Meta-poetry in Contemporary Arabic Poetry
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
hosein taktabar
Rewaa Maawna
1 - Department of Arabic Language and Literature, College of Arts and Humanities, Qom University, Qom, Iran
2 - Department of Arabic Language, University of Religions ., Qom, Iran
Keywords: modernity, Meta-poetry .criticism, poetic photography, poetry,
Abstract :
This article aims to show that the poet is the son of his environment, and his tools and poetic themes must stem from that environment, whether he likes it or not. Our goal is to study the civilizational development and its impact on the poet's thought and the impact of social, political and economic life, that most of the poetry was speaking about the life lived by the poet and the extent of its impact on the poet and society in general.We also note that the study of concepts, terms and meanings has dominated a wide area in Arab and non-Arab criticism, and each group is interested in presenting the juice of their thought about a specific meaning.In this article, we relied on the thematic, semantic and semiotic approach, on a careful consideration of the deep, not superficial, transformations taking place in Arabic poetry, which can be included in the section of modernity. Poetry and how to choose poetic tools and how to use themThis thesis is distinguished from others in that it dealt with metacharism by addressing Arab poets from several countries and different social conditions, cultures and religions that had not previously been collected in similar previous studies.The findings of this thesis in studying several fields of poets of the modern era by renewing the language in the light of a new experience and a new understanding of the poet's life and experience.
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