Essence and Function of the Devil Is a Measure of Justice in the Novel "Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov.
Subject Areas : شعر
Seyede Maryam Sarmadi
Hamid Bakhshandeh
1 - Theology and Islamic Knowledges , Hummaniries, Payame Noor , Tehran , Iran
2 - Abrahamic Religions, Religions, Religions and Denominations university, Qom, Iran
Keywords: Master and Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov, Woland, Orthdox Theology, Devil,
Abstract :
Devil is a subject that engages the human mind, regardless of theological discourses and debates. In this article, an attempt is made to examine the issue in the two areas of orthodox theology and fiction. The novel, which is itself a pillar of literature, has been selected as part of the interdisciplinary study in this article, which is the basis for the devil's theme. The events of Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita take place in the twentieth century. The focus of the article has been on the theme of Devil in nature, action, its relation to man and Christ. Devil is real in nature and is suspicious of man. It has various names with various functions, and although its power is not absolute, it seeks to be in harmony with God. But there were also differences in these two areas, including the fact that in the novel Devil is rebellious and does not seek equality with God, and in a way the nature and action of Devil follows a dual logic whose nature and behavior are spontaneously neutral, and this good duality And evil in the face of human positive or negative behavior is accurately highlighted in such a way that it can be said that in all positions, the (Woland) is the manifester of justice that measures the merits or demerits of human beings without excuse and excuse. And punishes against (Joshua) who forgives and embraces the sinner and the saint with his absolute love.
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