Transformation of Christ myth in contemporary Arabic poetry (Based on the poetry of the Arab pioneer poets)
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
Masoomeh Mahdavi
Sayyed Babak Farzaneh
Leyla Ghasemi Hajiabadi
1 - PhD student of Arabic language and literature, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor of Arabic language and literature, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant professor of Arabic language and literature, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran
Keywords: transformation, socio-political incentives, contemporary poetry, Myth, Christ,
Abstract :
Contemporary Arabic poetry is so intertwined with myths that the use of myth must be considered as one of its most important manifestations. This mythical approach increased the richness and capability of the contemporary Arabic poetry's portrayal and theatrical creation put new horizons before the poets. Contemporary Arab poets, in addition to use the main form of myth, in many cases, dealt with the interference various components of myths and their transformation, in order to adapt more myths to the problems of our time and their thoughts and intentions. This interference embraces all types of myths, including Greek, national, patriotic, and even religious. The present article, uses a descriptive-analytical method to analyse motives and methods of contemporary Arab poets in these transformations as well as their interferences in various elements related to Crist myth. Based on the results of the study, the transformation of the poets in Christ myth more often includes the gospel verses about this prophet. In addition, the function and fate of Christ, the myth of Lazarus and the myth of the Magi, are components of this transformed myth. The change in the nature and function of characters, the addition of elements to the myths essence, and the combinative reproduction of the are also of the main methods of this transformation. In addition, the transformation of the poets in Christ myth mainly origins in the socio-political incentives, such as their disappointment and disillusion from the occurrence of influential developments in chiotic socio-political conditions.
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