Orientalists and the distortion of the Noble Qur’an - A comparative study between the history of codification of the Old Testament and the Holy Qur’an.
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
1 - mashhad azad univer sity
Keywords: distortion of the Qur', an, codification of the Qur', the Old Testament, Orientalists, history of the Qur',
Abstract :
There is an agreement between Shiites and Sunnis that the Holy Qur'an does not contain any distortion, increase or decrease, for sure. Of course, they provide documents from the Qur'an itself and from the Sunnah as well. Including His saying, Blessed and Exalted be He: “It is We who have sent down the Remembrance, and we will preserve it” (Al-Hijr 9). However, some orientalists took the path of challenging the Holy Qur’an by questioning the history of codification and compilation of the Holy Qur’an by analogy with their sacred books that were collected and codified during a long history after their prophets. So we made a comparison between the history of the Noble Qur’an and the history of the Old Testament; Until it becomes clear to us clearly that the Noble Qur’an continues and remains without any distortion, because it was collected and written down during the era of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. Our study came in response to the statements of orientalists who said the Holy Qur’an has been distorted by dissecting their methodology in challenging the Holy Qur’an in its collection and codification, and by also showing the absurdity of their suspicions. The research was based on the inductive-analytical approach to reveal their malice through the belief of their scholars.
القرآن الكريم
الكتاب المقدس (العهد القديم)
التلمود البابلي
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