The Soil Enrichment of Cations under the Influence of Canopy and Litterfal Leaching
Subject Areas : forestryAkrama Ahmadi 1 , Maryam Moslehi Jouybari 2 , Omid Zakeri 3
1 - Assistant prof. Research division of natural Resources, Hormozgan. Agriculture and natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, BandarAbbas, Iran
2 - Assistant prof. Research division of natural Resources, Golestan. Agriculture and natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Gorgan, Iran
3 - Ph.D. Student of Rangeland Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Base cation dynamics, Tree leaching, nutrient cycle, soil fertilities,
Abstract :
Background: The leaching from the surface of vegetation resulting from the complex relationship of soil and vegetation is an important part of the nutrition cycle that controls the ability of plants to access elements or the release of food from the ecosystem along with the decomposition process. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the importance of trees leaching in the nutrient cycle (base cations) and introduce it as a vital nutrient source for improving soil fertility and sustainability of forest ecosystems.Methods: This study is a review on published studies, a library and a comprehensive review of the literature, nationally and internationally. Results: Leaching of nutrients from the canopy and forest floor with rapid absorption is an important factor of soil fertility and sustainability of ecosystems that should be considered in the forest management. Forest management and forest cover influence the nutrient quality and access in the soil and plants by erosion, litter quality, organic matter and nutrient cycling. For the forest management plan and marking, cut intensity, thinning and lightening intensity, additional information about the status and leaching intensity is required in any area to prevent the imbalance of the ecosystem with a comprehensive plan.Discussion and Conclusion: In fact, with sufficient information on the leaching function of different species and using in management, we can determine the correct combination in forestry and silviculture operations associated with soil fertility protection and increase of production potential.
- Moslehi, M,. The leaching effect of beech species on the basic cation dynamics in the fagetun forest, Shastkalateh, M.Sc. thesis for Silviculture and forest ecology, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Forest Sciences Faculty, 75 p..
- Zarrin Kafsh, M,. 2001. Forest Soil", First Edition, Tehran, Publication of Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, 361 p.
- Eaton, J. S., Likens, G. E., Bormann, F. H., 1973. Throughfall and stemflow chemistry hardwood forest. Journal of Ecology, Vol. 61, pp. 498-508.
- Helmissari, H. S., 1990. Nutrient retranslocation within Pinus sylvestris. D. SC. Thesis of Summary, University of Joensuu, Publication in Sciences. 13p.
- Moslehi, M., Habashi, H., Khormali, F., 2011. The effect of crowns leaching of and litter of beech species in mixed stand on the basic cations dynamics, Journal of Forest and Poplar, , Vol. 19, No. 1.
- Moslehi, M., Habashi, H.., Khormalali, F., 2009. Modification of the pattern of fertilizer use in soil through leaching of crowns, National Conference on Consumption Patterns in Agriculture and Natural Resources,. Kermanshah, Iran.
- Moslehi, M., Habashi, H., Khormalali, F., 2012. The effect of time changes on basic cation dynamics of rainfall and floor vegetation in beech fores. Third International Conference on Chronology and Climate Change, Spring 2012, Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran.
- Moslehi, M., Habashi, H., Khormalali, F, 2012. Seasonal changes of basic cations in leaching of crowns and floor vegetation of beech in the mixed stand. Scientific and Research Journal of Forest and Wood Science and Technology Research, Vol. 19, No. 2.
- Moslehi, M., Habashi, H., Khormalali, F., Rahmani, R., Poormalekhshah, A. A., 2015. Chemical Properties of Precipitation and leaching floor in Beech forest during Growth and Rest periods, Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, Vol. 23, No. 1.
- Parker, G. G., 1983. Throughfall and stemflow in the forest nutrient cycle. Advance in Ecological Research, Vol. 13, pp. 57-133.
- Weyno, L., 2001. Nutrient cycling in a montane moist evergreen Broad-Leaves forest (Lithocarpus/Castanopsis Association) in Ailao Mountain Yunnan Southwestern China. Department of Enviromental Biology, 221 p.
- Staelens, J., Shcrijverl, A., Oyarzun, C., Lustl, N., 2003. Comparison of dry deposition and canopy exchange of base cations in temperate hardwood forest. Gayana Bot, Vol. 60, pp 9-16.
- Oyarzun, C. E., Godoy, R., Schrijver, A., Staelens, J., lust, N., 2004. Water chemistry and nutrient budget in an undisturbed evergreen rainforest of Southern Chile. Biochemistry, Vol. 7, pp. 107-123.
- Fujinuma, R., Bockheim, J., Blaster, N., 2005. Base-cation cycling by individual tree species in old-growth forests of Upper Michigan, USA. Biogeochemistry, Vol. 74, pp. 357-376.
- Zeng, G. M., Zhang. G., Huang, G. H., Jiang, Y. M., Liu, H. L., 2005. Exchange of Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ and Uptake of H+, NH4, for the subtropical forest canopies influenced by acid rain in Shaoshan. Plant Science, Vol. 168, pp. 259-266.
- Staelens, J., Schrijver, A. D., Vertheyen, K., 2007. Seasonal variation in throughfall and stemflow chemistry beneath a European beech (Fagus sylvatica) tree in relation to canopy phenology. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 37, 14 pp.
- Perez-Suarez, M., Fenn, M. E., Centina-Alcala, V. M., Aldrete, A., 2008. The effects of canopy cover on throughfall and soil chemistry in two forest sites in the Mexico City air basin. Atmosfera, Vol.21, pp. 83-100.
- Adedeji, O. H., and Gbadegesin, A. S., 2012. Base cation leaching from the canopy of a Rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis Wild .Muell-Arg) plantation at Ikenne, South west Nigeria. EJESM, Vol. 5, pp. 384-390.
- Junior, R. Keller, M., Ramos, J., Beldini, T., Crill, P., Camargo, P., Haren, J., 2015. Chemical analysis of rainfall and throughfall in the Tapajos National forest, Belterra, Para, Brazil. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, Vol. 10, pp. 263-285.
- Blair, J. M., 1988. Nutrient release from decomposition foliar litter of trees species with special reference to calcium, Magnesium and Potassium dynamics. Plant and soil, Vol. 110, pp. 49-55.
- Ardakani, M. R., 2013. Ecology, 16th edition, Tehran, University Press, 340 p.
- Christine, E.. (Author), Hagh Nia, Gh. H., Riazi Hamedani, A. (Translator), 1989. Principles and Views of Nutrition from Mineral Plant, First Edition, Tehran, Publication of University Press, 410 p.
- Fink, A. (Author), Kasraei, Rahim. 1986. Abstract on Vegetation Nutrition", First edition, Tabriz, Tabriz University Press, 370 p.
- Weathers, K. C., Lovett, G. M. Lindberg, S. E., 2001. Atmospheric Deposition in Complex Terrain: Scaling Up to the Landscape at Acadia NP and Great Smoky Mountains NP. Proposal.
- Burton, V., Zak D.R., Denton S. R., and Spure S. H. 1998. Forest ecology and management, 3th New York.
- Ross, H. B., Lindberg, S. E., 1994. Atmospheric chemical input to small catchments. In: Moldan, B. Cerney, J. (eds) Biogeochemistry of small catchments: A tool for Environmental Research. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. pp. 255-283.
- Manokaran, N., 1980. The nutrient contents of precipitation, throughfall and stemflow in a lowland tropical rain forest in peninsular Malaysia. The Malaysian For, Vol. 43, pp. 266-289 .
- Tukey, H. B. Jr., 1970. The leaching of substance from plants, Annual Review of Plant Physiology, Vol. 21, pp. 305-324.
- Cronan, C. S., 1983. Biogeochemical responses of forest canopies to acidic precipitation. In direct and indirect effects of acid deposition on vegetation. Edited by R. A. Linthurst. Butterworth Publishers, Boston, 13-18 pp.
- Tukey, H. B. Jr., 1966. The leaching of-metabolites from aboveground plant parts and its implications. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 93, pp. 385-401.
- Moreno, G., Gallardo, J. F. cuadrado, S., 1994. Deposicion atmosferica de bioelemestory su modificacion por la cubiertavegetal en bosques de Quersus persica de la sierra de Gata (Sal manca). In biogeoquimica de ecosistemas, ed. J. f. Gallardo, Valla dolid, Spain: Junta decastilla y leono., pp. 201-205.
- Lovett, G. M. Lindberg, S. E., 1984. Dry deposition and canopy exchange in a mixed oak forest as determined by analysis of throughfall. J. Appl. Ecol, Vol. 21, pp. 1013-1027.
- C., Sevink, J., Verstraten, M. J., 2004. Litterflow chemistry and nutrient uptake from the forest floor in northwest Amozonian forest ecosystem. Biogeochem, Vol. 69, pp. 315-339.
- Duivenvoorden, J. M. Lips, J. M., 1995. A land-ecological study of soils, vegetation and plant diversity in Colombian Amazonia Ph.D. Dissertation, Landscape and Environmental Research Group, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Amsterdam. Tropenbos Series 12, Wageningen, 438 pp.
- Alcock, M. R., Morton, A. J., 1985. Throughfall and stemflow in woodland recently established on Nutrient content of heathland. Journal of ecology, Vol. 73, pp. 625-663.
- C., Sevink, J., and Verstraten, M. J., 2004. Solute fluxes in throughfall and stemflow in four forest ecosystems in northwest Amozonia. Biogeochem, Vol. 70, pp. 1-25.
- Golley, F. B., McGinnis, J. T., Clements, R. G., Child, G. I., Deuver, M. J., 1975. Mineral Cycling in a Tropical Moist Forest Ecosystem. University of Georgia Press. Athens. Georgia. 248 pp.
- Salardini, A. A., 2009. Soil Fertility, Eighth Edition, Tehran, Tehran University Press, 434 p.
- Johnson, D. W., Cole, D. W., 1980. Anion mobility in soils: relevance to nutrient transport from forest ecosystems. Environment International, Vol. 3, pp. 79-90.
- Kellman, M., Roulet, N., 1990 Nutrient flux and retention in a tropical Sand-Dune succession. Journal of Ecology, Vol. 78, pp. 664-676.
- Zhang, G., Zeng, G. M., Jiang, Y. M., Du, C. Y., Huang, G. H., Yao, J. M., Zeng, M., Zhang, X. L., Tan, W. 2006. Seasonal dry deposition and canopy leaching of base cations in a subtropical evergreen mixed forest, China. Silva Fennica, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 417–428.
- Lin, T.C., Hamburg, S.P., .King, H.B. & Hsia, Y.J. 2000. Throughfall patterns in a subtropical rain forest of northeastern Taiwan. Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol. 29, pp. 1186–1193.
- Zeng, G.M., Zhang, G., Huang, G.H., Jiang, Y.M., Liu, H.L. 2005. Exchange of Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ and the uptake of H+, NH4+ for the canopies in the subtropical forest influenced by the acid rain in Shaoshan forest located in central south China. Plant Science, Vol. 168, No. 1, pp. 259–266.
- Moslehi, M,. The leaching effect of beech species on the basic cation dynamics in the fagetun forest, Shastkalateh, M.Sc. thesis for Silviculture and forest ecology, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Forest Sciences Faculty, 75 p..
- Zarrin Kafsh, M,. 2001. Forest Soil", First Edition, Tehran, Publication of Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, 361 p.
- Eaton, J. S., Likens, G. E., Bormann, F. H., 1973. Throughfall and stemflow chemistry hardwood forest. Journal of Ecology, Vol. 61, pp. 498-508.
- Helmissari, H. S., 1990. Nutrient retranslocation within Pinus sylvestris. D. SC. Thesis of Summary, University of Joensuu, Publication in Sciences. 13p.
- Moslehi, M., Habashi, H., Khormali, F., 2011. The effect of crowns leaching of and litter of beech species in mixed stand on the basic cations dynamics, Journal of Forest and Poplar, , Vol. 19, No. 1.
- Moslehi, M., Habashi, H.., Khormalali, F., 2009. Modification of the pattern of fertilizer use in soil through leaching of crowns, National Conference on Consumption Patterns in Agriculture and Natural Resources,. Kermanshah, Iran.
- Moslehi, M., Habashi, H., Khormalali, F., 2012. The effect of time changes on basic cation dynamics of rainfall and floor vegetation in beech fores. Third International Conference on Chronology and Climate Change, Spring 2012, Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran.
- Moslehi, M., Habashi, H., Khormalali, F, 2012. Seasonal changes of basic cations in leaching of crowns and floor vegetation of beech in the mixed stand. Scientific and Research Journal of Forest and Wood Science and Technology Research, Vol. 19, No. 2.
- Moslehi, M., Habashi, H., Khormalali, F., Rahmani, R., Poormalekhshah, A. A., 2015. Chemical Properties of Precipitation and leaching floor in Beech forest during Growth and Rest periods, Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, Vol. 23, No. 1.
- Parker, G. G., 1983. Throughfall and stemflow in the forest nutrient cycle. Advance in Ecological Research, Vol. 13, pp. 57-133.
- Weyno, L., 2001. Nutrient cycling in a montane moist evergreen Broad-Leaves forest (Lithocarpus/Castanopsis Association) in Ailao Mountain Yunnan Southwestern China. Department of Enviromental Biology, 221 p.
- Staelens, J., Shcrijverl, A., Oyarzun, C., Lustl, N., 2003. Comparison of dry deposition and canopy exchange of base cations in temperate hardwood forest. Gayana Bot, Vol. 60, pp 9-16.
- Oyarzun, C. E., Godoy, R., Schrijver, A., Staelens, J., lust, N., 2004. Water chemistry and nutrient budget in an undisturbed evergreen rainforest of Southern Chile. Biochemistry, Vol. 7, pp. 107-123.
- Fujinuma, R., Bockheim, J., Blaster, N., 2005. Base-cation cycling by individual tree species in old-growth forests of Upper Michigan, USA. Biogeochemistry, Vol. 74, pp. 357-376.
- Zeng, G. M., Zhang. G., Huang, G. H., Jiang, Y. M., Liu, H. L., 2005. Exchange of Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ and Uptake of H+, NH4, for the subtropical forest canopies influenced by acid rain in Shaoshan. Plant Science, Vol. 168, pp. 259-266.
- Staelens, J., Schrijver, A. D., Vertheyen, K., 2007. Seasonal variation in throughfall and stemflow chemistry beneath a European beech (Fagus sylvatica) tree in relation to canopy phenology. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 37, 14 pp.
- Perez-Suarez, M., Fenn, M. E., Centina-Alcala, V. M., Aldrete, A., 2008. The effects of canopy cover on throughfall and soil chemistry in two forest sites in the Mexico City air basin. Atmosfera, Vol.21, pp. 83-100.
- Adedeji, O. H., and Gbadegesin, A. S., 2012. Base cation leaching from the canopy of a Rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis Wild .Muell-Arg) plantation at Ikenne, South west Nigeria. EJESM, Vol. 5, pp. 384-390.
- Junior, R. Keller, M., Ramos, J., Beldini, T., Crill, P., Camargo, P., Haren, J., 2015. Chemical analysis of rainfall and throughfall in the Tapajos National forest, Belterra, Para, Brazil. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, Vol. 10, pp. 263-285.
- Blair, J. M., 1988. Nutrient release from decomposition foliar litter of trees species with special reference to calcium, Magnesium and Potassium dynamics. Plant and soil, Vol. 110, pp. 49-55.
- Ardakani, M. R., 2013. Ecology, 16th edition, Tehran, University Press, 340 p.
- Christine, E.. (Author), Hagh Nia, Gh. H., Riazi Hamedani, A. (Translator), 1989. Principles and Views of Nutrition from Mineral Plant, First Edition, Tehran, Publication of University Press, 410 p.
- Fink, A. (Author), Kasraei, Rahim. 1986. Abstract on Vegetation Nutrition", First edition, Tabriz, Tabriz University Press, 370 p.
- Weathers, K. C., Lovett, G. M. Lindberg, S. E., 2001. Atmospheric Deposition in Complex Terrain: Scaling Up to the Landscape at Acadia NP and Great Smoky Mountains NP. Proposal.
- Burton, V., Zak D.R., Denton S. R., and Spure S. H. 1998. Forest ecology and management, 3th New York.
- Ross, H. B., Lindberg, S. E., 1994. Atmospheric chemical input to small catchments. In: Moldan, B. Cerney, J. (eds) Biogeochemistry of small catchments: A tool for Environmental Research. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. pp. 255-283.
- Manokaran, N., 1980. The nutrient contents of precipitation, throughfall and stemflow in a lowland tropical rain forest in peninsular Malaysia. The Malaysian For, Vol. 43, pp. 266-289 .
- Tukey, H. B. Jr., 1970. The leaching of substance from plants, Annual Review of Plant Physiology, Vol. 21, pp. 305-324.
- Cronan, C. S., 1983. Biogeochemical responses of forest canopies to acidic precipitation. In direct and indirect effects of acid deposition on vegetation. Edited by R. A. Linthurst. Butterworth Publishers, Boston, 13-18 pp.
- Tukey, H. B. Jr., 1966. The leaching of-metabolites from aboveground plant parts and its implications. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 93, pp. 385-401.
- Moreno, G., Gallardo, J. F. cuadrado, S., 1994. Deposicion atmosferica de bioelemestory su modificacion por la cubiertavegetal en bosques de Quersus persica de la sierra de Gata (Sal manca). In biogeoquimica de ecosistemas, ed. J. f. Gallardo, Valla dolid, Spain: Junta decastilla y leono., pp. 201-205.
- Lovett, G. M. Lindberg, S. E., 1984. Dry deposition and canopy exchange in a mixed oak forest as determined by analysis of throughfall. J. Appl. Ecol, Vol. 21, pp. 1013-1027.
- C., Sevink, J., Verstraten, M. J., 2004. Litterflow chemistry and nutrient uptake from the forest floor in northwest Amozonian forest ecosystem. Biogeochem, Vol. 69, pp. 315-339.
- Duivenvoorden, J. M. Lips, J. M., 1995. A land-ecological study of soils, vegetation and plant diversity in Colombian Amazonia Ph.D. Dissertation, Landscape and Environmental Research Group, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Amsterdam. Tropenbos Series 12, Wageningen, 438 pp.
- Alcock, M. R., Morton, A. J., 1985. Throughfall and stemflow in woodland recently established on Nutrient content of heathland. Journal of ecology, Vol. 73, pp. 625-663.
- C., Sevink, J., and Verstraten, M. J., 2004. Solute fluxes in throughfall and stemflow in four forest ecosystems in northwest Amozonia. Biogeochem, Vol. 70, pp. 1-25.
- Golley, F. B., McGinnis, J. T., Clements, R. G., Child, G. I., Deuver, M. J., 1975. Mineral Cycling in a Tropical Moist Forest Ecosystem. University of Georgia Press. Athens. Georgia. 248 pp.
- Salardini, A. A., 2009. Soil Fertility, Eighth Edition, Tehran, Tehran University Press, 434 p.
- Johnson, D. W., Cole, D. W., 1980. Anion mobility in soils: relevance to nutrient transport from forest ecosystems. Environment International, Vol. 3, pp. 79-90.
- Kellman, M., Roulet, N., 1990 Nutrient flux and retention in a tropical Sand-Dune succession. Journal of Ecology, Vol. 78, pp. 664-676.
- Zhang, G., Zeng, G. M., Jiang, Y. M., Du, C. Y., Huang, G. H., Yao, J. M., Zeng, M., Zhang, X. L., Tan, W. 2006. Seasonal dry deposition and canopy leaching of base cations in a subtropical evergreen mixed forest, China. Silva Fennica, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 417–428.
- Lin, T.C., Hamburg, S.P., .King, H.B. & Hsia, Y.J. 2000. Throughfall patterns in a subtropical rain forest of northeastern Taiwan. Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol. 29, pp. 1186–1193.
- Zeng, G.M., Zhang, G., Huang, G.H., Jiang, Y.M., Liu, H.L. 2005. Exchange of Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ and the uptake of H+, NH4+ for the canopies in the subtropical forest influenced by the acid rain in Shaoshan forest located in central south China. Plant Science, Vol. 168, No. 1, pp. 259–266.