Prediction of Flow Pattern in Surface Discharge of Negatively Buoyant Wastewater Compared with the Results from CORMIX Model
Subject Areas : Water and Environment
Mohsen Saeedi
Ozeair Abessi
Arash Aliabadi Farahani
1 - Professor, Department of Water and Environmental Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology University, Tehran, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran.
3 - MSc. Student, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Science and Technology University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Surface Discharge, Negatively Buoyant Wastewater, Flow Pattern, CORMIX Model,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Surface discharge of dense jet produced in coastal areas is considered as a common way for the disposal of brine in marine environment. Discharging flow patterns varies depending on the characteristic of discharge and receiving ambient water. Three flow patterns: free jet, shoreline attached jet and plume that have been reported in various field and laboratory studies are considered in this research. D-CORMIX is a computer simulation model that is used for the simulation of entrainment and mixing of negatively buoyant flow into water bodies. This model uses the principals of motion for bouyant flow to determin the flow patern in surface discharge. Thus, it seems that significant differences could be observed by comparing the experimental results of flow configurations for dense discharge using D-CORMIX. Method: D-CORMIX model was run for different discharge and ambient conditions. Same conditions simulated with a flume in a laboratory especially designed for the investigation of dense surface discharge from a rectangular channel. Results: The flow pattern predicted from running D-CORMIX model with laboratory observation was developed separately in non-dimensional diagrams in a way that vertical and horizontal cordinates showed the range of experimental conditions, to identify the area that each flow patern happens. Conclusion: Finanly, the differences between two diagrams and the reasons are discussed.
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