Application and objectives of body language in the love poems of Badr Shākir al-Siyāb
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
Abdolahad Gheibi
Mahin Hajizadeh
Shahla Heidari
1 - professor of Arabic Language and Literature at Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Associate professor of Arabic Language and Literature at Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran
3 - Ph.D student of Arab Language and Literature at Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: body language, Love poem, Badr Shakir Al-Siyab, Divan al-Aẓhār va asāṭīr (Flowers and myths poems collection),
Abstract :
Human relations is not limited to spoken words, but transcends by use of physical gestures, so that the body language accompanies with the spoken language to express meanings. The present article seeks to study the amount of application body language in love poems of this poet through descriptive-analytic approach. The poetic examples are selected from Aẓhār va asāṭīr (Flowers and myths) collection, the majority of its poems are love poems of this Iraqi poet. Since the body language has several subdivisions, the researchers have taken six subdivisions: the language of eyes, the language of hands, the language of face, the language of lips, the language of perfume and hairs. The results of the study show that the language of the poet in these poems is a translation of body languages. The language of the eyes is like charm and beauty; the language of the hands, the most frequent one in the collection, used to convey emotions and completes its expressions by their movements; the language of the lips is mixed with blameful expressions, whereas the language of face is scandalous, because of revealing abundant compact faces in the image of the poet. There is a coherent and close relation between the languages of perfume and hair, so, each one is incomplete if considered separated from the other: the language of perfume reveals hidden madness in strings of hairs, such as the perfumed hairs hanging from the poet's odes height.
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