Study in the notification of the Miqati Al Trablusi and Saati Al Mesri
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
1 - * PHD student of Arabic Language and literature, Islamic Azad university of Tehran science and research.
Keywords: Innovation, Poem, methods, التجدید, Imitation, Technique, الکلمات الدلیلیة: المیقاتی الطرابلسی, الساعاتی المصری, التقلید, حسن الصیاغة, Key Words: Nineteen century, Miqati Al Trablusi, Saati Al Mesri,
Abstract :
Miqati Al Terablusi (1829 to 1884-1245 to 1301) and Saati Al Mesri (1241 to 1298=1825 to 1881) leaders of poets the nineteen century have tried poem of common methods of poem of Fetrat re lease and with following of method of ancient poem as Jaheli and Abbasi era poem to previous station itself return in regard to firmness of style. Although some of indications of weakness of Fetrat poem in poems them appear but they in return of poem to previous station of any effort didn't refuse so that can of them as intermediary between poets of Fetrat and New Classic in regard to change of poem of common methods to firmly methods of poem mention. Miqati and Saati in sing of poems, only didn't imitate but some of lightnings innovation such as method, explanations, intention and new rhythms and rhymes in poems them appear. Although indications in novation them was little but first sparks of innovation isn't sudden but manifests to figure gradual.
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