Evaluation of the Water Saving Scenario for Integrated Energy and Environmental Management and its Modeling Using LEAP Software (Case study: Energy system around Jajrood River)
Subject Areas :
environmental management
Nazanin Javadifard
samira khadivi
saeid motahari
maryam farahani
1 - PhD Student in Environmental Management, Department of Environment, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environment, Roodehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen, Iran *(Corresponding Author).
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environment, Roodehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environment, Roodehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen, Iran.
Received: 2018-09-03
Accepted : 2019-05-22
Published : 2021-10-23
Jajrood River,
LEAP software,
Integrated Management,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Increasing energy consumption by reducing natural resources and contaminating the environment is a serious threat to human. Therefore, wise use and planning is important in this regard. Present study carried out to assess integrated energy and environmental management using LEAP software around Jajrood RiverMaterial and Methodology: Supply system (production, import, transmission and distribution of Latyan hydroelectric power plant), water demand of Jajrood River (urban, agricultural and industrial consumption) and environmental impacts of energy for the determined physical boundary range were modeled by using the capabilities of the LEAP software. Then, the results of model implementation in the reference scenario and scenario of water consumption optimization policies contains the different non-price strategies (household, agricultural and industrial sectors) were compared in a 10-year period.Findings: Energy demand in water sector and the supply of electricity in the base year (2016) were 506/4 and 5607/4 MkWh, respectively, which is expected to reach 651/2 and 7162/9 MkWh in 2026 under the reference scenario. While the total energy demand in the water sector and electricity supply of this region will be 422/5 and 7028/5 MkWh, in the water saving scenario. The carbon dioxide emission in the reference scenario will be increased from 6/43 Mt in the base year to 7/94Mt in 2026. While it will be 7/92 Mt under the proposed scenario.Discussion and Conclusions: By implementing the water saving scenario in the studied area, water consumption will decrease to 100 Mm3per year. Also it will be reduced 32/9 percent energy consumption and 20000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions in the year-end of the plan, which will be important in improving the environment.
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Hiremath, R.B., Kumar, B., Balachandra, P., Ravindranath, N.H., 2010,” Bottom-up approach for decentralised energy planning: Case study of Tumkur district in India”, Energy Policy, vol 38.
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thrw.ir, 2017, Letian Dam Operation, History and Specifications of Latyan Dam, Tehran Regional Water Company. (In Persian)
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Mardani, N., 2005, “Investigating the cumulative effects of fish farming pools on Jajrood River”, master thesis, Islamic Azad University- Science and Research Branch. (In Persian)
Taghdisiyan, H., Minapour, S., 2003, “Investigating the Effects of Country Development Plans on Energy Demand for Residential Houses and Distribution Pollutants by Using the LEAP Software”, Third Regional Conference and First National Conference on Climate Change. (In Persian)
Moradi, M.A., Amidpour, M., Hoori Jafari, H., Mehrzamma, I.., 2013, Analysis and modeling of the energy demand structure in the Agricultural sector of Iran, Iranian Journal of Energy , Vol 17 (2), Pp. 101-124.
Handayani, K., Yoram Krozer, Y., T Filatova, T., 2019. From fossil fuels to renewables: An analysis of long-term scenarios considering technological learning, Energy Policy Vol. 127 pp. 134–146.
Wongsapai, W., Ritkrerkkrai, C., Pongthanaisawan, J., 2016, “Integrated model for energy and CO2 emissions analysis from Thailand’s long-term low carbon energy efficiency and renewable energy plan”, Energy Procedia, vol 100.