Position of Holy Quran in IqbalLahoori's Persian Poems
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Kordestan University, Sanandaj, Iran
Keywords: الشعر الفارسی, إقبال, التأثر بالقرآن, المضامین الشعریة, التناص القرآنی, IqbalLahoori, impressibility by Holy Quran, poetic themes, Iqbal's Persian poems, Koranic text,
Abstract :
IqbalLahoori is one of those Muslim and undertaking thinkers and poets who has not restricted himself to one language and territory, but his thoughts and ideas have moved over all ethnical and religious boundaries. Adhered tightly to his poetic message and inspired by clean revelation sources and having unbreakable bond with pure religious thoughts, he has left an everlasting literary work whose everlasting secret is not in their glamour of words and musical rhythmbut for being derived from his deepfaith in the meaning depth of words and their roles. Iqbal has founded a targeted poetical-philosophical school which considers poetry as an heir of prophecy whose mission is to reform human society.Presenting human grieves and lofty faithconcepts, Iqbal considers amendment of human being and guiding him to his true position in Allah's view as the main mission of poetry. Iqbal inspired by religious concepts and by decorating his poetry with sublime themes and notable Koranic figures, has acquired the celebrated position of the poet of Islam and Quran. In this research, using the descriptive-analytic method, while pointing to Iqbal's some intellectual-philosophical aspects of character and referring to eternality secret of histhoughts, it has been tried to study position of holy Quran in his Persian poems. Results show that Iqbal has dedicated himself to holy Quran willingly by his heart and intellect in order to be inspired by it in his works especially Persian poems. This research also demonstrates that Iqbal has not referred to Quran just for literary purposes such as using Koranic words and phrases in his poetry, but he tended to it as aninviting believer to derive his thoughts and values, far from Sufi interpretations, directly from it.
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