A Comparative Study of the Poem "Qasedak" by Akhavan Thaleth and "Saee Al-barid" by Boland Al-heidari
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
Heidar Mahallati
Mahdi Naseri
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature , Qom University, Qom, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Qom University, Qom, Iran
Keywords: comparative literature, الأدب المقارن, بلند الحیدرى, ساعى البرید, قاصدک, مهدى أخوان ثالث, Mahdi Akhavan Thaleth, Qasedak, Boland Al-heidari, Saee Al-Barid,
Abstract :
Arabic and Persian poems have numerous common points and poets of these two languages share the same point in style, subject, structure and music of poetry. Mahdi Akhavan Thaleth, famous Iranian poet, and Boland Al-Heidari, well-known Iraqi poet, are among poets who have many similarities in their works. As an example, there are some conceptual and verbal similarities between Qasedak and Saee Al-barid (postman) and authors of this article investigate them in analytical- descriptive method. Undoubtedly, recognition of inspiring origin of these two common poems is very helpful in knowing deep poetic relation of Persian and Arabic languages. Results of this research show that these two odes are very similar in many cases as social themes particularly expressing people's suffering and difficulties, simplicity of speech figures of thought as well as speech, diverse ways of expression, poetic musicality, repetition and its aims and contents.
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