Presenting a conceptual model for attaining an educating city with an emphasis on the citizenship culture (Research Case: Selected public spaces of Tehran)
Subject Areas : soil pollution
Sara Feli
Farah Habib
Hossein Zabihi
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of Urban Development, Civil, Architecture and Art Facultty, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Urban Development, Civil, Architecture and Art Facultty, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. * (Corresponding Author)
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Urban Development, Civil, Architecture and Art Facultty, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Educating city, Citizenship culture, Public space, Criterias of physical component, Tehran City.,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Knowledge of behaviors and citizenship culture and how to improve them requires educational resources., Like a university for the development of many behavioral traits, the environment can be considered an educational resource. However, the current understanding of the educating cities’ physical component is not practical enough to provide educational means for citizenship culture classes in public spaces. Based on this, this study aims to formulate criteria, sub-criteria and physical component indicators effective on educating city with an emphasis on citizenship culture in Tehran’s selected public spaces.
Material and Methodology: This study uses a mixed analysis method, a basic descriptive (survey) method and context content analysis method. According to theories, instances, the five criteria were determined: the use of urban art (educating citizenship responsibility), the use of urban media (educating the preference of collective interests), the recreation area (educating citizenship participation), counseling area establishment (educating legalism), and cultural space (educating cultural rights). The required data were collected partly through field study and questionnaire distributing among 384 citizens in Tehran's selected public spaces in 1401, using a simple random cluster sampling (based on Cochran formula).
Findings: The conceptual model of the research includes the criterion of cultural space (educating cultural rights), including the sub-criterion of establishing a cultural space-museum in four indicators of choosing identity right, access to culture, cultural freedom and equality of rights, and in the form of fifteen items, the criterion of the use of urban art (educating citizenship responsibility) in the form of the sub-criterion of using the art-sculpture element and three indicators of progressiveness, conscientiousness and organization including thirteen items, the criterion of the recreation area (educating citizenship participation) also includes the sub-criterion of land development The game-group playground and four indicators of cooperative behavior, willingness to participate in citizenship, tendency to participate in citizenship and favoritism in the form of nineteen items, the criterion of the use of urban media (educating the preference of collective interests) in the form of sub-criteria of broadcasting educational statements and Installation of signs- and writings and includes two indicators of identification and altruism and seven items, the criterion of the establishment of counseling area (educating legalism) under the sub-criterion of holding a face-to-face meeting and four indicators of attitude to laws, feeling towards laws, Willingness to comply with the rules and follow the rules in the form of eighteen items and criteria with relative weights of 0/279, 0/278, 0/220, 0/134 and 0/088 respectively.
Discussion and conclusion: the criteria of the use of urban art (educating citizenship responsibility), the use of urban media (educating the preference of collective interests), the recreation area (educating citizenship participation), the counseling area establishment (educating legalism), and the cultural space (educating cultural rights) from the physical component of educating city plays a significant role in promoting citizenship culture in public spaces. The physical component can fulfill the educational responsibility that is also a burden on the cities. This component in cities is used as a tool to enable access to education through daily life and coexistence of citizens.
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