Alienation in Abu Isaac Albiri’s Poetry
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesAbbas Yadollahi Farsani 1 , Zeinab Rezapoor 2
1 - Assistant Instructor, Arabic Language & Literature Chamran University, Ahwaz.
2 - Assistant Instructor, Persian Language & Literature Chamran University, Ahwaz.
Keywords: Alienation, Asceticism, الاغتراب, الشعر الأندلسی, الزهد, أبی إسحاق الإلبیری, Abu Isaac Albiri, Andalusian poetry,
Abstract :
Alienation and isolation is of the concepts which is of antiquity in literature, and has been emerged as the result of unorganized political, social and economic conditions in human societies. The present paper seeks to investigate alienation, its concept and reflections in Abu Isaac Albiri poetry. He was living in an environment that was replete with political and intellectual struggles and religious rigidities that paved the ground for the isolation in his poetry. In fact the religious and profligacy were two main factors. Thus riot against social values can be seen in his poetry. The most important reflections of alienation in in his poetry include religious, situational, social and mental alienation.
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