The application of Dynamic Time Wrapping Algorithm and correlation coefficients in Time Sires Clustering for Index Tracking
Subject Areas : Journal of Investment Knowledgefarid tondnevis 1 , hasan hakimian 2
1 - Master of Financial Engineering, University of Tehran, Faculty of Management
2 - Master of Financial Engineering, University of Tehran, Faculty of Management
Keywords: Index tracking, Tracking Error, Correlation Coefficients, DTW,
Abstract :
Index tracking -one of the most popular methods of passive portfolio management- tries to construct a portfolio with same return as a financial market index. This research investigates the application of a binary programming model in time series clustering for index tracking. Various similarity measurements –Pearson, Kendall, Spearman, Erdem and Dynamic Time Wrapping based distance- have been applied in this research. Out of Sample test on Market Ratio and Tracking error of portfolios based on 50 more active companies index of Tehran Stock Exchange in second, third and fourth season of 1396 and first season of 1397 shows that all portfolios successfully replicate the performance of index and the tracking error of Pearson correlation based portfolio in lower than Others. Paired comparison test on Tracking Error of portfolios shows that tracking Error of Pearson Correlation based portfolio is significantly (99% confidence level) lower than other portfolios.
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