Investigating the Role of Aesthetic Dimensions of Health-Oriented Sidewalks in Ardabil City on People's Tendency to Participate in Physical Activity
Subject Areas : Sports Management Studies
Hamed Kheirollahi Meidani
Mehrdad Moharamzade
nima hassanzadeh
1 - Master's degree in sports management, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
2 - Professor Mohaghegh Atdabili
3 - Doctoral student of Sports Management, University of Mohagheg Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
Keywords: health sidewalks, Light, Form, Harmony, Color,
Abstract :
Introduction One of the urban public spaces that are considered for the physical activity of the people of the society are the health-oriented routes, the urban health-oriented routes are the pedestrian routes that lead from the natural points of the outskirts of the city to the developed points in the center of the city, with the purpose of transportation. Pedestrians based on physical activity provide recreation, transportation, and enhance the aesthetic dimensions of the urban landscape, and as a result, they seek environmental and economic benefits for the city (Grimwade, Horner, & Everhar, 2009). One of the factors that can be fruitful in this field is a special view on the aesthetic dimensions of these places. The beauty of an environment increases the tendency of people to that place for physical activities and sports, attracting people to sports and physical activity in outdoor environments and open spaces is a clear and obvious thing (Sallis, 2009). Aesthetics and the attractiveness of the environment can affect people's health behavior, and there is a positive relationship between people's tendency towards sports activities and environmental variables, such as aesthetics (Cleland et al., 2010). Mumford et al. (2019) conducted a study entitled Aesthetics of sport and art: competition and complementarity and stated that paying attention to the aesthetic characteristics of sports can lead to the growth of participants in sports and provide the ground for more communication between sports and beauty. (Mumford, 2019). Methodology This type of research has an applied purpose and is a descriptive and field-type research methodology. The statistical population of this study was formed by a large number of people who use the health walkways of Ardabil city for exercise and recreation. In this research, 545 people completed the questionnaire and according to Morgan's table, 384 people were randomly selected as the statistical sample of this research. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics methods were used for appropriate evaluation and analysis, which are derived from tables, frequencies, percentages, averages, and standard deviations. Also, the median distribution was used to determine the normality of the data, as well as the single-group T-test to test the research hypotheses, and multiple regression was used for intragroup correlation. To check and analyze the obtained information, SPSS version 26 software was used with a significance level of P≤0.05. Findings The results of the multiple regression test in Table 7 show that the predictive variables of aesthetic dimensions (harmony, form, color and light) are able to predict people's tendency to participate in physical activity in a combined way (P<0.01, F=5.79). Also, the squared value of multiple correlation also indicates that the predictor variables were able to predict 33% of the changes related to people's tendency to participate in physical activity. Table 1- Results of Multiple Regression Analysis of Research Variables Source of change Total square roots df Average square roots F p-value R R2 Regression 3.47 3 1.78 5.79 0.003 0.58 0.33 Residuals 117.43 380 311 Total 120.90 383 Conclusion The study's findings demonstrated that aesthetic factors, such as the Harmony dimension, color dimension, light dimension, form dimension, can greatly influence citizens' propensity for physical exercise, with a 33% predictive power (Table 1). The authorities in charge of these places should use the aesthetic aspects of these places by using experts in the field of architecture and design. Clearly, this will excite the people and eventually lead to the growth of influence in these areas.