Tamim Al-Barghouti and His Famous Ode “In Al - Quds”
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesEzzat Molla Ebrahimi 1 , Bayazid Taned 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Tehran University
2 - M.A of Tehran university
Keywords: methodology, تمیم البرغوثی, التحلیل الأسلوبی, قصیدة «فی القدس», الشعر الفلسطینی, الإحتلال الصهیونی, Tamim Al-Barghouti, “In Al - Quds” ode, Palestinian poetry, occupying Israel,
Abstract :
Resistance literature is full of patriotism and liberalism. The resistance poet defends the aims of his hometown by his poetry weapon and applies his poem at his country’s political and social service. Thus the resistance poetry contains a strong epic and national spirit. This kind of literature calls people for defending their grand ideals. Tamim Al-Barghouti is a young Palestinian famous poet who applies his poetry and art at the service of Palestine problem. He has a famous ode calls “In Al - Quds” in which he depicts his countrymen pains well. The authors of the present article study the psychological and spiritual aspects of these poems in descriptive – analytical method.
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