Prerequisites, Strategies and Consequences of Implementing Ethical Management in Sports of Iran
Subject Areas : Social science studies in sports
Sayedeh Shirin Derakhshandeh
Hassan Fahim Devin
Hossein Peymanizad
Mohammadreza Ismaeelzadeh
1 - Department of Physical Education And Sports Science, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
2 - Department of Physical Education And Sports Science, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
3 - Department of Physical Education And Sports Science, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
4 - Department of Physical Education And Sports Science, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: Ethical Management, consequences, strategies, Preconditions,
Abstract :
Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the preconditions, strategies and consequences of implementing ethical management in sports in the country based on data theory and provide a model.Methodology: The present research is applied research in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of data search and based on data theory and in terms of analytical-exploratory data analysis method and in terms of time of research is present-type. The information was collected in the field method. The statistical population of the study includes all sports experts in the country. The statistical sample was purposeful and finally interviewed with 35 people. Data collection was done through semi-organized and exploratory interviews with sports experts in the country. Foundation data analysis methods were used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that the concepts obtained from coding signs in the category of predecessors include 17 items in two categories of organizational and extra-organizational concepts, in the category of strategies including 43 items and three categories of organizational strategies, group strategies and individual-personality strategies and concepts. Regarding the future, 29 items were divided into three categories: micro-level (individual), medium-level (group) and macro-level (organization).Conclusion: The country's sports managers can use the concepts obtained to implement ethical management in sports and the implementation of ethical management in the country's sports causes the effectiveness of individual, group and organizational activities in order to achieve organizational goals.
Ahmad, S., Islam, T., Sadiq, M., & Kaleem, A. (2021). Promoting green behavior through ethical leadership: A model of green human resource management and environmental knowledge. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 15(4), 214-234.
Ahmadi, H., Fekrat, A., & Amirtash, A. (2022). Presenting a paradigm model of sports economy development strategies with sociological approach and ranking of these strategies. Strategic Sociological Studies in Sport, 2(3).
doi: 10.30486/4s.2022.1961596.1048
Asanloo, B., & Khodami, S. (2015). Designing a model of employee ethical behavior with emphasis on the role of ethical values of the organization. Journal of Ethics in Science and Technology, 10(1), 11-22. (Persian)
Baharifar, A., & Jawaheri Kamel, M. (2017). Study of the consequences of organizational ethical values (by studying organizational justice, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior). Police Human Development Quarterly, 7(28), 95-118. (Persian)
Bankins, S. (2021). The ethical use of artificial intelligence in human resource management: a decision-making framework. Ethics and Information Technology, 23(4), 841-854.
Braga, B. M., de Camargo Oliva, E., de Miranda Kubo, E. K., McKenna, S., Richardson, J., & Wales, T. (2021). An institutional approach to ethical human resource management practice: Comparing Brazil, Colombia and the UK. Journal of Business Ethics, 169(1), 57-76.
Buckly, M., Beu, D., Frink, D., Howard, J., Berkson, H., & Mobbs, T. (2001). Ethical issues in human resources systems. Human Resource Management Review, 11(1-2), 11-29.
Ciullo, A., Kwakkel, J. H., De Bruijn, K. M., Doorn, N., & Klijn, F. (2020). Efficient or fair? Operationalizing ethical principles in flood risk management: A case study on the Dutch‐German Rhine. Risk analysis, 40(9), 1844-1862.
Daft, R. (2013). Organization Theory and Design. 16th Edition. Translated by Parsaian, A., Aarabi, M., Volume 1 Tehran: Cultural Research Office. (Persian)
Dargahi, H., & Sadat Tehrani, S. (2014). Study of the relationship between management ethics and organizational commitment of employees. Iranian Journal of Medical Ethics and History, 7(1), 4-52. (Persian)
Daryabgian, A., Karimzadeh, S., & Nazim, F. (2016). Identifying the factors affecting the development of professional ethics of high school principals in Fars province. Educational Management Research Quarterly, 8(2), 21-41. (Persian)
Domellöf, M., & Jonsson, B. (2018). The Swedish approach to management of extreme prematurity at the borderline of viability: A historical and ethical perspective. Pediatrics, 142, 533-538.
Drozd, I., Pysmenna, M., & Volkov, V. (2020). Management of ethical behavior of auditors. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(4), 66-71.
Endenich, C., & Trapp, R. (2020). Ethical implications of management accounting and control: A systematic review of the contributions from the Journal of Business Ethics. Journal of business ethics, 163(2), 309-328.
Farsi, S., Azmon, J., & Nazarian, A. (2015). Identification and prioritization of factors affecting professional ethics in sports organizations by AHP method. First National Conference on New Achievements in Physical Education and Sports, Chabahar, Chabahar International University. (Persian)
Ghazi, S., Hosseini, D., & Daraei, M. (2018). Designing a model of professional ethics in physicians using the Delphi Model. Quarterly Journal of Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, 20(2), 62-76. (Persian)
Gluchmanova, M. (2019). The Importance of ethics in the teaching profession. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 176, 509-513.
Haghgoo, M., Danesh Fard, K., & Tabibi, S. (2016). Designing a model for the development of professional ethics in government organizations: The Iranian Health System. health Management. 21(72), 99-113. (Persian)
Jalali Farahani, M., & Fereydoni, M. (2017). The model of the impact of organizational spirituality and ethics on the Job Conflict of the Staff Experts of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. Strategic Information on Sports and Youth, 9 (2), 273-286. (Persian)
Javed, M. K., Degong, M., & Qadeer, T. (2019). Relation between Chinese consumers’ ethical perceptions and purchase intentions: A perspective on ethical company/brand management strategies. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 15(3), 345-358.
Karimi, A., & Alidousti, H. (2022). Developing a sociological model for institutionalizing public sports among students of Payame Noor University in Kermanshah province. Strategic Sociological Studies in Sport, 2(3),
doi: 10.30486/4s.2022.1958176.1043
Kalb, R., Feinstein, A., Rohrig, A., Sankary, L., & Willis, A. (2019). Depression and suicidality in multiple sclerosis: red flags, management strategies, and ethical considerations. Current neurology and neuroscience reports, 19(10), 1-8.
Khaki, G. (2014). Managing professional ethics in the organization the way young men do. Tehran, Fujan Publications. (Persian)
Khosrowabadi, H., & Rezaei Manesh, B. (2015). Designing a model of ethical decision-making for managers based on the teachings of Nahj al-Balaghah. Nahj al-Balaghah Research Quarterly, 3(11), 67-95. (Persian)
Linder, S., Leca, B., Zicari, A., & Casarin, V. (2021). Designing ethical management control: Overcoming the harmful effect of management control systems on job-related stress. Journal of Business Ethics, 172(4), 747-764.
Moeidfar, S. (2016). Culture and work ethic in Iran (attitude to work in Iranian religious texts before and after the Islamic period). Work and Society, 42, 35-40. (Persian)
Nair, S. R. (2020). A review on ethical concerns in big data management. International Journal of Big Data Management, 1(1), 8-25.
Newham, R., & Hewison, A. (2021). Covid-19, ethical nursing management and codes of conduct: An analysis. Nursing ethics, 28(1), 82-90.
Noorbakhsh, P., & Rashedi, M. (2014). The causal relationship between the source of control and organizational ethics with job satisfaction: Providing a model for the workplace. Journal of Sports Management, 6(3), 531-544. (Persian)
Rabl, T., Carmen Triana, M., Byun, S. Y., & Bosch, L. (2020). Diversity management efforts as an ethical responsibility: How employees’ perceptions of an organizational integration and learning approach to diversity affect employee behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 161(3), 531-550.
Reybold, L., Earle, H., Mark D., & Jimenez, A. (2017). Professional integrity in higher education: A study of administrative staff ethics in student affairs. Journal of College Student Development, 49(2), 110-124.
Safari Davallo, M., & Fahim Dewn, H. (2019). Identifying and explaining the factors affecting the development of ethics in university sports with the aim of promoting moral values in the country's sports community and presenting a model. PhD Thesis, Sports Management, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Sports Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch. (Persian)
Salimi, M. (2017). Providing a model for the development of professional ethics in sports organizations. Journal of Ethics in Science and Technology, 12 (1), 3-16. (Persian)
Sârbu, L. V., Dimitrescu, M., & Lacroix, Y. (2019). The importance of knowing and applying of the professional legislation and ethics in the management of educational institutions to combat corruption. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 180, 203-210.
Triyuwono, I. (2019). Awakening the conscience inside: The spirituality of code of ethics for professional accountants. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172, 254-261.
Van der Kolk, B. (2019). Ethics matters: The integration of ethical considerations in management accounting textbooks. Accounting Education, 28(4), 426-443.
Valentine S, Godkin L, & Lucero M. (2015). Ethical context, organizational commitment, and person organization fit. Journal of Business Ethics, (41), 349- 360.
Weinstock, D. (2020). A harm reduction approach to the ethical management of the COVID-19 pandemic. Public Health Ethics, 13(2), 166-175.
Zakeri, M. (2015). Study of factors affecting employees' ethical behavior in organizations. Annual Conference on Management and Business Economics. Electronically, the Institute of Idea Managers of the Capital of Vieira. (Persian)
_||_Ahmad, S., Islam, T., Sadiq, M., & Kaleem, A. (2021). Promoting green behavior through ethical leadership: A model of green human resource management and environmental knowledge. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 15(4), 214-234.
Ahmadi, H., Fekrat, A., & Amirtash, A. (2022). Presenting a paradigm model of sports economy development strategies with sociological approach and ranking of these strategies. Strategic Sociological Studies in Sport, 2(3).
doi: 10.30486/4s.2022.1961596.1048
Asanloo, B., & Khodami, S. (2015). Designing a model of employee ethical behavior with emphasis on the role of ethical values of the organization. Journal of Ethics in Science and Technology, 10(1), 11-22. (Persian)
Baharifar, A., & Jawaheri Kamel, M. (2017). Study of the consequences of organizational ethical values (by studying organizational justice, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior). Police Human Development Quarterly, 7(28), 95-118. (Persian)
Bankins, S. (2021). The ethical use of artificial intelligence in human resource management: a decision-making framework. Ethics and Information Technology, 23(4), 841-854.
Braga, B. M., de Camargo Oliva, E., de Miranda Kubo, E. K., McKenna, S., Richardson, J., & Wales, T. (2021). An institutional approach to ethical human resource management practice: Comparing Brazil, Colombia and the UK. Journal of Business Ethics, 169(1), 57-76.
Buckly, M., Beu, D., Frink, D., Howard, J., Berkson, H., & Mobbs, T. (2001). Ethical issues in human resources systems. Human Resource Management Review, 11(1-2), 11-29.
Ciullo, A., Kwakkel, J. H., De Bruijn, K. M., Doorn, N., & Klijn, F. (2020). Efficient or fair? Operationalizing ethical principles in flood risk management: A case study on the Dutch‐German Rhine. Risk analysis, 40(9), 1844-1862.
Daft, R. (2013). Organization Theory and Design. 16th Edition. Translated by Parsaian, A., Aarabi, M., Volume 1 Tehran: Cultural Research Office. (Persian)
Dargahi, H., & Sadat Tehrani, S. (2014). Study of the relationship between management ethics and organizational commitment of employees. Iranian Journal of Medical Ethics and History, 7(1), 4-52. (Persian)
Daryabgian, A., Karimzadeh, S., & Nazim, F. (2016). Identifying the factors affecting the development of professional ethics of high school principals in Fars province. Educational Management Research Quarterly, 8(2), 21-41. (Persian)
Domellöf, M., & Jonsson, B. (2018). The Swedish approach to management of extreme prematurity at the borderline of viability: A historical and ethical perspective. Pediatrics, 142, 533-538.
Drozd, I., Pysmenna, M., & Volkov, V. (2020). Management of ethical behavior of auditors. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(4), 66-71.
Endenich, C., & Trapp, R. (2020). Ethical implications of management accounting and control: A systematic review of the contributions from the Journal of Business Ethics. Journal of business ethics, 163(2), 309-328.
Farsi, S., Azmon, J., & Nazarian, A. (2015). Identification and prioritization of factors affecting professional ethics in sports organizations by AHP method. First National Conference on New Achievements in Physical Education and Sports, Chabahar, Chabahar International University. (Persian)
Ghazi, S., Hosseini, D., & Daraei, M. (2018). Designing a model of professional ethics in physicians using the Delphi Model. Quarterly Journal of Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, 20(2), 62-76. (Persian)
Gluchmanova, M. (2019). The Importance of ethics in the teaching profession. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 176, 509-513.
Haghgoo, M., Danesh Fard, K., & Tabibi, S. (2016). Designing a model for the development of professional ethics in government organizations: The Iranian Health System. health Management. 21(72), 99-113. (Persian)
Jalali Farahani, M., & Fereydoni, M. (2017). The model of the impact of organizational spirituality and ethics on the Job Conflict of the Staff Experts of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. Strategic Information on Sports and Youth, 9 (2), 273-286. (Persian)
Javed, M. K., Degong, M., & Qadeer, T. (2019). Relation between Chinese consumers’ ethical perceptions and purchase intentions: A perspective on ethical company/brand management strategies. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 15(3), 345-358.
Karimi, A., & Alidousti, H. (2022). Developing a sociological model for institutionalizing public sports among students of Payame Noor University in Kermanshah province. Strategic Sociological Studies in Sport, 2(3),
doi: 10.30486/4s.2022.1958176.1043
Kalb, R., Feinstein, A., Rohrig, A., Sankary, L., & Willis, A. (2019). Depression and suicidality in multiple sclerosis: red flags, management strategies, and ethical considerations. Current neurology and neuroscience reports, 19(10), 1-8.
Khaki, G. (2014). Managing professional ethics in the organization the way young men do. Tehran, Fujan Publications. (Persian)
Khosrowabadi, H., & Rezaei Manesh, B. (2015). Designing a model of ethical decision-making for managers based on the teachings of Nahj al-Balaghah. Nahj al-Balaghah Research Quarterly, 3(11), 67-95. (Persian)
Linder, S., Leca, B., Zicari, A., & Casarin, V. (2021). Designing ethical management control: Overcoming the harmful effect of management control systems on job-related stress. Journal of Business Ethics, 172(4), 747-764.
Moeidfar, S. (2016). Culture and work ethic in Iran (attitude to work in Iranian religious texts before and after the Islamic period). Work and Society, 42, 35-40. (Persian)
Nair, S. R. (2020). A review on ethical concerns in big data management. International Journal of Big Data Management, 1(1), 8-25.
Newham, R., & Hewison, A. (2021). Covid-19, ethical nursing management and codes of conduct: An analysis. Nursing ethics, 28(1), 82-90.
Noorbakhsh, P., & Rashedi, M. (2014). The causal relationship between the source of control and organizational ethics with job satisfaction: Providing a model for the workplace. Journal of Sports Management, 6(3), 531-544. (Persian)
Rabl, T., Carmen Triana, M., Byun, S. Y., & Bosch, L. (2020). Diversity management efforts as an ethical responsibility: How employees’ perceptions of an organizational integration and learning approach to diversity affect employee behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 161(3), 531-550.
Reybold, L., Earle, H., Mark D., & Jimenez, A. (2017). Professional integrity in higher education: A study of administrative staff ethics in student affairs. Journal of College Student Development, 49(2), 110-124.
Safari Davallo, M., & Fahim Dewn, H. (2019). Identifying and explaining the factors affecting the development of ethics in university sports with the aim of promoting moral values in the country's sports community and presenting a model. PhD Thesis, Sports Management, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Sports Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch. (Persian)
Salimi, M. (2017). Providing a model for the development of professional ethics in sports organizations. Journal of Ethics in Science and Technology, 12 (1), 3-16. (Persian)
Sârbu, L. V., Dimitrescu, M., & Lacroix, Y. (2019). The importance of knowing and applying of the professional legislation and ethics in the management of educational institutions to combat corruption. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 180, 203-210.
Triyuwono, I. (2019). Awakening the conscience inside: The spirituality of code of ethics for professional accountants. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172, 254-261.
Van der Kolk, B. (2019). Ethics matters: The integration of ethical considerations in management accounting textbooks. Accounting Education, 28(4), 426-443.
Valentine S, Godkin L, & Lucero M. (2015). Ethical context, organizational commitment, and person organization fit. Journal of Business Ethics, (41), 349- 360.
Weinstock, D. (2020). A harm reduction approach to the ethical management of the COVID-19 pandemic. Public Health Ethics, 13(2), 166-175.
Zakeri, M. (2015). Study of factors affecting employees' ethical behavior in organizations. Annual Conference on Management and Business Economics. Electronically, the Institute of Idea Managers of the Capital of Vieira. (Persian)