Groundwater Quality Assessment Using Entropy Weighted Osculating Value and Set Pair Analysis Methods (Case study, SARAYAN plain)
Subject Areas : Environment Pullotion (water and wastewater)
Mahmoud Mohammad Rezapour Tabari
Mehdi Kabiri Samani
1 - Associate Prof., Dep. Of Engineering, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran* (Corresponding Author)
2 - M.Sc. Student, Civil Engineering - Hydraulic Structures, Shahrkord University, Shahrekord, Iran
Keywords: Quality Assessment, Set Pair, SARAYAN Plain, Entropy Weighted, Groundwater,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: The pressure on groundwater resources greatly increased with increase of human activities. Since the aquifers are majority drinking water supply, the correct evaluations of these resources are necessary. Due to the uncertainty of water quality standard ranges, a method that leads to reliable results can be valuable. So in this study, two approaches as EWOV and SPA was proposed in order to groundwater quality assessment using fuzzy concepts and entropy theory. Method: For qualitative evaluation of groundwater resources, two proposed approach are considered. In the EWOV method based on Euclidean distance between each parameter and their standard, the quality ratings of each sample is determined using certain quality ranges. In the SPA method, the samples are evaluated based on fuzzy interval of each parameter. To evaluate the effectiveness of the two approaches, the 21 samples of SARAYAN plain were used. Findings: With implementation of the proposed approachs and extract the results of quality rankings samples can be found that the 42 percentage of the samples in wet period were in the mid-range class using EWOV method. By applying the uncertainty in quality classes, these percentages of monitored samples have acceptable quality level. Samples quality rankings study due to its location in the plains shows the results of SPA are more coordination with natural conditions of the aquifer. The results of the SPA method imply that the parts of the northwest, north and mid-plains are good and have acceptable quality for drinking consumption. Also, 42 and 74 percent of samples are located in quality classification of acceptable and acceptable to moderate in the wet and dry seasons, respectively. Discussion and Conclusion: Comparison of two methods result are indicative the appropriate precision of quality ranking offered by the SPA method and being consistent with the hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer (such as P11 and P15). So, SPA as a preferred method in quality assessment of groundwater is recommended.
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