Union with God, Common Charge of Ayn al-Quzat Hamidani and Meister Eckhart
Subject Areas : Christianity
1 - Assistant Professor of Theology Faculity, PayamNoor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Union with God, Identity, Ayn al-Quzat Hamidani, Meister Eckhart, Detachment,
Abstract :
This Article Consecrate on Fana (“Annihilation”) and Union with God as most important belief and charge of Ayn al-Quzat Hamidani and Meister Eckhart. Because of this Ayn al-Quzat is accused to claim of prophethood but he defended himself against this charge in his book. Many of Eckhart’s thoughts like The Image of God in the Soul, The Birth of the Son in the Soul, Detachment, Union of Good man with Son are preliminaries or results of Union with God and all of them were seen by Christian authorities as Heretics. The question is whether, despite the fundamental differences between Christianity and Islam, the charge of heresy against the two is the same? How do they defend themselves against this accusation and how different are they from each other? Ayn al-Quzat consider Sufism to be an esoteric science that purity is the condition for access to it. Eckhart also deals in detail with the preliminaries and requirements of union with God. In both minds, God is central to unity. Ayn al-Quzat’s annihilation is the result of man's ascension but Eckhart's union is the result of God's revelation. Both mystics use metaphors and allegories to express the truth of doom, and in many cases come very close to each other.
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