Studying the solutions of urban heat island mitigation through greenery and permeable surface in Tehran
Subject Areas : Architecture and urbanismMarzieh Farbudi 1 , Zahra Zamani 2
1 - Masters student, Kish international campus, University of Tehran.
2 - Assistant professor, Arch. Technology, School of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran. *(Corresponding Author)
Keywords: Envi-Met, Green infrastructure, UTCI index, heat island, Dragonfly,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: The increase in development of urban spaces has caused the phenomenon of urban heat island. One of the main factors that disrupts the rain cycle, reduces relative humidity in urban environments, and ultimately raises the temperature is the reduction of permeable surfaces and green spaces in cities. The heat island is intensified in the city center and in high-traffic areas. The purpose of this study was to modulate this phenomenon at the central part of Tehran and to provide solutions to adjust the temperature. Material and Methodology: This research was carried out in two phases by using a simulation method. In the first phase (on an urban block scale) the current situation and the situation proposed by the authors were simulated using Ladybug and Dragon Fly to compare UTCI index and dry-bulb temperature. In the second phase, part of the studied urban block was selected and the micro-climatic model were simulated in three modes of the current, proposed and the optimal situation with Envi-met on August 6, 1998. Subsequently, the effect of building materials, floors with different permeability, grass, trees and water on wind speed, temperature, relative humidity, radiant temperature and carbon dioxide concentration was studied. Findings: Finally, the optimal model that included trees, water, grass, permeable materials, trees and green roofs reduced the temperature (to four degrees), irradiation temperature (4 to 5 degrees), the carbon monoxide concentration and wind speed and meanwhile increased the relative humidity up to 10% compared to the current situation. Discussion and conclusion: The results indicated that the UTCI index was adjusted as urban green infrastructure and permeable pavement increased. The tree also had the greatest effect on lowering the temperature than other parameters.
- Farhadi, H., Faizi M., Sanaieian H., 2019. Mitigating the urban heat island in a residential area in Tehran: Investigating the role of vegetation, materials, and orientation of buildings, Sustainable Cities and Society. 46:
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- Zamani Z, Heidari S, Hanachi P. Reviewing the thermal and microclimatic function of courtyards. Renew Sustain Energy Rev. 2018;93:580-595.
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- Taleghani, M., Tenpierik, M., Dobbelsteen, A., Sailor, D, 2014. Heat in courtyards: A validated and calibrated parametric study of heat mitigation strategies for urban courtyards in the Netherlands. Solar Energy. (103):108–124.
- Rajabi, T, Abu-Hijleh, 2014. The Study of Vegetation Effects on Reduction of Urban Heat Island in Dubai, World SB 4 Barcelona. Barcelona.
- Farhadi, H., Faizi M., Sanaieian H., 2019. Mitigating the urban heat island in a residential area in Tehran: Investigating the role of vegetation, materials, and orientation of buildings, Sustainable Cities and Society. 46:
- Mansoorian, M. Namdar ghasghaee, N. 2008. Environmental management. Iran Consultants committee press. Tehran. (In Persian)
- Alijani, B. Toulabinejad, M. Sayadi, F. 2017. Calculation of heat island intensity based on urban geometry (case study: district of kucheh bagh in Tabriz, Journal of spatial analysis environmental hazarts, 4 (3) 99-112. (In Persian)
- Santamouris, M., Synnefa, A., Karlessi, T., 2011. Using advanced cool materials in the urban built environment to mitigate heat islands and improve thermal comfort conditions. Sol. Energy 85 (12): 3085-3102.
- Ng, E., Chen, L.,Wang, Y., Yuan, C. 2012. A study on the cooling effects of greening in a high-density city: an experience from Hong Kong. Build. Environ. 47: 256-27.
- Perez, G., Rincon, L., Vila, A., Gonzalez, J.M. Cabeza, L.F. 2011. Behaviour of green facades in Mediterranean Continental climate. Energy Convers. Manag. 52 (4): 1861-1867.
- Sharma, A., Woodruff, S., Budhathoki, M., Hamlet, A.F., Chen, F., Fernando, H.J.S. 2018. Role of green roofs in reducing heat stress in vulnerable urban communities da multidisciplinary approach. Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (9): 094011.
- Zamani Z, Heidari S, Hanachi P. 2020 Study the Microclimatic Performance of the Courtyard in Tehran Climate (Case study: Memar Bashi Theological Seminary courtyard), J. Env. Sci. Tech., Vol 22, No.5.
- Zamani Z, Heidari S, Hanachi P. 2019 Optimizing the Building Location Arrangement in Urban Block, in order to Achieve Heat Mitigation of Yards in Tehran, J. Env. Sci. Tech., Vol 21, No.9.
- Zamani Z, Heidari S, Hanachi P. Reviewing the thermal and microclimatic function of courtyards. Renew Sustain Energy Rev. 2018;93:580-595.
- Rafiean M, Rezai rad H. 2017. Measuring the Impact of Vegetation Greenness on Spatial Changes of Heat Island Intensity in Tehran Metropolitan by Using ASTER and Landsat8 Satellite Images. Jsaeh.; 4 (3) :1-16 (Access in 2020/11/27) (In Persian)
- Malekpour P. , Taleai M, 2010. Evaluation of Land Surface Temperature and Urban Landuse/LandCover Changes Using of ETM+ Satellite DataA Case Study of Tehran City, Iranian Journal of Remote Sencing & GIS, 2 (3): 89-102. (Access in 2020/11/27) (In Persian)
- Al-Saadi, L. M. Jaber, S. H. Al-Jiboori, M. H. 2020. Variation of urban vegetation cover and its impact on minimum and maximum heat islands. Urban Climate 34: 100707.
- Dong, J., Lin M., Zuo, J., Lin, T., Liu J., Sun, C., Luo, J., 2020. Quantitative study on the cooling effect of green roofs in a highdensity urban Area: A case study of Xiamen, China, Journal of Cleaner Production 255: 120-152.
- Berardi, U., Jandaghian, Z., Graham, J., 2020. Effects of greenery enhancements for the resilience to heat waves: A comparison of analysis performed through mesoscale (WRF) and microscale (Envi-met) modeling, Science of the Total Environment 747:
- Duarte, D.H.S., Shinzato, P., Gusson, C., Alves, C.A. 2015. The impact of vegetation on urban microclimate to counterbalance built density in a subtropical changing climate, Urban Climate 14: 224–239.
- Baghaei Daemei,A. Azmoodehb, M. Zamani, Z. Mehrinejad Khotbehsara E., (2018), Experimental and simulation studies on the thermal behavior of vertical greenery system for temperature mitigation in urban spaces, 20 277–284
- Zamani Z, Heidari S, Azmoodeh, M. Taleghani, M. 2019 Energy performance and summer thermal comfort of traditional courtyard buildings in a desert climate, Environmental Progress & sustainable Energy, Volume38, Issue6
- Baker, M.C. Canada, N.R.C.o. 1980. Roofs: Design, Application, and Maintenance, Multi science Publications, Montreal.
- Bretz, S. Akbari, H. Rosenfeld, A.H. Taha, H. 1992 Implementation of solar reflective surfaces: materials and utility programs, University of California, Berkeley.
- Takashi, A., Vu Thanh, Ca., 2000. Characteristics of permeable pavement during hot summer weather and impact on the thermal environment. Building and Environment 35: 363-375.
- Bokaie, M. Kheirkhah Zarkesh, M. Daneshkar Arasteh, P. Hosseini, A, 2016. Assessment of Urban Heat Island based on the relationship between land surface temperature and Land Use/ Land Cover in Tehran, Sustainable Cities and Society 23 (2016) 94–104
- Evola, G., Costanzo, V., Magrì, C., Margani, G., Marletta, L., & Naboni, E. 2020. A novel comprehensive workflow for modelling outdoor thermal comfort and energy demand in urban canyons: Results and critical issues. Energy and Buildings. 216: 109946.
- Taleghani, M., Tenpierik, M., Dobbelsteen, A., Sailor, D, 2014. Heat in courtyards: A validated and calibrated parametric study of heat mitigation strategies for urban courtyards in the Netherlands. Solar Energy. (103):108–124.
- Rajabi, T, Abu-Hijleh, 2014. The Study of Vegetation Effects on Reduction of Urban Heat Island in Dubai, World SB 4 Barcelona. Barcelona.