof," which has been presented through the tangible influence or the interpretation and content extraction of various statements.
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