The Design of Resilient Green Spaces towards Adapting with Climate Change, Case Study Behesht Boulevard, Borujerd
Subject Areas : Urban Environmenthassan darabi 1 , Iman Saeedi 2
1 - Department of Environmental Design, Faculty of Environment, Collage of Engineering, University of Tehran, *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Academic Member of Landscape Engineering Department, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Malayer University
Keywords: Ecological design, resilience, Climate Change, green space, Borujerd,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Human interventions have led to changes in natural systems. Climate change is the most conspicuous change that affects natural ecosystems, particularly in urban environments, which endanger urban sustainability. Resilient urban landscape design could be considered as a solution for this challenge. This paper presents a framework for the design of resilient green spaces towards adapting to climate change Method: The study area of the research is Behesht Boulevard in Borujerd, Lorestan province, (Iran). The resilience of current plantings was evaluated based on resilient criteria extracted from related literature including plasticity, biodiversity and structural diversity. Furthermore, four vital aspects of urban green space were added and taken into consideration including; economic, aesthetics, social and ecological aspects. The final evaluation conducted through Delphi method, which relies on expert opinion and AHP. Findings: The result showed that area had a fragile landscape suffering from a low biodiversity. Therefore, the new plant species were selected and evaluated based on resilience and additional anticipated criteria. Finally, the new planting design proposed considering resilience and socio-economic dimensions. Discussion and Conclusion: Existing green spaces are vulnerable to climate change. Combined cycles such as water scarcity and urban stresses increase the severity of this vulnerability. Applying fundamental principles such as reversible design can improve the quality of these spaces, making them reversible. Finally, based on the results obtained, a general strategy for redesigning urban green spaces to improve and enhance the reversible urban landscape is presented.
- Lance H, Gunderson LH, Allen R. Why Resilien? Why Now? In: L.H. G, Allen CR, Holling CS, editors. Foundations of Ecological Resilience: Island Press; 2012.
- Wu J, Wu T. Ecological resilience as a foundation for urban design and sustainability. In: Pickett STA, Cadenasso ML, McGrath B, editors. Resilience in Ecology and Urban Design: Springer; 2013. p. 211-29.
- Gotts NM. Resilience, panarchy, and world-systems analysis. Ecology and Society. 2007;12(1):24.
- Gunderson LH. Panarchy: understanding transformations in human and natural systems: Island press; 2001.
- Folke C, Carpenter S, Walker B, Scheffer M, Elmqvist T, Gunderson L, et al. Regime shifts, resilience, and biodiversity in ecosystem management. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 2004:557-81.
- Walker B, Holling CS, Carpenter SR, Kinzig A. Resilience, adaptability and transformability in social--ecological systems. Ecology and society. 2004;9(2):5.
- Kinzig AP, Ryan PA, Etienne M, Allison HE, Elmqvist T, Walker BH. Resilience and regime shifts: assessing cascading effects. Ecology and society. 2006;11(1).
- Buma B, Wessman CA. Forest resilience, climate change, and opportunities for adaptation: A specific case of a general problem. Forest Ecology and Management. 2013.25-306: 216.
- Rokotyan NV, Imasu R, Zakharov VI, Gribanov KG, Khamatnurova MY. The amplitude of the CO2 seasonal cycle in the atmosphere of the Ural region retrieved from ground-based and satellite near-IR measurements. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics.2015, 55-49.
- Darabi, H., and Saeedi I.,. Ecological design of urban forest park case study: Shahid Beshti forest park in Brojerd. Journal of Environmental Studies, 2013.2 (39), 1-10 (In Persian).
- Kafi M., 2018. Ornamental Planting fascicle, University of Tehran (In Persian)
- Müller F, Bergmann M, Dannowski R, Dippner JW, Gnauck A, Haase P, et al. Assessing resilience in long-term ecological data sets. Ecological Indicators. 2016;65:10-43.
- Grottoli AG, Rodrigues LJ, Palardy JE. Heterotrophic plasticity and resilience in bleached corals. Nature. 2006;440(7088):1186-9.
- Buchanan KL, Grindstaff JL, Pravosudov VV. Condition dependence, developmental plasticity, and cognition: implications for ecology and evolution. Trends in ecology & evolution. 2013;28(5):290-6.
- Bernhardt JR, Leslie HM. Resilience to climate change in coastal marine ecosystems. Marine Science. 2013;5.
- Oliver TH, Heard MS, Isaac NJ, Roy DB, Procter D, Eigenbrod F, et al. Biodiversity and resilience of ecosystem functions. Trends in ecology & evolution. 2015;30(11):673-84.
- Mori AS, Furukawa T, Sasaki T. Response diversity determines the resilience of ecosystems to environmental change. Biological Reviews. 2013;88(2):349-64.
- Mori AS. Resilience in the Studies of Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 2016;31(2):87-9.
- Gunderson LH, Allen CR, Holling CS. Foundations of ecological resilience: Island Press; 2012.
- Standish RJ, Hobbs RJ, Mayfield MM, Bestelmeyer BT, Suding KN, Battaglia LL, et al. Resilience in ecology: Abstraction, distraction, or where the action is? Biological Conservation. 2014;177:43-51.
- Valladares F, Matesanz S, Guilhaumon F, Araújo MB, Balaguer L, Benito‐Garzón M, et al. The effects of phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation on forecasts of species range shifts under climate change. Ecology letters. 2014;17(11):1351-64.
- Charmantier A, McCleery RH, Cole LR, Perrins C, Kruuk LE, Sheldon BC. Adaptive phenotypic plasticity in response to climate change in a wild bird population. Science. 2008; 320 (5877): 800-3.
- Chown SL, Slabber S, McGeoch MA, Janion C, Leinaas HP. Phenotypic plasticity mediates climate change responses among invasive and indigenous arthropods. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 20. 7-2531: (1625).274; 07.
- Hunter M. Using Ecological Theory to Guide Urban Planting Design An adaptation strategy for climate change. Landscape Journal. 2011;30(2):173-93.
- Hunter MCR, editor Managing sense of place in transition: coping with climate change. PLACES-a Forum of Environmental Design; 2008: Design History Foundatio, USA.
- Lawton J, Brown J. Redundancy in ecosystems. In: Schulze E-D, Mooney HA, editors. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function. New York: Springer; 1993. p. 255-70.
- Elmqvist T, Folke C, Nyström M, Peterson G, Bengtsson J, Walker B, et al. Response diversity, ecosystem change, and resilience. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2003;1(9):488-94.
- Goddard MA, Dougill AJ, Benton TG. Scaling up from gardens: biodiversity conservation in urban environments. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 2010;25(2):90-8.
- Peirnia M.,1995. Iranian Garden, Journal Of Abadi, 4-15 (In Persian).
- Blanco H, Alberti M, Forsyth A, Krizek KJ, Rodriguez DA, Talen E, et al. Hot, congested, crowded and diverse: Emerging research agendas in planning. Progress in Planning. 2009;71(4):153-205.
- Parmesan C, Yohe G. A globally coherent fingerprint of climate change impacts across natural systems. Nature. 2003;421(6918):37-42.
- Mozaffarians E. A., 2011. Iranian Trees and Shrubs. Contemporary Culture Publications, (In Persian)
- Ghasareh, M., Kafi, M., 2011. Scientefic and Practical Flower planting, Razavi Publication.
- Sabeti H. A., 2003, Forests, Trees and Shurbs of Iran, University of Yazd.
- Lance H, Gunderson LH, Allen R. Why Resilien? Why Now? In: L.H. G, Allen CR, Holling CS, editors. Foundations of Ecological Resilience: Island Press; 2012.
- Wu J, Wu T. Ecological resilience as a foundation for urban design and sustainability. In: Pickett STA, Cadenasso ML, McGrath B, editors. Resilience in Ecology and Urban Design: Springer; 2013. p. 211-29.
- Gotts NM. Resilience, panarchy, and world-systems analysis. Ecology and Society. 2007;12(1):24.
- Gunderson LH. Panarchy: understanding transformations in human and natural systems: Island press; 2001.
- Folke C, Carpenter S, Walker B, Scheffer M, Elmqvist T, Gunderson L, et al. Regime shifts, resilience, and biodiversity in ecosystem management. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 2004:557-81.
- Walker B, Holling CS, Carpenter SR, Kinzig A. Resilience, adaptability and transformability in social--ecological systems. Ecology and society. 2004;9(2):5.
- Kinzig AP, Ryan PA, Etienne M, Allison HE, Elmqvist T, Walker BH. Resilience and regime shifts: assessing cascading effects. Ecology and society. 2006;11(1).
- Buma B, Wessman CA. Forest resilience, climate change, and opportunities for adaptation: A specific case of a general problem. Forest Ecology and Management. 2013.25-306: 216.
- Rokotyan NV, Imasu R, Zakharov VI, Gribanov KG, Khamatnurova MY. The amplitude of the CO2 seasonal cycle in the atmosphere of the Ural region retrieved from ground-based and satellite near-IR measurements. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics.2015, 55-49.
- Darabi, H., and Saeedi I.,. Ecological design of urban forest park case study: Shahid Beshti forest park in Brojerd. Journal of Environmental Studies, 2013.2 (39), 1-10 (In Persian).
- Kafi M., 2018. Ornamental Planting fascicle, University of Tehran (In Persian)
- Müller F, Bergmann M, Dannowski R, Dippner JW, Gnauck A, Haase P, et al. Assessing resilience in long-term ecological data sets. Ecological Indicators. 2016;65:10-43.
- Grottoli AG, Rodrigues LJ, Palardy JE. Heterotrophic plasticity and resilience in bleached corals. Nature. 2006;440(7088):1186-9.
- Buchanan KL, Grindstaff JL, Pravosudov VV. Condition dependence, developmental plasticity, and cognition: implications for ecology and evolution. Trends in ecology & evolution. 2013;28(5):290-6.
- Bernhardt JR, Leslie HM. Resilience to climate change in coastal marine ecosystems. Marine Science. 2013;5.
- Oliver TH, Heard MS, Isaac NJ, Roy DB, Procter D, Eigenbrod F, et al. Biodiversity and resilience of ecosystem functions. Trends in ecology & evolution. 2015;30(11):673-84.
- Mori AS, Furukawa T, Sasaki T. Response diversity determines the resilience of ecosystems to environmental change. Biological Reviews. 2013;88(2):349-64.
- Mori AS. Resilience in the Studies of Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 2016;31(2):87-9.
- Gunderson LH, Allen CR, Holling CS. Foundations of ecological resilience: Island Press; 2012.
- Standish RJ, Hobbs RJ, Mayfield MM, Bestelmeyer BT, Suding KN, Battaglia LL, et al. Resilience in ecology: Abstraction, distraction, or where the action is? Biological Conservation. 2014;177:43-51.
- Valladares F, Matesanz S, Guilhaumon F, Araújo MB, Balaguer L, Benito‐Garzón M, et al. The effects of phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation on forecasts of species range shifts under climate change. Ecology letters. 2014;17(11):1351-64.
- Charmantier A, McCleery RH, Cole LR, Perrins C, Kruuk LE, Sheldon BC. Adaptive phenotypic plasticity in response to climate change in a wild bird population. Science. 2008; 320 (5877): 800-3.
- Chown SL, Slabber S, McGeoch MA, Janion C, Leinaas HP. Phenotypic plasticity mediates climate change responses among invasive and indigenous arthropods. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 20. 7-2531: (1625).274; 07.
- Hunter M. Using Ecological Theory to Guide Urban Planting Design An adaptation strategy for climate change. Landscape Journal. 2011;30(2):173-93.
- Hunter MCR, editor Managing sense of place in transition: coping with climate change. PLACES-a Forum of Environmental Design; 2008: Design History Foundatio, USA.
- Lawton J, Brown J. Redundancy in ecosystems. In: Schulze E-D, Mooney HA, editors. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function. New York: Springer; 1993. p. 255-70.
- Elmqvist T, Folke C, Nyström M, Peterson G, Bengtsson J, Walker B, et al. Response diversity, ecosystem change, and resilience. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2003;1(9):488-94.
- Goddard MA, Dougill AJ, Benton TG. Scaling up from gardens: biodiversity conservation in urban environments. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 2010;25(2):90-8.
- Peirnia M.,1995. Iranian Garden, Journal Of Abadi, 4-15 (In Persian).
- Blanco H, Alberti M, Forsyth A, Krizek KJ, Rodriguez DA, Talen E, et al. Hot, congested, crowded and diverse: Emerging research agendas in planning. Progress in Planning. 2009;71(4):153-205.
- Parmesan C, Yohe G. A globally coherent fingerprint of climate change impacts across natural systems. Nature. 2003;421(6918):37-42.
- Mozaffarians E. A., 2011. Iranian Trees and Shrubs. Contemporary Culture Publications, (In Persian)
- Ghasareh, M., Kafi, M., 2011. Scientefic and Practical Flower planting, Razavi Publication.
- Sabeti H. A., 2003, Forests, Trees and Shurbs of Iran, University of Yazd.
- Lance H, Gunderson LH, Allen R. Why Resilien? Why Now? In: L.H. G, Allen CR, Holling CS, editors. Foundations of Ecological Resilience: Island Press; 2012.
- Wu J, Wu T. Ecological resilience as a foundation for urban design and sustainability. In: Pickett STA, Cadenasso ML, McGrath B, editors. Resilience in Ecology and Urban Design: Springer; 2013. p. 211-29.
- Gotts NM. Resilience, panarchy, and world-systems analysis. Ecology and Society. 2007;12(1):24.
- Gunderson LH. Panarchy: understanding transformations in human and natural systems: Island press; 2001.
- Folke C, Carpenter S, Walker B, Scheffer M, Elmqvist T, Gunderson L, et al. Regime shifts, resilience, and biodiversity in ecosystem management. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 2004:557-81.
- Walker B, Holling CS, Carpenter SR, Kinzig A. Resilience, adaptability and transformability in social--ecological systems. Ecology and society. 2004;9(2):5.
- Kinzig AP, Ryan PA, Etienne M, Allison HE, Elmqvist T, Walker BH. Resilience and regime shifts: assessing cascading effects. Ecology and society. 2006;11(1).
- Buma B, Wessman CA. Forest resilience, climate change, and opportunities for adaptation: A specific case of a general problem. Forest Ecology and Management. 2013.25-306: 216.
- Rokotyan NV, Imasu R, Zakharov VI, Gribanov KG, Khamatnurova MY. The amplitude of the CO2 seasonal cycle in the atmosphere of the Ural region retrieved from ground-based and satellite near-IR measurements. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics.2015, 55-49.
- Darabi, H., and Saeedi I.,. Ecological design of urban forest park case study: Shahid Beshti forest park in Brojerd. Journal of Environmental Studies, 2013.2 (39), 1-10 (In Persian).
- Kafi M., 2018. Ornamental Planting fascicle, University of Tehran (In Persian)
- Müller F, Bergmann M, Dannowski R, Dippner JW, Gnauck A, Haase P, et al. Assessing resilience in long-term ecological data sets. Ecological Indicators. 2016;65:10-43.
- Grottoli AG, Rodrigues LJ, Palardy JE. Heterotrophic plasticity and resilience in bleached corals. Nature. 2006;440(7088):1186-9.
- Buchanan KL, Grindstaff JL, Pravosudov VV. Condition dependence, developmental plasticity, and cognition: implications for ecology and evolution. Trends in ecology & evolution. 2013;28(5):290-6.
- Bernhardt JR, Leslie HM. Resilience to climate change in coastal marine ecosystems. Marine Science. 2013;5.
- Oliver TH, Heard MS, Isaac NJ, Roy DB, Procter D, Eigenbrod F, et al. Biodiversity and resilience of ecosystem functions. Trends in ecology & evolution. 2015;30(11):673-84.
- Mori AS, Furukawa T, Sasaki T. Response diversity determines the resilience of ecosystems to environmental change. Biological Reviews. 2013;88(2):349-64.
- Mori AS. Resilience in the Studies of Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 2016;31(2):87-9.
- Gunderson LH, Allen CR, Holling CS. Foundations of ecological resilience: Island Press; 2012.
- Standish RJ, Hobbs RJ, Mayfield MM, Bestelmeyer BT, Suding KN, Battaglia LL, et al. Resilience in ecology: Abstraction, distraction, or where the action is? Biological Conservation. 2014;177:43-51.
- Valladares F, Matesanz S, Guilhaumon F, Araújo MB, Balaguer L, Benito‐Garzón M, et al. The effects of phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation on forecasts of species range shifts under climate change. Ecology letters. 2014;17(11):1351-64.
- Charmantier A, McCleery RH, Cole LR, Perrins C, Kruuk LE, Sheldon BC. Adaptive phenotypic plasticity in response to climate change in a wild bird population. Science. 2008; 320 (5877): 800-3.
- Chown SL, Slabber S, McGeoch MA, Janion C, Leinaas HP. Phenotypic plasticity mediates climate change responses among invasive and indigenous arthropods. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 20. 7-2531: (1625).274; 07.
- Hunter M. Using Ecological Theory to Guide Urban Planting Design An adaptation strategy for climate change. Landscape Journal. 2011;30(2):173-93.
- Hunter MCR, editor Managing sense of place in transition: coping with climate change. PLACES-a Forum of Environmental Design; 2008: Design History Foundatio, USA.
- Lawton J, Brown J. Redundancy in ecosystems. In: Schulze E-D, Mooney HA, editors. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function. New York: Springer; 1993. p. 255-70.
- Elmqvist T, Folke C, Nyström M, Peterson G, Bengtsson J, Walker B, et al. Response diversity, ecosystem change, and resilience. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2003;1(9):488-94.
- Goddard MA, Dougill AJ, Benton TG. Scaling up from gardens: biodiversity conservation in urban environments. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 2010;25(2):90-8.
- Peirnia M.,1995. Iranian Garden, Journal Of Abadi, 4-15 (In Persian).
- Blanco H, Alberti M, Forsyth A, Krizek KJ, Rodriguez DA, Talen E, et al. Hot, congested, crowded and diverse: Emerging research agendas in planning. Progress in Planning. 2009;71(4):153-205.
- Parmesan C, Yohe G. A globally coherent fingerprint of climate change impacts across natural systems. Nature. 2003;421(6918):37-42.
- Mozaffarians E. A., 2011. Iranian Trees and Shrubs. Contemporary Culture Publications, (In Persian)
- Ghasareh, M., Kafi, M., 2011. Scientefic and Practical Flower planting, Razavi Publication.
- Sabeti H. A., 2003, Forests, Trees and Shurbs of Iran, University of Yazd.