Study of morphology and Pollen grain cardaria draba (L.)DESV. of Brassicaceae in Iran
Subject Areas : environmental management
Fatemeh Jamalloo
Tagi Gorbani Gomi
1 - Assistant Prof, Department of Biology (Botany), Faculty of Science, Qom Branch.IslamicAzad University, Qom, Iran
2 - Postgraduate, Isfahan Paymenoor University, Iran
Keywords: Morphology, Pollen, Cardaria draba, Brassicaceae,
Abstract :
Of Cardaria DESV. genus is a species Cardaria draba (L.)DESV. in Iran.Plant is Pereniale . Lower leaves are petiolate, entire, lyrate or sinuate. Upper leaves are sessile with cordate or slightly sagittate base, ovate-oblong, often serrate-sinuate, amplexicaule, with (or without) stipule. inflorescence dense corymbe. Fruit is silicule, obcordate. Pollen grains morphology Were studied with Optical microscope and scaning electrony microscope to evaluate phylogenetic Relationships. For Optical microscope studies, the pollen grains were asetolysied with Erdthman method. After sprayed gold pollen grains on the samples with electron microscope model Philips XL 30 PD were studied. Pollen grains single, isopolar, tricolpate, elliptic in equatorial view, round in polar view, Pollen grain size of 15-35 µm in length, 18-40 µm in width Are different. Tectum is reticulate. Features of pollen grains coupled with other traits in the interpretation of systematic relationships of this genus are used.
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