A reading on the companions of A'raf (interpretation of the Qur'an to the Qur'an)
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Jahangir Valadebeigi
Abbas Rahbari
1 - Faculty member and member of the Department of Islamic Education, Farhangian University, Shahid Modarres Campus, Kurdistan, Iran
2 - Faculty member and member of the Department of Islamic Education, Farhangian University, Shahid Modares Campus, Kurdistan, Iran
Keywords: North Companions, Companions of A'raf, Quran, Companions of Yamin,
Abstract :
The companions of A'raf are Qur'anic concept. This term is mentioned twice in Surah A'raf, verses 46 and 48; In these verses, the companions of A'raf are men with special characteristics; They know everyone by their faces, greet the people of bliss, rebuke the people of cruelty, and refuge God from being with them. Different views have been expressed on the nature and application of companions of A'raf; They are angels, prophets, martyrs, those who have the same good and bad deeds, people of nature, and so on. The present study is a descriptive-analytical and documentary type (library), and with the method of interpreting the Qur'an to the Qur'an, critiques and examines the most prominent views in this field and refers to another reading of this group. He has explained about the companions of Yamin, the companions of the north and the characteristics of companions of A'raf based on verses and narrations, and by mentioning the characteristics of the companions of A'raf, he has specified these companions based on the verses.
قرآن کریم.
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