Effect of Rose Wastes on Salinity and Heavy Metals Reduction in Compost and Soil
Subject Areas :
soil pollution
Anita Kharrati
elnaz sabbagh tazeh
1 - Department of Soil Science, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Soil Science, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran and Sustainable Development Management Research Center of Urmia Lake basin and Aras River, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran. *(CorrespondingAuthor)
Received: 2021-09-20
Accepted : 2022-08-24
Published : 2023-02-20
Waste separation,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: In recent years, salinity and pollution due to municipal solid waste compost, has caused many problems. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of mixing rose greenhouse waste with urban waste on the quality of produced compost and the chemical and physical properties of the soil after using this fertilizer.Material and Methodology: An experiment in CRD design as factorial was conducted to investigate the effect of Rose greenhouse wastes on quality of compost with two factors consisted of 1) waste type with 2 rates: a) separated and b) unseparated waste) and 2) amendment ratio with 3 rates: a) 100% waste-0% amendment, b) 80% waste-20% amendment and c) 60% waste-40% amendment, with three replications. Then a field experiment based on CRD, with 7 treatment (consisted of soil mixed with six types of produced compost in previous stage and control) and 3 replications was conducted to investigate the effects of produced compost on some characteristics of soil.Findings: Results showed that the separation of wastes at the source, increased compost nitrogen by 2.75 times, cation exchange capacity by 4.14 times, phosphorus by 2.14 times, water holding capacity by 2 times and organic carbon by 69% compared to the non-separation. But reduced available potassium, pH and sodium of the compost. In soil, it also reduced bulk density, salinity, and cadmium and lead concentrations, and increased soil MWD. Adding Rose greenhouse waste in rate of 40%, reduced compost EC by 58% campared to control. It also reduced available sodium and potassium and increased pH of the compost. In soil, reduced bulk density, salinity and concentration of lead and cadmium. Treatment of soil and separated compost with 40% of amendment, increased soil Si by 0.078 unit and soil organic carbon by 32% compared to the control.Discussion and Conclusion: Results showed that separation of wastes at the source and adding Rose greenhouse waste can improve physical and chemical properties of compost and soil.
Zazouli M.A., Bagheri Ardebilian M., Ghahramani E., and Ghorbanian M. 2018. Principles of Compost Production Technology. Khaniran, Teran, Iran. 340 p. (In Persian with English abstract).
Amini Fard A. 2019. Effect of compost level on absorption of some micronutrients and its relation to physiological parameters of saffron. Journal of Crop Production Research, 26: (1) 61-74.
Agassi M., Levy G.J., Hadas A., Benyamini Y., Zhevelev H., Fizik E., Gotessman M., and Sasson 2004. Effects on minimizing rainwater losses and on hazards to the environment. Soil and Tillage Research, 78:103-113.
Tejada M., and Gonzalez J.L. 2008. Influence of two organic amendments on the soil physical properties, soil losses, sediments and runoff water quality. Geoderma, 145: 325-334.
Perez D.V., Alcantra S., Ribeiro C.C., Pereira R.E., Fontes G.C., Wasserman M.A., Venezuela T.C., Meneguelli N.A., and Parradas C.A.A. Composted municipal waste effects on chemical properties of Brazilian soil. Bioresource Technology, 98: 525- 533.
Karimnia F., Rangzan F., Nadian Ghomsheh H., and Lotfi Jalal Abadi A. 2019. The effect of spent mushroom compost and its biochar on parsley yield under salinity stress. Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research, 50(6): 1453-1465.
Nelson D.W., and Sommers L.E. 1986. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. p. 539-579. In: Page AL, Miller RH and Keeney DR (eds), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties. Agronomy Monograph No. 9. ASA and SSSA, Madison, WI.
Bower C.A.R., Reitemeier , and Fireman M. 1952. Exchangeable-cation analysis of salin and alkali soils. Soil Science, 73:251-261.
Gupta P.K. 1999. Soil, Plant, Water and Fertilizer Aanalysis. Agrobios publication, Bikaner, India.
Knudsen D., Paterson A., and Pratt P.F. 1982. Lithium, sodium and potasium. p. 225-246. In: Page et al. (Eds.), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. ASA, SSSA, Madison, USA.
Olsen S., and Sommers L.E. 1982. Phosphorus. p. 403-430. In: Page et al. (Eds.), Methods of Soil Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties. Agronomy Monograph No. 9. ASA and SSSA: Madison, WI.
Blake G.R., and Hartge K.H. 1986. Bulk density. p. 363-375. In: A. Klute (ed.). Methods of Soil Analysis. 2nd ed. Agron. Monogr. 9, ASA, Madison, WI.
Van Bavel C.H.M. 1949. Mean weight diameter of soil aggregates as a statistical index of aggregation. Soil Science Society, 14: 20-23.
Zng Y.H. 2004. Evaluating heavy metal contents in nine composts using four digestion methods. Bioresource Technology, 95:53 – 59.
Van Genuchten M.Th. 1980. A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of soils. Soil Science Society of American Journal, 44: 892-898.
Chafneau C.H., Rougeux G., Yepremian C., and Oudot J. 2005. Effects of nutrient concentration on the biodegradation of crude oil and associated microbial populations in the soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 37:1490-1497
Koolivand A., Naddafi K., Nabizadeh R., Jonidi Jafari A., Yunesian M., Yaghmaiean, K., and Naseri S. 2016. Investigating the trend of changes of organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and temperature during oily sludge composting process. Iranian Journal of Health and Environment, 9(3): 299-308. (In Persian)
Yousefi Z., Amouei A. I., Asgharnia H., Nemati A. and Vaezzadeh M. 2011. Compost production from household solid wastes by earthworms. Journal of Babol University Medical Science, 14(1): 30-35. (in Persian with English abstract).
Heidarzade N., and Abdoli M. 2008. Quality assessment of compost in Iran and the need for standards and quality assurance. Journal of Environmental Studies, 34(48):29-40. (In Persian with English abstract).
Asgharni H.A., Omrani G.A., and Amooii A. I. 2004. Comparison of aerobic compost andvermicompost according to maturation time and microbial and chemical quality. In Proceeding of 6th National Congress of Environmental Health, Mazandaran, Iran. (In Persian with English abstract).
Sefidkar E., Kazemi M., Mohebbrad B., and Sadeghi A. 2013. Chemical analysis of the compost produced in Mashhad city andcomparison with standards. Journal of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences, 5(4): 775-782. (in Persian with English abstract).
Khoshru B., Aliasgharzad N. and Jodmand A. 2019. The effect of pH adjustment of municipal compost on its enrichment with plant growth promoting bacterium “Entrobacter Cloacase”. Soil Biology, 7(1): 103-113.
Dehghani R., Charkhloo E., Mostafaii G.H., Asadi M.A., Mousavi G. , Saffari M., and Pourbabaei M. 2011. A study on the variations of temperature, moisture, pH and carbon to nitrogen ratio in producing compost by stack method. Medical Sciences, 15: 359-365. (In Persian with English abstract).
Rebollido R., Martinez J., Aguilera Y., Melchor K., Koerner I., and Stegmann R. Microbial populations during composting process of organic fraction of municipal solid waste.Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 6(3): 61-67.
Shirani H., Hajabbasi M.A., Afyuni M., and Hemmat A. 2010. Impact of tillage systems farmyard manure on soil penetration resistance under corn cropping. Journal of Science and Technology of Agricalture and Natural Resources, 14(51): 141-155. (In Persian with English abstract).
Mirzaee Talarposhti R., Kambodia J., Sabahi H., and Mahdavi Damgani A. Effect of organic fertilizers on physicochemical properties of soil and production of tomato dry matter. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(1): 257-267. (In Persian with English abstract).
Sadegi S., Eslahi N., and Dadashian F. 2015. Recycling chicken feather fibers for the production of absorbent porous keratin foam. The 10th National Conference on Textile Industry of Iran, Isfahan, Faculty of Textile Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (In Persian with English abstract).
Mollaei M., Bashari H., Basiri M., and Mosaddeghi M.R. Soil structural stability assessment using wet-sieving method in selected rangeland sites in Isfahan province.Water and Soil Science, 18(70): 121-133.
Mamedov A.I., Beckmann S., Huang C., and Levy G.J. 2007. Aggregate stability as affected by polyacrylamide molecular weight, soil texture and water quality. Soil Science Society of American Journal, 71(6): 1909-1918.
Dexter A.R. 1988. Advances in characterization of soil structure. Soil Tillage Research, 11:199–238.
Dexter A.R. 2004)b). Soil physical quality, Part III. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and general conclusions about S Geoderma, 120: 227-239.
Dexter A.R. 2004(a). Soil physical quality. Part I: Theory, effects of soil texture, density, and organic matter, and effects on root growth. Geoderma, 120:201-214.
Lakhdar A., Scelza R., Scotti R., Rao M.A., Jedidi N., Gianfreda L., and Abdelly C. 2010. The effect of compost and sewage sludge on soil biologic activities in salt affected soil. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 10(1): 40-47.
Keshavarz P. 2013. Soil chemical changes, nutrient composition and tomato yield in response to consumption of municipal waste compost. Soil Research, 27(2): 169-178.
Vinhal-Freitas I.C., Wangen D.R.B., Ferreira, A.S., Correa G.F., and Wendling B. 2010. Microbial and enzymatic activity in soil after organic compositing. Biology and Soil, 34: 757-764.
Chen M., Ma L.Q., Cao R.X., Melamed R., and Singh S.P. 2003. Field demonstration of in situ immobilization of soil Pb using P amendments. Advanced Environmental Research, 8: 93-102.
Anonymous 1987. Guidance on the Assessment and Redevelopment of Contaminated land. Interdepartmental Committee on the Redevelopment of Contaminated Land. Guidance Note. 59/83. Department of Environment, London.
Achiba W.B., Gabteni N., Lakhar A., and Du Laing G. 2009. Effects of 5-year application of municipal solid waste compost on the distribution and mobility of heavy metals in a Tunisian calcareous soil. Agricultural Ecosystems and Environment, 130: 158-183.
Alloway B.J. 1995. Heavy Metals in Soils. Blackie Chapman and Hall, London.
Cariny T. 1995. The Reuse of Contaminated Land. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Publisher. USA.
Weber J., Karczewska A., Drozd , Licznar M., Licznar S., Jamroz E., and Kocowicz A. 2007. Agricultural and ecological aspects of a sandy soil as affected by the application of municipal solid waste composts. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 39: 1299-1302.
Ayari F., Chairi R., and Kossai R. Sequential extraction of heavy metalsduring composting of urban waste. Chinian Journal of Geochemistry, 27: 121-125.
Zazouli M.A., Bagheri Ardebilian M., Ghahramani E., and Ghorbanian M. 2018. Principles of Compost Production Technology. Khaniran, Teran, Iran. 340 p. (In Persian with English abstract).
Amini Fard A. 2019. Effect of compost level on absorption of some micronutrients and its relation to physiological parameters of saffron. Journal of Crop Production Research, 26: (1) 61-74.
Agassi M., Levy G.J., Hadas A., Benyamini Y., Zhevelev H., Fizik E., Gotessman M., and Sasson 2004. Effects on minimizing rainwater losses and on hazards to the environment. Soil and Tillage Research, 78:103-113.
Tejada M., and Gonzalez J.L. 2008. Influence of two organic amendments on the soil physical properties, soil losses, sediments and runoff water quality. Geoderma, 145: 325-334.
Perez D.V., Alcantra S., Ribeiro C.C., Pereira R.E., Fontes G.C., Wasserman M.A., Venezuela T.C., Meneguelli N.A., and Parradas C.A.A. Composted municipal waste effects on chemical properties of Brazilian soil. Bioresource Technology, 98: 525- 533.
Karimnia F., Rangzan F., Nadian Ghomsheh H., and Lotfi Jalal Abadi A. 2019. The effect of spent mushroom compost and its biochar on parsley yield under salinity stress. Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research, 50(6): 1453-1465.
Nelson D.W., and Sommers L.E. 1986. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. p. 539-579. In: Page AL, Miller RH and Keeney DR (eds), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties. Agronomy Monograph No. 9. ASA and SSSA, Madison, WI.
Bower C.A.R., Reitemeier , and Fireman M. 1952. Exchangeable-cation analysis of salin and alkali soils. Soil Science, 73:251-261.
Gupta P.K. 1999. Soil, Plant, Water and Fertilizer Aanalysis. Agrobios publication, Bikaner, India.
Knudsen D., Paterson A., and Pratt P.F. 1982. Lithium, sodium and potasium. p. 225-246. In: Page et al. (Eds.), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. ASA, SSSA, Madison, USA.
Olsen S., and Sommers L.E. 1982. Phosphorus. p. 403-430. In: Page et al. (Eds.), Methods of Soil Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties. Agronomy Monograph No. 9. ASA and SSSA: Madison, WI.
Blake G.R., and Hartge K.H. 1986. Bulk density. p. 363-375. In: A. Klute (ed.). Methods of Soil Analysis. 2nd ed. Agron. Monogr. 9, ASA, Madison, WI.
Van Bavel C.H.M. 1949. Mean weight diameter of soil aggregates as a statistical index of aggregation. Soil Science Society, 14: 20-23.
Zng Y.H. 2004. Evaluating heavy metal contents in nine composts using four digestion methods. Bioresource Technology, 95:53 – 59.
Van Genuchten M.Th. 1980. A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of soils. Soil Science Society of American Journal, 44: 892-898.
Chafneau C.H., Rougeux G., Yepremian C., and Oudot J. 2005. Effects of nutrient concentration on the biodegradation of crude oil and associated microbial populations in the soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 37:1490-1497
Koolivand A., Naddafi K., Nabizadeh R., Jonidi Jafari A., Yunesian M., Yaghmaiean, K., and Naseri S. 2016. Investigating the trend of changes of organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and temperature during oily sludge composting process. Iranian Journal of Health and Environment, 9(3): 299-308. (In Persian)
Yousefi Z., Amouei A. I., Asgharnia H., Nemati A. and Vaezzadeh M. 2011. Compost production from household solid wastes by earthworms. Journal of Babol University Medical Science, 14(1): 30-35. (in Persian with English abstract).
Heidarzade N., and Abdoli M. 2008. Quality assessment of compost in Iran and the need for standards and quality assurance. Journal of Environmental Studies, 34(48):29-40. (In Persian with English abstract).
Asgharni H.A., Omrani G.A., and Amooii A. I. 2004. Comparison of aerobic compost andvermicompost according to maturation time and microbial and chemical quality. In Proceeding of 6th National Congress of Environmental Health, Mazandaran, Iran. (In Persian with English abstract).
Sefidkar E., Kazemi M., Mohebbrad B., and Sadeghi A. 2013. Chemical analysis of the compost produced in Mashhad city andcomparison with standards. Journal of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences, 5(4): 775-782. (in Persian with English abstract).
Khoshru B., Aliasgharzad N. and Jodmand A. 2019. The effect of pH adjustment of municipal compost on its enrichment with plant growth promoting bacterium “Entrobacter Cloacase”. Soil Biology, 7(1): 103-113.
Dehghani R., Charkhloo E., Mostafaii G.H., Asadi M.A., Mousavi G. , Saffari M., and Pourbabaei M. 2011. A study on the variations of temperature, moisture, pH and carbon to nitrogen ratio in producing compost by stack method. Medical Sciences, 15: 359-365. (In Persian with English abstract).
Rebollido R., Martinez J., Aguilera Y., Melchor K., Koerner I., and Stegmann R. Microbial populations during composting process of organic fraction of municipal solid waste.Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 6(3): 61-67.
Shirani H., Hajabbasi M.A., Afyuni M., and Hemmat A. 2010. Impact of tillage systems farmyard manure on soil penetration resistance under corn cropping. Journal of Science and Technology of Agricalture and Natural Resources, 14(51): 141-155. (In Persian with English abstract).
Mirzaee Talarposhti R., Kambodia J., Sabahi H., and Mahdavi Damgani A. Effect of organic fertilizers on physicochemical properties of soil and production of tomato dry matter. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(1): 257-267. (In Persian with English abstract).
Sadegi S., Eslahi N., and Dadashian F. 2015. Recycling chicken feather fibers for the production of absorbent porous keratin foam. The 10th National Conference on Textile Industry of Iran, Isfahan, Faculty of Textile Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (In Persian with English abstract).
Mollaei M., Bashari H., Basiri M., and Mosaddeghi M.R. Soil structural stability assessment using wet-sieving method in selected rangeland sites in Isfahan province.Water and Soil Science, 18(70): 121-133.
Mamedov A.I., Beckmann S., Huang C., and Levy G.J. 2007. Aggregate stability as affected by polyacrylamide molecular weight, soil texture and water quality. Soil Science Society of American Journal, 71(6): 1909-1918.
Dexter A.R. 1988. Advances in characterization of soil structure. Soil Tillage Research, 11:199–238.
Dexter A.R. 2004)b). Soil physical quality, Part III. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and general conclusions about S Geoderma, 120: 227-239.
Dexter A.R. 2004(a). Soil physical quality. Part I: Theory, effects of soil texture, density, and organic matter, and effects on root growth. Geoderma, 120:201-214.
Lakhdar A., Scelza R., Scotti R., Rao M.A., Jedidi N., Gianfreda L., and Abdelly C. 2010. The effect of compost and sewage sludge on soil biologic activities in salt affected soil. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 10(1): 40-47.
Keshavarz P. 2013. Soil chemical changes, nutrient composition and tomato yield in response to consumption of municipal waste compost. Soil Research, 27(2): 169-178.
Vinhal-Freitas I.C., Wangen D.R.B., Ferreira, A.S., Correa G.F., and Wendling B. 2010. Microbial and enzymatic activity in soil after organic compositing. Biology and Soil, 34: 757-764.
Chen M., Ma L.Q., Cao R.X., Melamed R., and Singh S.P. 2003. Field demonstration of in situ immobilization of soil Pb using P amendments. Advanced Environmental Research, 8: 93-102.
Anonymous 1987. Guidance on the Assessment and Redevelopment of Contaminated land. Interdepartmental Committee on the Redevelopment of Contaminated Land. Guidance Note. 59/83. Department of Environment, London.
Achiba W.B., Gabteni N., Lakhar A., and Du Laing G. 2009. Effects of 5-year application of municipal solid waste compost on the distribution and mobility of heavy metals in a Tunisian calcareous soil. Agricultural Ecosystems and Environment, 130: 158-183.
Alloway B.J. 1995. Heavy Metals in Soils. Blackie Chapman and Hall, London.
Cariny T. 1995. The Reuse of Contaminated Land. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Publisher. USA.
Weber J., Karczewska A., Drozd , Licznar M., Licznar S., Jamroz E., and Kocowicz A. 2007. Agricultural and ecological aspects of a sandy soil as affected by the application of municipal solid waste composts. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 39: 1299-1302.
Ayari F., Chairi R., and Kossai R. Sequential extraction of heavy metalsduring composting of urban waste. Chinian Journal of Geochemistry, 27: 121-125.