children's literature; Between literary pleasure and the development of Islamic culture A study of the stories of Tariq Al-Bakri as an example
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
1 - Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: s literature, Tariq Al-Bakri, children&rsquo, moral etiquette, Islamic Culture,
Abstract :
Abstract: Children's literature is the part of literature that addresses children and adolescents and is classified on the basis of the age of the audience. It is a type of literary art that includes stories, books, magazines and poems written specifically for children. Although this literary genre focuses on consolidating literature in its manifestations in the child and feeding it with literary food; it has another task, which is to develop values and culture when addressing him. Literature and culture are the wings of a bird that flies in a child’s imagination through stories, poems and books.This study seeks to show the readiness of children’s literature to demonstrate moral values and the development of Islamic culture in children. To reach this end, it studied the works of the famous writer on children’s literature; Tariq Al-Bakri, and focused on the cultural and moral dimension in his stories, concluding that the stories of Tariq Al-Bakri, in addition to containing many of these values, raise the minds of children in an appropriate manner and with wonderful manners in order to promote education. Keywords: children’s literature, Islamic culture, moral etiquette, Tariq Al-Bakri
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