Study of the Relation among Economic Growth, Energy Using and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Case study: Selected Countries of the OIC)
Subject Areas :
Environmental Economics
Mohammadreza Nahidi Amirkhiz
Farzad Rahimzadeh
siamak shokouhifard
1 - Assistant professor, Department of Economics, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Economic, Accounting and Tourist Management, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.
3 - PhD in Economics,Young Researchers and Elite Club, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.
Received: 2017-02-17
Accepted : 2017-05-24
Published : 2020-05-21
CO2 gas emission,
Kuznets inverted U hypothesis,
Panel data,
Energy using,
Economic growth,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Energy carriers are one of the most important factors in production and accessing to energy resources can smooth countries economic growth and development process. Also, countries inclination in order to achieving higher economic growth has accompanied with higher using of energy carriers and has led to emission of Greenhouse gas. This leads to create environmental problems threatening human life. Therefore, studying the relation among economic growth, energy using and Greenhouse gas emissions is of particular importance.
Method: Accordingly, the aim of this study is to analysis the interaction among economic growth, energy using and CO2 gas using data from 16 selected countries of the OIC.
Findings: The results from estimated model with data panel technique showed that in significant level of 5%, existence the Kuznets inverted U hypothesis is valid in the under-studied countries. Since, the coefficient related to GDP growth variable and its square has positive and negative sign, respectively. Furthermore, the results showed that energy using has statistically positive impact on CO2 gas emission in time period 1995-2015.
Discussion and Conclusion: Given the existence of a one-way causality relationship between GDP growth and CO2 emissions, the economic growth in the studied countries has led to an increase in CO2 emissions and as well as the U reverse relation of economic growth and CO2 emissions, so that in the studied countries, by increasing the growth rate, the amount of carbon dioxide emissions will increase as well. After a certain growth rate and passing through it, with higher economic growth CO2 emissions have also declined in these countries, It is recommended that, in view of the high importance of the environment, the environmental authorities and environmental organizations have adopted appropriate environmental laws and regulations, and technologies have progressed towards eco-friendly technologies and cost financing related to changing technology to environmentally friendly technology, as well as paying taxes which taxes to improve the environment.
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Shahbaz, M., Tiwari, A. K., and Nasir, M., 2013. The Effects of Financial Development, Economic Growth, Coal Consumption and Trade Openness on CO2 emissions in South Africa. Energy Policy,Vol. 61, pp. 1452–1459.
Lotfali Pour, M .R., Fallahi, M. A., and Ashena, M., 2011. Investigating the relationship between Carbon dioxide Emissions and Economic Growth, Energy and Trade in Iran. Journal of Economic Research, Vol. 94, pp. 151-173. (In Persian)
Barghi oskoee, M., 2008. The Effects of Trade Liberalization on Greenhouse Gas Emissions (CO2) in the Kuznets Environmental Curve. Journal of Economic Research, Vol. 82, pp. 1- 21. (In Persian)
Grossman, G.M., and Krueger, A. B., 1991. Environmental Impacts of a North American Free Trade Agreement. NBER Working Paper Series, No. 3914.
Shafik, N., and Bandyopadhyay, S., 1992. Economic Growth and Environmental Quality: Time Series and Cross-Country Evidence. The World Bank, Working Paper Series WP. 904.
Behboudi, D., Fallahi, F., and Baraki Golzzani, I., 2010. Socioeconomic factors affecting per capita Carbon dioxide in Iran. Economic Research Journal, Vol. 90, pp. 1- 17. (In Persian)
Beckerman, W., 1992. Economic growth and the Environment: Whose growth? whose Environment?. World Development, Vol. 20, pp. 481-496.
Halicioglu, F., 2009. An econometric study of CO2 emissions, Energy consumption ,Income and Foreign trade in Turkey. Energy Policy, Vol.37, pp. 1156-1164.
Soytas, U., and Sari, R., 2009. Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and Carbon Emissions: Challenges faced by a EU Candidate Member. Ecological Economics, Vol.68, pp. 1667-1675.
Narayan, C. R., Werker, J. F., and Beddor, P. S., 2009. The interaction between acoustic salience and language experience in developmental speech perception: evidence from nasal place discrimination. Journal Public Economics, Vol. 13, pp. 407–420.
Menyah, K., and Wolde-Rufael, Y., 2010. CO2 Emissions, Nuclear Energy, Renewable Energy and Economic Growth in the US. Energy Policy, Vol. 38, pp. 2911–2915.
Apergis, N., and Payne, E., 2010. Energy Consumption and Growth in South America: Evidence from a Panel Errorcorrection model. Energy Economics, Vol. 32, pp. 421–1426 .
Kumar, R, 2011. Evaluation of Two Instrumental Methods of Comparing Writing Paper. ,Journa l of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 56, pp. 514–517.
Harry, B., and Salim, M R, 2012. Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers and Productivity Growth in Indonesian Garment and Electronics Manufacturing. Journal of Development Studies, Taylor and Francis Journals, Vol.48, pp.1397-1411.
Alkhathlan, KH., 2012 . Contribution of oil in economic growth of Saudi Arabia. Journal Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 20, pp.343-348.
Arouri, M.H., Ben Youssef, A., M'Henni, H., and Rault, C., 2012. Energy Consumption, Economic Growth and Co2 Emissions in Middle East and North African Countries. CESIFO Group Munich, Working Paper Series, 3726.
Kulionis, V., 2013. The relationship between renewable energy consumption, CO2 Emission and Economic Growth in Denmark", University essay Fromlunds Universitet/ Economisk-Historiska institutionen.
Min Lim, L., and Ye, K., and Khoon Yoo, S., 2014. Oil consumption CO2 emission, and economic growth: Evidence from the Philipines. Sustainability, Vol. 6, pp. 967-979.
Saleh, I., Shabani, Z., Sadat Barikani, H., and Yazdani, S., 2009. Investigating the causality relation between GDP and greenhouse gas emissions in Iran"; Case study: Carbon Dioxide. Agricultural Economics and Developmen, Vol. 66, pp. 19- 41. (In Persian)
Sharsei, Gh., and Haqqani, M., 2009. A Study of the Relation Between Carbon Emission and Internal Income with Emphasis on the Role of Energy Consumption. Economic Research, Vol. 68, pp. 1- 20. (In Persian).
Saboori,B., and Soymani,A., 2011. CO2 Emission, Economic Growth and Energy Consumption in Iran .International Journal of EnvironmentalSciences , Vol 2, pp. 2011- 2035.
Phatras, M.H., Ferdowsi, M., and Mehrpima, H., 2011. The study of the effect of energy intensity and urbanization on the destruction of the environment in Iran (collective-based analysis). Ecology, Vol. 60, pp. 13- 22. (In Persian)
Pahlavani, M., Asna Ashari, H., and Sardar Shahraki, A., 2014 . A Study on the Long-Term Relationship of Coal Utilization on Carbon Dioxide Expression in Iran Using ARDL Technique. Iranian Journal of Energy Economics, Vol. 7, pp. 1- 15. (In Persian)
Aleemran, R., Panahi, H., and Kabiri, Z., 2014. Investigating and determining the causal relationship between economic growth, CO2 emissions, energy consumption and employment rate in Iran. Geography and Planning, Vol. 17, pp. 1- 26. (In Persian)
Shahnazi, R., Hadian, I., and Gergani, L., 2016. Investigating the Causality relation between Consumption of Energy Carriers, Economic Growth and Carbon dioxide in Iranian Economy. Quarterly Journal of Economic Growth and Development Studies, Vol. 7. pp. 51- 70. (In Persian)
WDI., 2010. World Development Indicators. World Bank: