Study the Long-Term Effects of Industrial and Agricultural Uses on the Fluctuations of the Groundwater Level of Shazand Plain
Subject Areas : Water resources management
Siamak Amiri
Ahmad Rajabi
Saeid Shabanlou
Fariborz Yosefvand
Mohammad ali Izadbakhsh
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Water Engineering, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.
2 - Department of Water Engineering, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.
3 - Department of Water Engineering, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.
4 - Department of Water Engineering, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.
5 - Department of Water Engineering, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.
Keywords: Groundwater level, Hydraulic Conductivity, irrigation efficiency, GMS Numerical model,
Abstract :
Background and Aim: Nowadays, by increasing the water demand in different sectors, the withdrawal amount from groundwater resources is increasing leading to more drawdown of Markazi province aquifers. One of the most suitable methods for the optimal management of groundwater resources is the analysis of the behavior of aquifers in various conditions using mathematical models. The objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of withdrawal for agricultural and industrial consumptions on the groundwater level of the Shazand plain located in Markazi Province and the impact of a 20% increase in irrigation efficiency of farms in the case of the development of under pressure and low-consumption systems using the GMS numerical model. Method: First, the conceptual and numerical model of the Shazand aquifer was executed in the GMS software and calibrated in the steady state. Then, the model was recalibrated in a transient state for the statistical period from October 2015 to September 2019. To examine the reactions of the model to the changes of important and effective parameters, the sensitivity analysis of the model was performed and the model was verified for the statistical period of October 2019 to September 2021. Then, the changes in the groundwater level in the aquifer under two reference management scenarios and increasing irrigation efficiency were investigated and compared. In the reference scenario assuming the continuation of the current conditions and in the efficiency increase scenario assuming a 20% increase in irrigation efficiency, the simulation of changes in the groundwater level in the entire Shazand plain for the upcoming 20 years from October 2021 to September 2041 was carried out. Results: Based on the obtained results, the RMSE error value related to the steady state recalibration is about 0.7 meters and the average RMSE error value in the transient state in all months of simulation in two recalibration and validation periods is less than 0.6 meters, which shows the high accuracy of the model in simulating the groundwater level in the whole plain. The sensitivity analysis showed that the changes in specific yield and hydraulic conductivity parameters have the greatest effect on the fluctuations of groundwater in the whole plain. The results showed that in the reference scenario, the drop in the groundwater level at the end of the 20-year operation period is 3.95 meters. In the scenario of a 20% increase in efficiency, with the reduction of extraction from wells due to the increase in irrigation efficiency, the amount of drop will reach 2.76 meters, in which case the amount of drop will be mitigated by 1.2 meters. Conclusion: According to the results, the highest drop in the groundwater level in both reference and increase in efficiency scenarios in the central areas of the plain is 9.2 and 6.9 meters, respectively, and the lowest drop in the western areas of the plain is 1 and 0.5 meters, respectively. Considering that the agricultural sector has the greatest impact on the level drop in the aquifer in the central areas of the plain, it is better to focus management plans to control withdrawal from the aquifer, such as increasing efficiency or modifying the cultivation pattern, on this sector. In case of the implementation of systems under pressure and increasing efficiency in the plain, the amount of drawdown in the region will be mitigated to some extent, but the problem will not be solved and it is necessary to implement supplementary programs to cultivate high consumption plants instead of high consumption crops and in the industry sector instead of extracting groundwater, treated municipal wastewater should be used.
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