Practical Analysis of Strengthening the Economy Based on the Guidelines of the Revolutionary Supreme Leader in the Realm of Resistance Economy (Case Study: Economic Protection of the Islamic Republic of Iran)
Subject Areas : Iranian Political Research
Mohsen Azizi
Hossein Hassanzadeh
Ali Reza Maqdisi
1 - Researcher in the field of Political Science and Political Economy and Manager of one of the customs departments of Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Sciences, Imam Hadi School, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Dr. Strategic Management, Deputy of Legal and Supervision of Islamic Republic Customs Organization, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Ayatollah Khameneii, Foreign Trade, resistance economy, Iranian Customs, smuggling, economic border guard,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study is to explain important indicators of resistance Economy in Iran for the protection of frontiers based on the guidelines of the Supreme Leader on resistance Economy. Applied research method was used in this study and it was conducted by mixed method (qualitative-quantitative) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The results showed that the introduction of e-government in customs, shortening customs procedures, strict enforcement of health laws and regulations to put ban on importing unhealthy and harmful goods, creating a unique cross-border trade window, and providing special facilities for manufacturing companies are among the most important indicators for strengthening the Iranian economy.
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