Evaluation of Emprical Models for Sediment Yield Prediction at Semi-Arid Small Watershed using Measured Data
Subject Areas : natural resorcesAli Bagherian kalat 1 , Ali Akbar Abbasi 2 , Seyed Masoud Soleimanpour 3
1 - Researcher, Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Department, Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Mashhad,
2 - Research Associate Professor, Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Department, Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization
3 - Assistant Professor, Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Department, Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Shiraz, Iran.
Keywords: Small Dam, soil and water conservation, Erosion Model,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Due to the lack of sediment stations in most of the country's watersheds outlets and inadequacy of data, experimental models can be important tools for the production of these information layers. Common Empirical model in Iran is EPM. Method: Since this model has been designed in other countries, it is necessary to examine its performance in Iran. The main objective of the project is Model situations with nature and complete database available about erosion and its affecting factors. In implementing this plan, 4 small soil dams in Kardeh Dam and five sub-basins have a pond to collect runoff and sediment in Sanganeh of Kalat was selected. These catchment areas were studied and information layers for EPM model produced. Amounts of sediment were estimated and were compared with observed sediment. Findings: The results indicated that the uncalibrated FMS model overestimated the eroded materials. Results of the EPM and calibrated FMS model indicated 0.66 and 0.35 Nash-Sutcliff efficiency. Discussion and Conclusion: Therefore, we can accept the estimated results of this model as somewhat reliable.
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- Devent, J., and Poesen, J. 2005. Peredictig Soil erosion and sediment yield at the basin scale, Scale issues and and semi-quanlitation Model. Earth Science, 20: 1-31.
- Liu, X., Li, J., 2008. Application of SCS Model in Estimation of Runoff from Small Watershed in Loess Plateau of China. Chinese Geographical Sciences, 18(3): 235–241.
- Hosseini, S. S., Ghorbani, M., 2005. Economics of soil erosion. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Press, Mashhad. (In Persian)
- Mishra, S. K., Tyagi, J. V., Singh, V. P., Singh, R. 2006. SCS-CN-based modeling of sediment yield. Journal of Hydrology, 324(1-4), 301-322.
- Merritt, W. S., Letcher , R. A., Jakeman, A. J. 2003. A Review of Erosion and Sediment Transport Models. Environmental Modelling & Software, 761–799.
- Beyer Portner, N. 1998. Erosion des basins versant alpins scusses par ruissellement de surface. PhD Thesis. Laboratoire de Constructions Hydrauliques-LCH. No. 1815. Laussanne. Switzerland.
- Verstraeten, G., Poesen, J., De Vente, J., Koninckx, X. 2003. Sediment yield variability in Spain: A quantitative and semiqualitative analysis using reservoir sedimentation rates. Geomorphology.50 (4): 327– 348.
- Globevink, L. D., Holjevic, G., Petkovesk , J. Rubinic. 2003. Applicability of the Gavrilovic method in erosion calculation using spatial data manipulation techniques. In: De Boer, D. W. Froehlich, T. Mizuyama, A. Pietroniro (Eds.), Erosion prediction in Ungauged Basin: Integrating methods and Techniques. IAHS Publication. 279: 224-233.
- Emmanouloudis, D.A. Christou, O.P., Filippidis, E. 2003. Quantitative estimation of degradation in the Aliakmon river basin using GIS. In: De Boer, D. W. Froehlich, T. Mizuyama & A. Pietroniro (Eds). Erosion prediction in Ungauged Basin: Integrating methods and Techniques. IAHS Publication. 279: 234-240.
- De Vente, J., Poesen, J., Verstraeten, G. 2004.The application of semi-quantitative methods and reservoir sedimentation rates for the prediction of basin sediment yield in Spain. Journal of Hydrology. 305: 63–86.
- Milanesi, L., Pilotti, M., Clerici, A. 2015. The Application of the Erosion Potential Method to Alpine Areas: Methodological Improvements and Test Case. In Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 3 (pp. 347-350). Springer, Cham.
- Meshesha, D.T., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Haregeweyn, N. 2011. Spatial analysis and semi-quantitative modeling of specific sediment yield in six catchments of the central rift valley of Ethiopia. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 9(3– 4): 784–792.
- Hashemi, A.A., Arabkhedri, M. 2008. Evaluation of MPSIAC and EPM models using sedimentation survey within some small dam reservoirs in Semnan province. Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Institute. Final Report of Research Plan, 93 pages. (In Persian)
- Nabipay Lashkarian, S., Hashemi, S.A.A., Shadfar, S. 2013. FSM model efficiency for sediment yield estimation in Semnan province. Watershed Engineering and Management. 5(1): 51–58. (In Persian)
- Mohamadiha, S., Peyrowan, H.R., Mousavi Harami, R., Feiznia, S., Bayat, R. 2009. Evaluation of erosion and sediment rate using FSM model and rainfall simulator in Evanaki Basin and its subbasins. The 6th Iranian Engineering Geology and the Environment. Tarbiat Modares University. 1089–1096. (In Persian)
- Kavian, A., Askarian, R., Nateghi, T., Jafarian Joloudar, Z., Safari, A. 2014. Performance evaluation of FSM, PSIAC and EPM models to estimate sediment yield in the rangelands (Case study: Sorkh Abad Watershed, Mazandaran province). Journal of Geographic Space. 14(48): 57–79. (In Persian)
- Ghahari, Gh., Nabipay Lashkarian, S., Mesbah, S.H. 2018. Evaluation of the FMS empirical model using sediment survey of small reservoirs in the Fars Province. Watershed Management Research.118: 2-12. (In Persian)
- Haregeweyn, N., Poesen, J., Nyssen, G., Verstraeten, J., De Vente, G., Govers, S., Deckers Moeyersons, J. 2005. Specific sediment yield in Tigray-Northern Ethiopia: Assessment and semiquantitative modeling. Geomorphology. 69: 315–331.
- Gavrilovic, Z. 1988. The use of an empirical method (erosion potential method) for calculating sediment production and transportation in unstudied or torrential streams. Proceeding of international conference on River Regime. May 1988. Published by John Wiley and sons. Paper.12. p.411-422.
- de Vente, J. (2009). Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield in Mediterranean Geoecosystems - Scale issues, modelling and understanding. 264 Pp.
- Devent, J., and Poesen, J. 2005. Peredictig Soil erosion and sediment yield at the basin scale, Scale issues and and semi-quanlitation Model. Earth Science, 20: 1-31.