Sa'adi and Love aspects in human being life
Subject Areas : Research Allegory in Persian Language and Literature
1 - Doctorate Student of Persian Language and Literature
Azad Islamic University-Olum & Tahghighat-Tehran
Abstract :
Sa'adi’s existence is full of love and the entire aspects of his existence have been affected. To his opinion, a human being who has born with this divine trust and have been excellent by this from the others. This love has been changed to a sensational love with eternal experience of visit with the absolute beauty in physical world. This love has been known the base of human affairs and the other word is life making by Sa'adi. But this sensational love doesn't fulfill human's needs with all features and eternity worry of human from one side and being eternal of love from the other side causes that these two begin a path to the perfection and have been eternal with joining to the beauty perfection and sheer welfare. Accounting for, analyzing and classifying of this subjects together with samples of Sa'adi works is a goal of writer who has for presenting of this paper.
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