Evaluation of Tecomella undulata R. spatial distribution pattern in Bushehr province
Subject Areas : natural resorceszahra zolfaghari 1 , Mostafa Moradi 2 , Reza Basiri 3 , Akbar Ghasemi 4
1 - MSc student, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, Behbahan Khatam Alanbia University of Technology, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, Behbahan Khatam Alanbia University of Technology, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, Behbahan Khatam Alanbia University of Technology, Iran.
4 - Ph.D. Candidate of Forestry, Dept. of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University-Iran.
Keywords: Heterogeneous F and G function, Heterogeneous Ripley's K function, Tecomella undulata, Spatial distribution pattern,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Spatial pattern study of forest species could provide us important and useful information about relationship between species and also forest dynamic. Therefore, it could be an important tools for better management of forest resources. The objectives of this study were to determine special pattern of Tecomella undulata stands in Bushehr province and also, evaluation of different functions capability in T. undulata spatial pattern determination. Material and Methodology: In the present study, two stands include Aliabad and Shahnia with 10 and 2 hectares, respectively, were selected in spring 2015 and 100 percent inventory was used. Then to determine the spatial distribution pattern of T. undulate, distance- azimuth method was used. Finally, Ripley's K, L, F, and G functions were used to evaluate T. undulate spatial distribution pattern. Findings: The Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness of fit test calculation indicated that T. undulata trees distribution in the both studied sites were significantly heterogeneous (P < 0.001). Ripley's K and L heterogeneous functions showed aggregated pattern of T. undulata trees in the study sites. But G function showed aggregated pattern in Aliabad up to 150 meter. While in Shahnia G function indicted different patterns in different distances. Discussion and Conclusion: In conclusion, four studied functions showed an aggregated but G function revealed more detail in determination of T. undulata spatial pattern. Such aggregated pattern in T. undulata stands could be because of dry condition and lack of moisture. Based on the results, to revival and afforestation of suitable sites, using aggregated pattern could be useful method to provide shadow and maintaining humidity in soil. That could result in more successful reestablishments of this valuable species.
- Abhishek, S., Ujwala, P., Shivani, K., Meeta, B. 2013. Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of Tecomella undulata leaves crude Extracts. Int. Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 2(6), pp. 60-62.
- Zolfaghari, Z., Moradi, M., Basiri, R., Ghasemi, A. 2018. Evaluation of Tecomella undulata stands structure in Bushehr province. Journal of Environment Science and Technology, 19(4), pp. 49-65. (In Persian)
- Zolfaghari, Z., Moradi, M., Basiri, R. Ghasemi, A. 2017. Evaluation of soil physicochemical properties of Tecomella undulata in Busher province. Forest and Wood Products, 70(2), pp. 273-280. (In Persian)
- Khan, T.I., Dular, A.K., Solomon, D.M. 2003. Biodiversity Conservation in the Thar Desert; with Emphasis on Endemic and Medicinal Plants. Environmentalist, 23(2), pp. 137-144.
- Chal, J., Kumar, V., Kaushik, S. 2011. A Phytopharmacological overview on Tecomella undulata Don. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 1, pp. 11-12.
- Tyagi, H., Tomar, K., 2013. Factors affecting in vitro Shoot Proliferation and Rooting of Mature Tecomella undulata (Sm.) Seem Tree. Research in Plant Sciences, 1(2), pp. 38-44.
- Bhaui, B.S., Negi, M.S., Jindal, S.K., Sing, M., Lakshunikumaran, M., 2007. Assessing genetic diversity of Tecomella undulata (Sm.)–An endangered tree species using amplified fragment length polymorphisms-based molecular marker. Current Science, 93(1), pp. 67–72.
- Mohsenzadeh, S., Amiri, A.A., Sayyadnia Tayyebi, N. 2010. Lapachol extraction from inner bark stem of Tecomella undulata (Roxb.) Seem. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 26(1), pp. 114-120. (In Persian)
- Kalia, R.K., Rai, M.K., Sharma, R., Bhatt, R.K. 2014. Understanding Tecomella undulata: an endangered pharmaceutically important timber species of hot arid regions. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 61(7), pp. 1397-1421.
- Cheng, X., Han, H., Kang, F., Song, Y., Liu, K. 2014. Point pattern analysis of different life stages of Quercus liaotungensis in Lingkong Mountain, Shanxi Province, China. Journal of Plant Interactions, 9(1), pp. 233-240.
- Saei, E.K., Abedini, S., Ghaderi, N., Soltani, A. 2014. Spatial distribution pattern of oak and almond trees on Chahartagh forest reservation site. International Journal of Biosciences, 4(3), pp. 158-163.
- Li, L., Huang, Z., Ye, W., Cao, H., Wei, S., Wang, Z. and He, F., 2009. Spatial distributions of tree species in a subtropical forest of China. Oikos, 118(4), pp. 495-502.
- Subedi, M.R. and Timilsina, Y.P., 2014. Distribution Pattern of Cinnamomum tamala in Annapurna Conservation Area, Kaski, Nepal. Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 15(2), pp. 29-36.
- Wang, M., Li, Y.Y., Niu, P., Chu, G.M. 2015. Spatial Pattern Formation and Intraspecific Competition of Anabasis Aphylla Population in the Diluvial Fan of Junggar Basin, Nw China. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 47(2), pp. 543-550.
- Nouri Z., Feghhi J., Marvie Mohadjer M.R. 2014. Spatial distribution and volume of dead trees in Fagus orientalis stands of Iran (Case Study: Gorazbon district of Kheyrud forest). Natural Ecosystems of Iran, 5(1), 1-14. (In Persian)
- Chu, G., Wang, M. and Zhang, S., 2014. Spatial Patterns and associations of dominant woody species in desert–oasis ecotone of South Junggar Basin, NW China. Journal of Plant Interactions, 9(1), pp. 738-744.
- Safari, A., Shabanian, N., Erfanifard, S.Y., Heidari, R.H., Purreza, M. 2010. Investigation of spatial pattern of wild pistachio (Pistacia atlantica Desf.) (Case study: Bayangan forests, Kirmanshah). Iranian Journal of Forest. 2(2), 177-185. (In Persian)
- Schleicher, J., Wiegand, K., Ward, D. 2011. Changes of woody plant interaction and spatial distribution between rocky and sandy soil areas in a semi-arid savanna, South Africa. Journal of arid environments, 75(3), pp. 270-278.
- Krebs, C.J. 1999. Ecological Methodology. Second Edition. Addison Wesley Educational Publishers Inc., Menlo Park, CA.
- Bonham, C.D., 2013. In Measurements for Terrestrial Vegetation. Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Oxford, Uk.
- Maasoumi Babaarabi, M., Basiri, R., Moradi, M., Kiani B. 2018. Spatial pattern of Populus euphratica in pure and mixed stands of Maroon, Behbahan Journal of Plant Research (Iranian Journal of Biology). 30(4), pp. 927-939. (In Persian)
- Khanhasani, M., Akhavan, R., Sagheb-Talebi, K.H., Vardanyan, Z.H. 2013. Spatial patterns of Oak species in the Zagrosian forests of Iran. International Journal of Biosciences, 3(8), pp. 66-75.
- Basiri, R., Sohrabi, H., Mozayen, M. 2006. A Statistical Analysis of the Spatial Pattern of Trees Species in Ghamisheleh Marivan Region, Iran. Journal of the Iranian Natural Resource, 59(2), pp. 579-588. (In Persian)
- Sohrabi, H. 2014. Spatial pattern of woody species in Chartagh forest reserve, Ardal. Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 22(1), pp. 27-38. (In Persian)
- Pillay, T., Ward, D. 2012. Spatial pattern analysis and competition between Acacia karroo trees in humid savannas. Plant Ecology, 213(10), pp. 1609-1619.
- Mahmoodi, A., Soheili, I., Farokh-Nejad, I. 2013. Ecological characteristics of the Tecomella undulata tree Case study (DARAB), Journal of Biodiversity and Ecological Sciences, 3, pp. 41- 47.
- Wiegand, T., Moloney, K. 2004. Rings, circles, and null‐models for point pattern analysis in ecology. Oikos, 104 (2): 209-229.
- Zobeiri, M. 2008. Forest Biometry. University of Tehran Press. 407p. (In Persian)
- Moeur, M. 1993. Characterizing spatial patterns of trees using stem- mapped data. Forest science, 39(4), pp. 756-775.
- Schiffers, K., Schurr, F.M., Tielborger, K., Urbach, C., Moloney, K. and Jeltsch, F. 2008. Dealing with virtual aggregation- a new index for analyzing heterogeneous point patterns. Journal of Ecography, 31, pp. 545-555.
- Camarero, J.J., Gutierrez E., Fortin, M.J. 2000. Spatial pattern of sub-alpine grassland ecotones in the Spanish central Pyrenees, Forest Ecology and Management 134, pp. 1-16.
- Perry, G.L.W. 2004. SpPack: spatial point pattern analysis in Excel using visual basic for applications (VBA). Environmental Modelling and Software, 19, pp. 559-569.
- Besag, J. 1977. Contribution to the discussion of Dr. Ripley's paper. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 39, pp. 193-195.
- Stoyan, D., Stoyan, H. 1994. Fractals, Random Shapes and Point Fields. John Wiley & Sons, UK.
- Illian, J.A., Penttinen, H., Stoyan Stoyan, D. 2008. Statistical Analysis and Modelling of Spatial Point Patterns. John Wiley & Sons Pub., UK.
- Fortin, M.J., Dale, M.R.T. 2005. Spatial Analysis, A Guide for Ecologists. Cambridge University Press, UK.
- van Lieshout, M.N.M. 2011. A J-function for inhomogeneous point processes. Statistica Neerlandica, 65, pp. 183-201.
- Baddeley, A., Gregori, P., Mateu, J., Stoica, R., Stoyan, D. 2006. Case studies in spatial point process modeling, Springer Lecture Notes in Statistics.
- Wiegand, T., Moloney, K.A. 2014. Handbook of spatial point pattern analysis in ecology. Chapman and Hall Book publication.
- Odum, E.P., Odum, H.T., Andrews, J., 1971. Fundamentals of ecology. Philadelphia: Saunders.
- Zhang, Q., Zhang, Y., Peng, S., Yirdaw E., Wu, N. 2009. Spatial structure of Alpine trees in mountain Baima Xueshan on the southeast Tibetan plateau. Silva Fennica, 43, pp. 197-208.
- Moradi, M., Imani F., Naji, H.R., Moradi Behbahani, S., Ahmadi, M.T. 2017. Variation in soil carbon stock and nutrient content in sand dunes after afforestation by Prosopis juliflora in the Khuzestan province (Iran). iForest 10, pp. 585-589.
- Ebrahimi Askari, A., Moradi, M., Basiri, R., Mirzaei, J., Ghasemi, A. 2019. Evaluation of soil physiochemical properties and regeneration of Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce stands in southern Iran. Iranian Journal of Forest. 11(2), pp. 255-267.
- Dale, P., Dixon, M., Fortin, P., Legendre, D.E., Myers, M.S. 2002. Conceptual and mathematical relationships among methods for spatial analysis. Ecography 25, pp. 558-577.
- Getzin, S., Wiegand, K. 2007. A symmetric tree growth at the stand level: Random crown patterns and the response to slope. Forest Ecology and Management, 242, pp. 165-174.
- Abhishek, S., Ujwala, P., Shivani, K., Meeta, B. 2013. Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of Tecomella undulata leaves crude Extracts. Int. Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 2(6), pp. 60-62.
- Zolfaghari, Z., Moradi, M., Basiri, R., Ghasemi, A. 2018. Evaluation of Tecomella undulata stands structure in Bushehr province. Journal of Environment Science and Technology, 19(4), pp. 49-65. (In Persian)
- Zolfaghari, Z., Moradi, M., Basiri, R. Ghasemi, A. 2017. Evaluation of soil physicochemical properties of Tecomella undulata in Busher province. Forest and Wood Products, 70(2), pp. 273-280. (In Persian)
- Khan, T.I., Dular, A.K., Solomon, D.M. 2003. Biodiversity Conservation in the Thar Desert; with Emphasis on Endemic and Medicinal Plants. Environmentalist, 23(2), pp. 137-144.
- Chal, J., Kumar, V., Kaushik, S. 2011. A Phytopharmacological overview on Tecomella undulata Don. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 1, pp. 11-12.
- Tyagi, H., Tomar, K., 2013. Factors affecting in vitro Shoot Proliferation and Rooting of Mature Tecomella undulata (Sm.) Seem Tree. Research in Plant Sciences, 1(2), pp. 38-44.
- Bhaui, B.S., Negi, M.S., Jindal, S.K., Sing, M., Lakshunikumaran, M., 2007. Assessing genetic diversity of Tecomella undulata (Sm.)–An endangered tree species using amplified fragment length polymorphisms-based molecular marker. Current Science, 93(1), pp. 67–72.
- Mohsenzadeh, S., Amiri, A.A., Sayyadnia Tayyebi, N. 2010. Lapachol extraction from inner bark stem of Tecomella undulata (Roxb.) Seem. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 26(1), pp. 114-120. (In Persian)
- Kalia, R.K., Rai, M.K., Sharma, R., Bhatt, R.K. 2014. Understanding Tecomella undulata: an endangered pharmaceutically important timber species of hot arid regions. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 61(7), pp. 1397-1421.
- Cheng, X., Han, H., Kang, F., Song, Y., Liu, K. 2014. Point pattern analysis of different life stages of Quercus liaotungensis in Lingkong Mountain, Shanxi Province, China. Journal of Plant Interactions, 9(1), pp. 233-240.
- Saei, E.K., Abedini, S., Ghaderi, N., Soltani, A. 2014. Spatial distribution pattern of oak and almond trees on Chahartagh forest reservation site. International Journal of Biosciences, 4(3), pp. 158-163.
- Li, L., Huang, Z., Ye, W., Cao, H., Wei, S., Wang, Z. and He, F., 2009. Spatial distributions of tree species in a subtropical forest of China. Oikos, 118(4), pp. 495-502.
- Subedi, M.R. and Timilsina, Y.P., 2014. Distribution Pattern of Cinnamomum tamala in Annapurna Conservation Area, Kaski, Nepal. Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 15(2), pp. 29-36.
- Wang, M., Li, Y.Y., Niu, P., Chu, G.M. 2015. Spatial Pattern Formation and Intraspecific Competition of Anabasis Aphylla Population in the Diluvial Fan of Junggar Basin, Nw China. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 47(2), pp. 543-550.
- Nouri Z., Feghhi J., Marvie Mohadjer M.R. 2014. Spatial distribution and volume of dead trees in Fagus orientalis stands of Iran (Case Study: Gorazbon district of Kheyrud forest). Natural Ecosystems of Iran, 5(1), 1-14. (In Persian)
- Chu, G., Wang, M. and Zhang, S., 2014. Spatial Patterns and associations of dominant woody species in desert–oasis ecotone of South Junggar Basin, NW China. Journal of Plant Interactions, 9(1), pp. 738-744.
- Safari, A., Shabanian, N., Erfanifard, S.Y., Heidari, R.H., Purreza, M. 2010. Investigation of spatial pattern of wild pistachio (Pistacia atlantica Desf.) (Case study: Bayangan forests, Kirmanshah). Iranian Journal of Forest. 2(2), 177-185. (In Persian)
- Schleicher, J., Wiegand, K., Ward, D. 2011. Changes of woody plant interaction and spatial distribution between rocky and sandy soil areas in a semi-arid savanna, South Africa. Journal of arid environments, 75(3), pp. 270-278.
- Krebs, C.J. 1999. Ecological Methodology. Second Edition. Addison Wesley Educational Publishers Inc., Menlo Park, CA.
- Bonham, C.D., 2013. In Measurements for Terrestrial Vegetation. Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Oxford, Uk.
- Maasoumi Babaarabi, M., Basiri, R., Moradi, M., Kiani B. 2018. Spatial pattern of Populus euphratica in pure and mixed stands of Maroon, Behbahan Journal of Plant Research (Iranian Journal of Biology). 30(4), pp. 927-939. (In Persian)
- Khanhasani, M., Akhavan, R., Sagheb-Talebi, K.H., Vardanyan, Z.H. 2013. Spatial patterns of Oak species in the Zagrosian forests of Iran. International Journal of Biosciences, 3(8), pp. 66-75.
- Basiri, R., Sohrabi, H., Mozayen, M. 2006. A Statistical Analysis of the Spatial Pattern of Trees Species in Ghamisheleh Marivan Region, Iran. Journal of the Iranian Natural Resource, 59(2), pp. 579-588. (In Persian)
- Sohrabi, H. 2014. Spatial pattern of woody species in Chartagh forest reserve, Ardal. Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 22(1), pp. 27-38. (In Persian)
- Pillay, T., Ward, D. 2012. Spatial pattern analysis and competition between Acacia karroo trees in humid savannas. Plant Ecology, 213(10), pp. 1609-1619.
- Mahmoodi, A., Soheili, I., Farokh-Nejad, I. 2013. Ecological characteristics of the Tecomella undulata tree Case study (DARAB), Journal of Biodiversity and Ecological Sciences, 3, pp. 41- 47.
- Wiegand, T., Moloney, K. 2004. Rings, circles, and null‐models for point pattern analysis in ecology. Oikos, 104 (2): 209-229.
- Zobeiri, M. 2008. Forest Biometry. University of Tehran Press. 407p. (In Persian)
- Moeur, M. 1993. Characterizing spatial patterns of trees using stem- mapped data. Forest science, 39(4), pp. 756-775.
- Schiffers, K., Schurr, F.M., Tielborger, K., Urbach, C., Moloney, K. and Jeltsch, F. 2008. Dealing with virtual aggregation- a new index for analyzing heterogeneous point patterns. Journal of Ecography, 31, pp. 545-555.
- Camarero, J.J., Gutierrez E., Fortin, M.J. 2000. Spatial pattern of sub-alpine grassland ecotones in the Spanish central Pyrenees, Forest Ecology and Management 134, pp. 1-16.
- Perry, G.L.W. 2004. SpPack: spatial point pattern analysis in Excel using visual basic for applications (VBA). Environmental Modelling and Software, 19, pp. 559-569.
- Besag, J. 1977. Contribution to the discussion of Dr. Ripley's paper. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 39, pp. 193-195.
- Stoyan, D., Stoyan, H. 1994. Fractals, Random Shapes and Point Fields. John Wiley & Sons, UK.
- Illian, J.A., Penttinen, H., Stoyan Stoyan, D. 2008. Statistical Analysis and Modelling of Spatial Point Patterns. John Wiley & Sons Pub., UK.
- Fortin, M.J., Dale, M.R.T. 2005. Spatial Analysis, A Guide for Ecologists. Cambridge University Press, UK.
- van Lieshout, M.N.M. 2011. A J-function for inhomogeneous point processes. Statistica Neerlandica, 65, pp. 183-201.
- Baddeley, A., Gregori, P., Mateu, J., Stoica, R., Stoyan, D. 2006. Case studies in spatial point process modeling, Springer Lecture Notes in Statistics.
- Wiegand, T., Moloney, K.A. 2014. Handbook of spatial point pattern analysis in ecology. Chapman and Hall Book publication.
- Odum, E.P., Odum, H.T., Andrews, J., 1971. Fundamentals of ecology. Philadelphia: Saunders.
- Zhang, Q., Zhang, Y., Peng, S., Yirdaw E., Wu, N. 2009. Spatial structure of Alpine trees in mountain Baima Xueshan on the southeast Tibetan plateau. Silva Fennica, 43, pp. 197-208.
- Moradi, M., Imani F., Naji, H.R., Moradi Behbahani, S., Ahmadi, M.T. 2017. Variation in soil carbon stock and nutrient content in sand dunes after afforestation by Prosopis juliflora in the Khuzestan province (Iran). iForest 10, pp. 585-589.
- Ebrahimi Askari, A., Moradi, M., Basiri, R., Mirzaei, J., Ghasemi, A. 2019. Evaluation of soil physiochemical properties and regeneration of Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce stands in southern Iran. Iranian Journal of Forest. 11(2), pp. 255-267.
- Dale, P., Dixon, M., Fortin, P., Legendre, D.E., Myers, M.S. 2002. Conceptual and mathematical relationships among methods for spatial analysis. Ecography 25, pp. 558-577.
- Getzin, S., Wiegand, K. 2007. A symmetric tree growth at the stand level: Random crown patterns and the response to slope. Forest Ecology and Management, 242, pp. 165-174.