Signs of Revival in Methodology of «الدر المصون فی علوم الکتاب المکنون» Book by Samin Al-Halabi
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesAmirhossein Rasoul Nia 1 , Abbas Eqbali 2 , Nematollah Hasani Satehi 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Kashan University
2 - Assosciate Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Kashan University
3 - PhD Candidate, Arabic Language & Literature, Kashan University
Keywords: Syntax, النحو, Methodology, rhetoric, البلاغة, الدر المصون, منهجیّة, السمین الحلبی, Samin Al-Halabi,
Abstract :
«الدر المصون فی علوم الکتاب المکنون» is a book on Quranic sciences as well as Quran’s interpretation. It contains Quran’s Verses signs, reading sciences, syntax and terminology, poetry, eloquence and other sciences by Samin Al-Halabi. He has enjoyed a valuable method for subject and style and has been praised by syntax and eloquence scholars; many have considered him as a role model and followed him. Studying the mentioned work’s role in understanding Quran’s concepts and semantics is a goal which should be paid attention by the researchers. Importance of the present research is creation of new capacities in order to apply syntactic and rhetorical concepts such as “weak, nice and strong” in interpretation of Quran’s Surahs. The method of compiling ther present article is analytical – descriptive.
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