Fundamental Myths in Yārsān's (Ahl-e haq's) Belief
Subject Areas : Christianity
Mazdak Tavassoli
Fatemeh Lajevardi
1 - Comparative studies of religions & mysticism in olum tahghighat- Azad university
2 - Department of Religion and Mysticism, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Yārsān, Ahl-i haq, essence of God, Incarnation, Haftan, Haftuān,
Abstract :
Soltan Ṣahāk has founded Yārsān (Ahl-i haq) in 14th century C.E. and Yārsān’s followers have expanded in parts of Kermanshah, Kurdestan, Hamedan, Lurestan, Azarbaijan, Mazandaran and Iraq. There are both theoretical and practical elements in Yārsāni tradition which are reflected in its rich mythology so one can trace Yārsāni theology, cosmology and anthropology in their myths. According to these myths, although God is transcendent, He has a close connection with men and angels. This ideas justifies their belief in God's incarnations (dunādun). God with the aid of angels creates the world and this idea on the one hand clarifies the relationship between God and angles and, on the other hand, is a source for several Yārsāni rituals such as Tanbour-playing and their cult of sacrifice. Some of Yārsāni myths have their roots in more ancient myths. However, by studying Yārsāni myths one can acquire a deeper understanding about their beliefs and rituals. This article tries to survey Yārsāni theology, cosmology, angelology and anthropology according to their myths.
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