The Effect of Friendship with Quran on Youth & Teenagers' Psychic Health
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Zeinab Rostami Nasab Dolat Abad
1 - Instructor, Faculty Member, Human Sciences University, Islamic Azad University, Jiroft Branch
Keywords: قرآن, Quran, انس با قرآن, بهداشت و سلامت روان, نوجوان و جوان, friendship with Quran, psychic health, youth and teenager,
Abstract :
Today's youths and teenagers are far from the religion and Quran compared to two decades ago. The reason of the youths' evolution is the society's evolution. The values are replaced with luxurious life; thus it is not clear that how the friendship of youths and teenagers with Quran will cause psychic health. The aim of the present paper is to find out the answer to this question from Quran verses and traditions point of view. The important concepts in this paper are Quran, health, insight, psychic health, psycho in Quran and hadith, youths and teenagers, youths and Quran and friendship with Quran.
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