Comparing Balami history literature and Tha'lebi history literature
Subject Areas : شعر
Ashraf farajzadeh
asghar rezaporian
Amir Hosein Hemati
1 - PHD student, Persian literature Language and Literature, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran
2 - Persian literature group Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran
3 - Persian literature group Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran
Keywords: perspective, Characterization, literature Tha'alebi history, literature Bal'ami history, narrative components,
Abstract :
Historical works can also be considered as literary works. On the other hand, the term of narrative is one of the most important aspects of literature that has involved the minds of many scholars in the field of literary criticism in recent decades. But in the history of Iranian literature, "historiography" and historical works were considered literary works per se. Because the secretaries, the scholars and the writers involved in writing history and one of the most important foundation of historiography for them has been familiarity with the art of writing and skill in literary techniques. From the middle of the fourth century onwards, independent of Arabic rhetorical treatises, Persian rhetoric books were gradually written. So historical treatises are also criticized.An important book on the history of Bal'ami related to the fourth century, written by Bal'ami and the history of Tha’alebi, apparently written by a theologian. In terms of the type of narrative, style and context, the use of narrative components is a clear example of the change or how the use of rhetorical industries has changed in this century. The present article analyzes the differences between the narratives in these two works in terms of narrative components, such as perspective, the extent of using dialogue as a driving component of the plot and metaphor, and other narrative components based on the opinions of new critics in the field of narrative
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