Historical Demography of the City of Quds and Its Neighbors in the 16th Century
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
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Keywords: مدینة القدس, الصهیونیة, الصلیبیون, المسلمون, الدیموغرافیة, النساطرة, الیعاقبة, Quds city, Zionism, crusaders, Muslims, Nastourian, Yaghoubian,
Abstract :
The present article studies the Quds city and the holy status it has gained in the history. It also reviews its geographical and historical characteristics in time especially the historical demography of this city and its neighbors in the 16th century. This century starts with the occupation of the city by crusaders and thus the decrement of population due to the death of 70 thousand people of the inhabitants of this city. The historical demography of the city of Quds ant decrement of its population could be pointed out through the depiction of a chart. Haj Boursha’sconsiderations in his descriptions of the holy land and its tribes, religions, sects and demographic elements in centuries are also a proof of this fact.
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