Investigation of economic, social, cultural and managerial mechanisms in urban agriculture development (Case study of Karaj city)
Subject Areas : Agricultural Extension and Education Research
Moharram-Ali Torabi
Seyed Jamal Farajolah-Hosseini
Seyed Mehdi Mirdamadi
Farhad Lashgarara
1 - Student of Department of Economics, Extension and Agricultural Development, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Economics, Extension and Agricultural Development, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Economics, Extension and Agricultural Development, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Department of Economics, Extension and Agricultural Development, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Food security, Urban Agriculture, Urban Agricultural Mechanisms, Iran,
Abstract :
Due to the growing population in cities, one of the most neglected issues is the urban agricultural development. This study seeks to investigate the impact of economic, social, cultural and managerial mechanisms on the development of urban agriculture in the Kraj city. This research is of applied type and after presenting the basics of the subject and research background, the data obtained from the distribution of the questionnaire in the statistical population of 127 experts have been analyzed using Smart-PLS software. Based on the results of this study, the KMO number (greater than 0.7) and the significance number of Bartlett test (<0.05sig) indicate the appropriate factor analysis for the data. The results of this study indicate the appropriateness of all questions in the process of factor analysis and because the number of subscriptions to the questions is more than 0.5, the validity of the questions has been confirmed. Also, after analyzing the results in this study, it was found that four assumptions of this study, including economic mechanisms, social mechanisms, cultural mechanisms and management mechanisms and related items have affected the development of urban agriculture in Karaj.
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