The Feasibility of Construction of Zero-Energy Building in the Cold and Semi-Arid Climate (Case Study: Mashhad)
Subject Areas : Renewable Energy
Nima Amani
Mostafa Moghadas Mashhad
1 - Department of Civil Engineering, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran. * (Corresponding Author)
2 - M.Sc., Department of Construction Management, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Energy Plus, Zero energy building, Photovoltaics, Sustainable development, Energy management,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate and design a zero energy building in cold and dry climates. In this study, energy consumption will be reduced by using of the solar-powered systems and techniques for the use of maximum energy from renewable sources. Method: A residential building is evaluated as a case study. This building includes one floor with an area of 100 square meters with 4 people in cold and dry climate of Mashhad in the north east of Iran. For thermal simulation, weather information (temperature, air, sunshine, wind, rain, and sunlight) is obtained from the weather station and climate database and the Meteonorm software. Design Builder software is used to simulate and analyze the dynamic heat of the structure. Findings: The results of this simulation show that 30% of the annual energy consumption of the building, taking into account the principles of inactive design (optimal selection, wall truss, shade, appropriate fitting) will be reduced from 2544.3 KWh to 1776 KWh. Subsequently, with the annual energy requirement, PVSyst software is designed to design a photovoltaic solar system with an annual energy of 2629.1 KWh. Discussion and Conclusion: The comparative comparison of equation values by applying a 1.4 coefficient of confidence indicates that construction of zero-energy building is possible in a cold and dry climate and is created to achieve sustainable and environmentally sustainable.
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- Taheri, Z., Abbaspoor, M.H., Tabasizadeh, M., Abootorabi, H., 2013. Determine the slope and direction of installation of solar systems in Mashhad, 2st. National Conference on New and Clean Energy, Hamedan, Iran. (In Persian)
- Sadeghi, F.,2016. Green architecture and advanced materials and technologies, ١st. Edition, Osman, A., Firs and Last Pub: Tehran. (In Persian)
- IPCC., 2016. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, see information
- Eshraghi, J., Narjabadifam, N., Mirkhani., N., Khosroshahi, S. S., and Ashjaee., M., 2014. A comprehensive feasibility study of applying solar energy to design a zero energy building for a typical home in Tehran. Energy and Buildings, Vol. 72, pp.329-338.
- GES., 2017. Global Energy Statistical Yearbook, see information in: www.
- Islamic Consultative Parliament Research Center. .2017. (In Persian)
- Wang, L., Gwilliam, J., and Jones, Ph., 2009. Case study of zero energy house design in UK, Journal of Energy and Building, Vol. 41, No.11, pp.1215-1222.
- Arbabian, H., 2016. Optimize energy consumption in buildings. 3st. National Conference in Energy, Departmen of Built Environment, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- Osmani, M., and O’Reilly, A., Feasibility of zero carbon homes in England by A house builder’s perspective,” Building and Environment, Vol. 44, pp. 1924 -1917.
- Ghobadian, V., and Feyz M. 2010. Environmental design theoretical and applied principles of energy use in building. Watson and Kent., 1st. Edition, University of Tehran Pub., Tehran. (In Persian)
- Ferrari, S., and Beccali, M., 2017. Energy-environmental and cost assessment of a set of strategies for retrofitting a public building toward nearly zero-energy building target,” Sustainable Cities and Society , Vol. 32, pp. 226-234.
- Charisi, S., 2017. The role of the building envelope in achieving nearly-zero energy buildings (nZEBs). International Conference on Sustainable Synergies from Buildings to the Urban Scale, Procedia Environmental Sciences 38, pp.115 – 120.
- Albadry, S., Tarabieh, Kh., and Sewilam, H., 2017. Achieving net zero-energy buildings through retrofitting existing residential buildings using PV panels, International Conference – Alternative and Renewable Energy Quest, AREQ, 1-3 February, Spain.
- Zhou, Zh., Feng, L., Zhang, Sh., Wang, Ch., Chen, G., Du, T., Li, Y., and Zuo, J., 2016. The operational performance of net zero energy building: a study in China. Applied Energy, Vol. 177, PP. 716-728.
- Lizana, J., Chacartegui, R., Barrios-Padura, A., and Valverde, J. M., 2017. Advances in thermal energy storage materials and their applications towards zero energy buildings: a critical review. Applied Energy, Vol. 203, pp. 2019-239.
- Li, H., Zhang, R., Feng, G., Huang, K., and Cao, C., 2015. Simulation and comparison of heating and cooling load between a zero-energy building and a common building in severe cold region. ٩th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC) and the 3rd International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE).
- Amani, N., 2017. Energy efficiency using the simulation software of atrium thermal environment in residential building: a case study. Advances in Building Energy Research, Taylor & Francis,
- Heravi, G., and Qaemi, M., 2014. Energy performance of buildings: the evaluation of design and construction measures concerning building energy efficiency in Iran. J.Energy and Buildings, Vol. 75, pp. 456–464.
- Cellura, M., Guarino, F., Longo, S., Mistretta, M., 2015. Different energy balances for the redesign of nearly net zero energy buildings: an Italian case study. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 45, pp. 100-112.
- Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran, ISIRI-ISO, 2011. Energy Management Systems –Requirements With Guidance For Use. 1st. Edition, Identical with ISO 50001.
- National Building Regulations of Iran, Section 19., 2010. Energy saving. Iran Developmetn Pub., Tehran. (In Persian)
- Zomorodian, Z., and Tahsildoost, M., 2015. Validation of energy simulation software in building with experimental and comparative approach. Iranian Journal of Energy, Vol. 18, No.4. (In Persian)
- Naghdalizadeh, Sh., and Heybati, M.R., 2015. The feasibility study of building design with zero energy consumption in Iran, 7th National Conference on Renewable and Efficient Energy, IRIB International Conference Center, Tehran. (In Persian)
- Ham, Y., Golparvar-Fard, M., 2013. Epar: energy performance augmented reality models for identification of building energy performance deviations between actual measurements and simulation results. Energy and Buildings, Vol.63, PP. 15–28.
- Kasmaei, M., 2006. Climate and Architecture, Soil Pub., Tehran. pp.200-238. (In Persian)
- Climate. 2016. Average weather of Iran, available at:
- Sabet Dizavandi, L., 2017. Analysis and prediction of time variations of temperature and rainfall in Mashhad, MSc Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran. (In Persian)
- Taheri, Z., Abbaspoor, M.H., Tabasizadeh, M., Abootorabi, H., 2013. Determine the slope and direction of installation of solar systems in Mashhad, 2st. National Conference on New and Clean Energy, Hamedan, Iran. (In Persian)