Heavy metals concentrations (Ni / Pb / Cd) in Spinach (Spinacia oleraceae) with Effect of Atmospheric Desiccation (Case Study: Upper Hand and Downstream of Ramin Ahvaz Power Plant)
Subject Areas :
Environmental pollutions (water, soil and air)
Ali Karimi Shooshtari
Maryam Mohammadi Rouzbahani
1 - Department of Environment, Ahvaz branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
2 - Department of Environment, Ahvaz branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
Received: 2017-09-10
Accepted : 2018-06-13
Published : 2022-03-21
Ramin power plant,
Agricultural soil,
Heavy Metals,
Atmospheric Precipitation,
Spinachia spinach (Spinacia oleraceae),
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Several studies have been done to measure the concentration of heavy metals in vegetables, but so far, research on the determination of heavy metals in spinach and soil vegetation in upstream and downstream of the Ramin power plant using inductively coupled plasma - Optical emission spectroscopy has not been performed. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the concentration of cadmium, lead, and nickel in spinach and soil harvested from upstream and downstream fields of Ramin Power Plant.Material and Methodology: 99 vegetable and soil samples were collected. After chemical digestion (for soil using EPA 3050 and for plant using Jackson, 1980), preparation was performed by the ICP-OES induction plasma coupling device. Then, the results were analyzed using SPSS20 software.Findings: The results showed that concentrations of Cd, Pb and Ni in spinach and the soil bottom of the plant were 17.76, 20.89 and 43.68 mg / kg, 0.09, 0.1, 2.52 mg / kg, respectively. And in the spinach and the upper soil of the Ramin power plant were measured 6.81, 17.94 and 28.38 mg / kg, 0.88, 0.8 and 1.85 mg / kg respectively, which according to the standard limit. Concentration of cadmium, nickel and lead in spinach was higher and in soil below standard level. The concentration of all three metals in all vegetable samples was higher than the standard standard. The general pattern of concentrations of metals in vegetables and soil is Ni> Pb> Cd.Discussion and Conclusion: Considering the high concentration of heavy metals in spinach herb and the impact of atmospheric dry atmospheric precipitation in the region, focusing on the potential risk of heavy metals contamination for food safety and human health in agricultural soils and upstream and downstream Ramin power plants it is very necessary.
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Ramezania, Z., Aghelb, N., Shiralipourc, R.,Dabbaghc, R.Z., 2008. Determination of lead and cadmium content of dill (Anethum graveolens) and onion (Allium cepa L.) Radu L, Anca-rovena L. vegetable and fruits quality within heavy metal polluted areas in Romania. Carpth Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Vol. 3(2), pp. 115-29. (In Persian)
Mohd Hilmi, J., 2010. Determination of heavy metal accumulation in ipomoea using wet destruction method. Thesis University Malaysia Pahang.
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Nazemi, S., Asgari, A.S., Raie, M., 2009. Investigation of the amount of heavy metals in vegetable vegetables in the suburbs of Shahrood. Journal of Health and Environment, Scientific-Research Journal of the Environmental Health Association of Iran. Vol. 3, pp. 195-202. (In Persian)
Zazouli, M.A., Mohsein Bandpei, A., Maleki, A., Saberian, M., Izanloo, H., 2010. Determination of Cadmium and Lead contents in black tea and tea liquor from Oran. Asia Journal Chemistery. Vol. 22(2), pp. 1387-1393.
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Pandey, J. 2005.Evaluation of air pollution phytotoxicity downwind of a phosphate Fertilizer factory in india. Environmental and Assessment. Vol. 100, pp. 249-266.
Pandey, J., Pandey, U., 1994. Evaluating of air pollution phytotoxicity in a seasonally dry tropical urban environment. Environmental monitoring and Assessment. Vol. 33, pp. 195-213.
Garba, I., Jimoh, W., 2015. Evaluation of Heavy Metal And Macro-Elements In Irrigated Vegetables From Challawa-Yandanko And Kano River Basin Project, In Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Studies. Vol.2, pp. 2349-8862.
Ferri, R., Hashim, D., R.Smith, D., Guazzetti, S., Donna, F., Frrretti, E., Curatolo, M., Moneta, C., Maria Beone, G., Lucchini, R.G., 2014.Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 518–519, pp. 507–517.
Sarwar Khan, O., Ahmad, F., Skhawat, A., Muhammad Kamal, R., Ashraf, U., 2014. Assessment Of Heavy Metals Concentration In Indian And Pakistani Vegetables. International Journal of Technical Research and Applications. Vol. 2, pp. 4-8.
Chauhan, G., 2014. Toxicity study of metals contamination on vegetables grown in the vicinity of cement factory. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. Vol. 4, pp. 2250-3153.
Hellen, L.E., Othman, O.C., 2014. Levels of selected heavy metals in soil, tomatoes and selected vegetables from Lushoto district -Tanzania. International journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis. Vol. 2(6), pp. 313-319.
Mohammadi Rouzbahani, M., Abedi Kupai, C., 2009. Investigating the use of hyper-accumulator plants in refining soils contaminated with Ni..Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. 11, pp. 449-459. (In Persian)
Kolahkhaj, A., Mohammadi Rouzbahani, M.,2017. Application of Althea officinal as Pb accumulator. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 19, pp. 93-102. (In Persian)
Bahemuka, T.E., Mubofu, E.B., 1998. Heavy metals in edible green vegetables grown along the site of the Sinza and Msimbazi rivers in Dar es Salam, Tanzania. Journal of Food Chemistry.Vol. 66, pp. 63-65.
Cao, H.F, Chang A.C, Page A.L., 1984. Heavy Metal Contents of Sludge-treated Soils as Determined by Three Extraction Procedures. Journal of Environmental Quality.Vol. 13(4), pp. 632-634.
Branquinho, C., Serrano, H. C., Pinto, M. J., Martins-Loucao, M.A., 2006. Revisiting the plant hyper accumulation criteria to rare plants and earth abundant elements. Environmental Pollution Journal. Vol. 146, pp. 437–443.
Pandey, J., Pandey, U., 2001. The influence of catchment on ecosystem properties of a tropical fresh water lake. Biotronics. Vol. 30, pp. 85-92.
Lin, W., Xiao, T., Wu, Y., Ao, Z., Ning, Z., 2012. Hyper accumulation of zinc by Corddalis davidii in Zn-polluted soils. Chemosphere. Vol. 86, pp. 837-842.
Ghanavati, M., Mohammadi Roozbahani M ., Payandeh, Kh. 2021. Investigation of Concentration of Heavy Metals in Lead, Nickel, Arsenic and Cadmium in Soil, Parsley Vegetables and Downstream of Karun River. Journal of Innovation in Food Science and Technology. Vol 13, pp. 147-157. (In Persian)
Fouladi, M., Mohammadi Rouzbahani, M ., Attar Roshan, S ., Sabz Alipour, S. 2020. Health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in common cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) emphasis on environmental pollution. Toxin Reviews. Vol 40, pp. 1019-1034.
Adriano, D. C., 1986.Trace Elements in the Terrestrial Environment. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Shukla, S.R., 2005. Pai RS adsorption of Cu (II), Ni(II) and Zn (II) on modified jute fibres. Bio resource technology, Vol. 96(13), pp.1430-8.
Arora, M., Kiran, B., Rani, S., Rani, A., Kaur, B., Mittal, N.. 2008. Heavy metal accumulation in vegetables irrigated with water from different sources. Food Chemistry, Vol. 111, pp. 811–815.
Ramezania, Z., Aghelb, N., Shiralipourc, R.,Dabbaghc, R.Z., 2008. Determination of lead and cadmium content of dill (Anethum graveolens) and onion (Allium cepa L.) Radu L, Anca-rovena L. vegetable and fruits quality within heavy metal polluted areas in Romania. Carpth Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Vol. 3(2), pp. 115-29. (In Persian)
Mohd Hilmi, J., 2010. Determination of heavy metal accumulation in ipomoea using wet destruction method. Thesis University Malaysia Pahang.
Misund, A., Frengstad, B., Siewers, U., Reimann, C., 1999. Variation of 66 elements in European bottled mineral waters. The science of the Total Environmental. Vol. 243, pp. 21-41.
Nazemi, S., Asgari, A.S., Raie, M., 2009. Investigation of the amount of heavy metals in vegetable vegetables in the suburbs of Shahrood. Journal of Health and Environment, Scientific-Research Journal of the Environmental Health Association of Iran. Vol. 3, pp. 195-202. (In Persian)
Zazouli, M.A., Mohsein Bandpei, A., Maleki, A., Saberian, M., Izanloo, H., 2010. Determination of Cadmium and Lead contents in black tea and tea liquor from Oran. Asia Journal Chemistery. Vol. 22(2), pp. 1387-1393.
Azimi, S., Ludwig, A., Thevenot, D., Colin, J.L., 2003. Trace metal determination in total atmospheric deposition in rural and areas. The science of the total Environment. Vol. 308, pp,247-256.
Al-khashman, O.A., 2004. Heavy metal distribution in dust and soils from the work place in korak industrial Estate. Jordan. Atmospheric Pollution. Vol. 38, pp. 6803-6812.
Singh, R.K., Agrawal, M., 2005. Atmospheric deposition around a heavily industrialized area in a seasonally dry tropical environment of India. Environmental Pollution. Vol. 138, pp. 142-152.
Fowler, D., Cape, N., Coyle, M., Flechard, C., Kuylenstierna, J., Hichkas, K., 1999. The global exposure of forests mto air pollutants. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. Vol. 116, pp. 5-32.
Pandey, J., Agrawal, M., Khanam, N., Narayan, D., Rao, D. N. 1992. Air pollutants concentrations in Varanasi, India. Atmospheric Environment. Vol. 26, pp. 91-98.
Pandey, J., Agrawal, M., 1994. Evaluation of air pollution phytotoxicity in a seasonally Dry tropical urban environment using three woody perennials. The New Phytologist. Vol. 126, pp. 53-92.
Pandey, J. 2005.Evaluation of air pollution phytotoxicity downwind of a phosphate Fertilizer factory in india. Environmental and Assessment. Vol. 100, pp. 249-266.
Pandey, J., Pandey, U., 1994. Evaluating of air pollution phytotoxicity in a seasonally dry tropical urban environment. Environmental monitoring and Assessment. Vol. 33, pp. 195-213.
Garba, I., Jimoh, W., 2015. Evaluation of Heavy Metal And Macro-Elements In Irrigated Vegetables From Challawa-Yandanko And Kano River Basin Project, In Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Studies. Vol.2, pp. 2349-8862.
Ferri, R., Hashim, D., R.Smith, D., Guazzetti, S., Donna, F., Frrretti, E., Curatolo, M., Moneta, C., Maria Beone, G., Lucchini, R.G., 2014.Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 518–519, pp. 507–517.
Sarwar Khan, O., Ahmad, F., Skhawat, A., Muhammad Kamal, R., Ashraf, U., 2014. Assessment Of Heavy Metals Concentration In Indian And Pakistani Vegetables. International Journal of Technical Research and Applications. Vol. 2, pp. 4-8.
Chauhan, G., 2014. Toxicity study of metals contamination on vegetables grown in the vicinity of cement factory. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. Vol. 4, pp. 2250-3153.
Hellen, L.E., Othman, O.C., 2014. Levels of selected heavy metals in soil, tomatoes and selected vegetables from Lushoto district -Tanzania. International journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis. Vol. 2(6), pp. 313-319.
Mohammadi Rouzbahani, M., Abedi Kupai, C., 2009. Investigating the use of hyper-accumulator plants in refining soils contaminated with Ni..Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. 11, pp. 449-459. (In Persian)
Kolahkhaj, A., Mohammadi Rouzbahani, M.,2017. Application of Althea officinal as Pb accumulator. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 19, pp. 93-102. (In Persian)
Bahemuka, T.E., Mubofu, E.B., 1998. Heavy metals in edible green vegetables grown along the site of the Sinza and Msimbazi rivers in Dar es Salam, Tanzania. Journal of Food Chemistry.Vol. 66, pp. 63-65.
Cao, H.F, Chang A.C, Page A.L., 1984. Heavy Metal Contents of Sludge-treated Soils as Determined by Three Extraction Procedures. Journal of Environmental Quality.Vol. 13(4), pp. 632-634.
Branquinho, C., Serrano, H. C., Pinto, M. J., Martins-Loucao, M.A., 2006. Revisiting the plant hyper accumulation criteria to rare plants and earth abundant elements. Environmental Pollution Journal. Vol. 146, pp. 437–443.
Pandey, J., Pandey, U., 2001. The influence of catchment on ecosystem properties of a tropical fresh water lake. Biotronics. Vol. 30, pp. 85-92.
Lin, W., Xiao, T., Wu, Y., Ao, Z., Ning, Z., 2012. Hyper accumulation of zinc by Corddalis davidii in Zn-polluted soils. Chemosphere. Vol. 86, pp. 837-842.
Ghanavati, M., Mohammadi Roozbahani M ., Payandeh, Kh. 2021. Investigation of Concentration of Heavy Metals in Lead, Nickel, Arsenic and Cadmium in Soil, Parsley Vegetables and Downstream of Karun River. Journal of Innovation in Food Science and Technology. Vol 13, pp. 147-157. (In Persian)
Fouladi, M., Mohammadi Rouzbahani, M ., Attar Roshan, S ., Sabz Alipour, S. 2020. Health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in common cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) emphasis on environmental pollution. Toxin Reviews. Vol 40, pp. 1019-1034.